on 1/2/11 4:33 am - Mexico
On November 15, 2010 at 12:46 PM Pacific Time, Cylent wrote:
Dr Betancourt should have a buy a car and get a gastric sleeve half off promo  
HAHAHA!  I missed this in November!  Priceless!

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/1/11 10:16 pm - Westland, MI
     Hello all!  I was a patient of Dr. Betancourt's facility in Tijuana on March 6th, 2010.  I am at the least very upset someone would post publicly such a horrific charge with nothing more to go on than someone emailed them with such a false claim.  

     My husband and I were treated with nothing less than professionalism during our visit to both the clinic and the recovery home.  I also find the "letter" allegedly written from Dr. Betancourt very hard to believe.  Having spent the four days in Dr. Betancourt's presence my impression of him is at the least very well spoken and educated.  This letter doesn't express either.  

I would like to make a suggestion to anyone who has read this terrible claim to keep in mind what I am about to say.

1. Dr. Betancourt is in charge of the facility and has many employees whom have been with him as much as 18 years now.  (Do you really think an allegation like this would take this long to surface?)

2. My husband and I have made many comments about how safe, caring and gracious Dr. Betancourt and his staff made us feel to other prospective patients.  (I have had a series of surgeries in America and have yet to experience the service and compassion we experienced under the care of Dr. Betancourt.)

3. With copy & paste, anything can be published online. (Think about it! It happens every day!)

4. What really happened between this patient and the facility? (Sounds like there is some type of a motive here to destroy Dr. Betancourt's name publicly. I mean the writer did say Dr. Betancourt was responsible for giving her her health and life back and she had a very good experience.  This is how Dr. Betancourt is repaid? WOW!) 

5. Keep in mind weight loss clinics are very competitive in Mexico because of the amount of revenue they earn.  (I would not put a falsified claim past Dr. Betancourt's competitors.)

6. Claimant said, "But I think the only ethical thing to do is let you all know what I now know." Know what?  There is a claim such as this and the only research done was by a person who doesn't speak Spanish?  Come on.  Think about the weak facts of this claim.  

     I ask you to make your decision with an open mind.  The original claimant said and I quote, "I'm so sorry, this is hard for me, as I felt that "Dr." Betancourt gave me my life and my health back.  I certainly didn't have anything against him personally.  I actually had a very good experience there."

     I am another patient and I feel the same way being down 118 lbs in 10 months!!!!!!!!!! Never EVER seeing anything to make me question the quality of care I received.  

You be the judge!  
on 1/2/11 4:35 am - Mexico
On January 2, 2011 at 6:16 AM Pacific Time, tinatella wrote:
     Hello all!  I was a patient of Dr. Betancourt's facility in Tijuana on March 6th, 2010.  I am at the least very upset someone would post publicly such a horrific charge with nothing more to go on than someone emailed them with such a false claim.  

     My husband and I were treated with nothing less than professionalism during our visit to both the clinic and the recovery home.  I also find the "letter" allegedly written from Dr. Betancourt very hard to believe.  Having spent the four days in Dr. Betancourt's presence my impression of him is at the least very well spoken and educated.  This letter doesn't express either.  

I would like to make a suggestion to anyone who has read this terrible claim to keep in mind what I am about to say.

1. Dr. Betancourt is in charge of the facility and has many employees whom have been with him as much as 18 years now.  (Do you really think an allegation like this would take this long to surface?)

2. My husband and I have made many comments about how safe, caring and gracious Dr. Betancourt and his staff made us feel to other prospective patients.  (I have had a series of surgeries in America and have yet to experience the service and compassion we experienced under the care of Dr. Betancourt.)

3. With copy & paste, anything can be published online. (Think about it! It happens every day!)

4. What really happened between this patient and the facility? (Sounds like there is some type of a motive here to destroy Dr. Betancourt's name publicly. I mean the writer did say Dr. Betancourt was responsible for giving her her health and life back and she had a very good experience.  This is how Dr. Betancourt is repaid? WOW!) 

5. Keep in mind weight loss clinics are very competitive in Mexico because of the amount of revenue they earn.  (I would not put a falsified claim past Dr. Betancourt's competitors.)

6. Claimant said, "But I think the only ethical thing to do is let you all know what I now know." Know what?  There is a claim such as this and the only research done was by a person who doesn't speak Spanish?  Come on.  Think about the weak facts of this claim.  

     I ask you to make your decision with an open mind.  The original claimant said and I quote, "I'm so sorry, this is hard for me, as I felt that "Dr." Betancourt gave me my life and my health back.  I certainly didn't have anything against him personally.  I actually had a very good experience there."

     I am another patient and I feel the same way being down 118 lbs in 10 months!!!!!!!!!! Never EVER seeing anything to make me question the quality of care I received.  

You be the judge!  
Heh... you believe Betancourt is a doctor?  In light of the PROOF that he's not?  Any bets that he still won't give up that license number?  He got caught with the first two being fake.

Very funny, indeed!

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 10/12/12 2:15 am - TX
In responce to post from Tinatella....

