on 3/27/10 11:25 am - Canada
That is my website, I'm afraid.  I no longer refer anyone there, but I have not had a chance to have his information removed yet.  I am hoping the web company will have it gone in the next few days.

Sorry for the confusion :) And thank you for the kind words.

HW: 225  |  SW: 198  |  CW: 123 | Height: 5' 7.5"  I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!
13 lbs below goal :)
(deactivated member)
on 3/27/10 11:50 am
 Thanks very much for your reply.

Yikes! I'm glad I don't have your web company! If it took mine 2 months to take down a website...

There could be a lot of people, like me, who could have booked with the clinic since you, orally, stopped referring people to the clinic, in January, yes? sounds like your web company is extremely negligent. Good luck with them.

Take care,
(deactivated member)
on 3/27/10 4:59 pm - AZ
On March 27, 2010 at 5:58 PM Pacific Time, TheDoubleFlame wrote:

While researching VSG clinics/hospitals, I came across your website. And then I found a couple of your posts on OH. Your experience was one of the ones I put into the "it seems reliable" pile.

And, I think it is very courageous of you to come forward with this information.

But, I am confused so please help. Is your website? And is that you on the home page? If so, I don't understand why the site still promotes Betancourt, Almanza and the clinic -- or at least it did earlier today.

Thank you.

Maybe for the same reason youw own website promoting Betantcourt still shows photos of the OLD clinic vs. the new crappy clinic?

Shall we all take a looksie?


on 3/27/10 5:22 pm - Canada
HW: 225  |  SW: 198  |  CW: 123 | Height: 5' 7.5"  I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!
13 lbs below goal :)
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/10 12:41 am - AZ
On March 28, 2010 at 12:22 AM Pacific Time, PeanutFreeMom wrote:

DoubleFlame is a Betancourt coordinator.  She's slam dunking you because you still had Betancourt/Almanza on your website and she has no room to talk.  She has photos of the old clinic on her own website.  Kinda like she's trying to hide what the new clinic looks like.

Nothing like having surgery in the old Costco strip mall in Tijuana.   Isn't there an x-rated book store in that strip mall as well?  What a classy place to have major surgery, you know?

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/10 3:29 am
"DoubleFlame is a Betancourt coordinator.  She's slam dunking you because you still had Betancourt/Almanza on your website and she has no room to talk.  She has photos of the old clinic on her own website.  Kinda like she's trying to hide what the new clinic looks like.

Nothing like having surgery in the old Costco strip mall in Tijuana.   Isn't there an x-rated book store in that strip mall as well?  What a classy place to have major surgery, you know?"

Hi Mel,

Whatever you had to say about Betancourt, you backed up with evidence. From my perspective, which is about the research and giving it to everyone to check out for themselves, it's the right thing to do.

There is something called the "halo effect" (Starke & Sexty, 2002). It means people fall into the trap of thinking someone is "all good" because s/he was correct or doing 1 thing right. Celebrate that 1 thing; but please be aware of the rest.

I tell you this for 2 reasons. One is because you seem to have quite a following on this board, plus you would be able to help new people coming onto the board. So, I ask that you ask posters to provide evidence to back up their statements -- this helps the research process and the results, for everyone, just as you did. Please use your leadership on this board to keep people "honest" -- to have them provide evidence for what they state.

The second reason is because your integrity is now tied to that of Midwesterngirl. The good thing is that it's very clear that your approaches to research and people are very different, which gives you some distance. On the other hand, she is absolutely not correct on so many other things, including but not limited to her posting practises. The halo effect also works in reverse -- you know the saying: 1 bad apple spoils the whole basket? You and so many others (yes, including me) are one of those other apples in that basket. Please use your leadership on this board to keep this from happening.

I don't particularly care about what she says about me because none of it is true. And, for a researcher, it's a good thing because she provides excellent examples of what not to do -- to the research process and to people, in general. I am not a coordinator, I have absolutely no stake in who goes to what surgeon and I don't have a website -- but given the "halo" that now seems to surround Midwesterngirl, who would be believed?

Anyway, since this is such a hot topic now and it is really you that is the woman of the hour, I ask that you please consider this. Either way, thanks for listening.

Be well,

on 3/28/10 3:54 am - Canada
Thanks for the kind words Cheryl.

I don't think you are a coordinator, for the record :)

HW: 225  |  SW: 198  |  CW: 123 | Height: 5' 7.5"  I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!
13 lbs below goal :)
on 3/27/10 11:53 am
After the beatings MWG has taken here for trying to look out for others, I 'm glad to see the second validation.  I'd think I'd see some apologies here too.

I know the surgery is expensive, but it is not worth risking your life with someone using unethical and risky practices.   

 (23 prior to surgery)   

 I'm 5'8"
The old broad


on 3/27/10 12:16 pm
Sounds to me like he's threatening you with some sort of scary mob hit if you ever go to Mexico again.
Is the man that insane that he would put that in a traceable email?
You are a brave woman for sure!

And thank you for these discussions, because I think I am going to end up self paying for the procedure and I definately do not want all those infections, or to go somewhere associated with a doctor that would threaten such horrible things.

Please stay safe!
on 3/27/10 2:56 pm - Silver Spring, MD
Once again, Mel and MWG, you two impress me with your honesty, integrity and your concern for others by exposing this fraud. 

And the not so veiled threats, I assume you've reported those as well!
How scary this is for those seeking self-pay in Mexico! 

This is a real wake up call to research your surgeon and clinic, and not just their brochure and website.  No matter if in or out of the US.

Kudo's to you both!


HW:287  SW:253  CW: 178 (75 lbs lost since surgery)  GW: 165

Ticker reflects weight loss since start of WLS journey (April 2009):

"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better, Better & BETTER!" ~ José Silva 

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