I myself was a patient at the Betancourt Medical Center, Tijuana, Mexico.  Just like others have mentioned, the preofessionalism from the staff was excellent, and the Surgical Center was very clean and sterile.  My surgery was performed by Dr Ramos Kelly, an excellent surgeon.  I had no complicartions what so ever.  My only problem is that I went to Mexico for a LapBand Surgery and later found out that instead of a LapBand they had used a less expensive Band made in France, but yet Betancourt Medical Center did not give me a discount they charged me the same price as they were charging all of their LapBand patients.  I was very disapointed.  Especially as I worked for a company that sold surgeries for Betancourt Medical Centers/Dr Andres Betancourt.  When I returned to the states, I quit my job, as I no longer had faith in the services we were selling.

The truth is the truth... Andres Andrade Betancourt is not a Doctor in Mexico, nor is he a Doctor in the U.S.A.... Andres Andrade Betancourt, A.K.A. Jose L. Perea, Age 41, does call himself Dr Betancourt. By calling himself Dr Betancourt, he leads everyone to believe that he is a doctor. I have found 15 different addresses for Andres Andrade Betancourt in CA. and a 16th adress for Jose L. Perea in Palm Coast, FL.  Is there a reson for him moving around so much?  Is he hiding from someone or something? He is Related to Jeana Perea, Age 40, which resides in Soledad, CA and to Adela Perea AKA Adela Alfaro, Age 42, which resides in Lomita, CA. Both Relatives will be contacted by my attorney.

Why does he use 2 names?

Why does he call himself Dr Betancourt, if he's not a doctor?

Why has he resided in 15/16 different addresses in the past, not including when he lived with his parents and his addresses in Mexico?

Why would he tell you that his employees have been with him for 18 years, when I don't recognize any employee's picture or names, and I was in Tijuana exacly 5 years ago today?

Why is it that everytime I research Dr Andres Betancourt, he has a different doctor doing the surgeries?  in the past 5 years there has been atleast 6 different doctors.

I had my surgery on October 12th, 2007.  I am a very strong individual, and was up and walking 2 1/2 hours after my surgery.  The next day I went shopping and even went for a make over at a salon, at the mall.  As I said before I have no complications from the surgery.  My only complaint is that I went for a LapBand Surgery and they used a cheaper band, that did not work.  I tried contacting Andres Betancourt after the surgery and he never returned my call.  I did speak to Shirley Roark (think that was her last name), and she would tell me that he would call me and I never heard back from him.  Shirley was always very nice and polite.  The company I worked for in Florida, no longer exist and told me I had to speak to Dr Betancourt about any problems.
So here I sit 5 years later minus $8,500.00 and not having lost all the weight I would have, should they hve put in a LapBand or done a different type of surgery.  I was very clear in telling them that I wanted to loose weight quickly.  I also feel that I was over charged.

I also tried to contact Dr Betancourt about a yr ago about another surgery and he refused to speak to me.  I left him 4 messages and finally one of his coordinators returned my call and told me that he was too busy to talk to me, and that he had no interest in speaking to me.  WOW HOW PROFESSIONAL ON HIS PART....

Again no one is doubting the center or his staff... Our doubts are all concentrated on Dr Betancourt, Dr Andres Andrade Betancourt, Andres Betancourt and Jose L. Perea, OH WAIT THEY ARE ALL THE SAME PERSON....

Esla Murphy

Bruce S.
on 1/1/11 11:37 pm - Portland, TN
Typically when I post something it kills the thread so here goes nothing.

This thread really needs to go away.  I do not know if the allegations are true or not so i am not going to comment either way however both sides have been argued long enough.  Let it go.  If people choose to go to him or any other surgeon I only hope they do their due diligence first and verify the credentials.  So let it go.
on 1/2/11 1:21 am - Westland, MI
 I agree!!! Amen to you Bruce!!
on 10/12/12 3:32 am - TX
Please correct me if I'm wrong..... You want to kill the post, because you had a good experience with your surgery?

OK, now understand this post has nothing to do with the surgery... It's all about the fact that we have a man in San Diego, CA and Mexico calling himself a doctor when in reality he's not even using his real name....

Let this post continue, until all the truth is known......
on 1/2/11 4:39 am - Mexico
I do hope you are not serious.  If you were considering going to this guy for surgery wouldn't you want all the available information?

All these threads are never going away.  They are on the hard drives of many people, permanently. 

Alex from LBT and VST is in business with Betancourt so he deletes most of the negatives about alllll the infections, the leaks, the perforated bowels, the works.  He does it so people won't see what a horror this place is.  OH doesn't do that and they shouldn't.

I can't believe you actually have this stance, to prevent people from doing quality research.  These threads can save lives.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/2/11 2:48 am
After reading the entire thread, I don't understand why anyone would want this thread to go away. If I were researching a doctor, a thread like this would help me ask questions of the facility that would help me put my mind at ease or to choose another doctor (there are others in MX).

When you are a medical professional, you know that no one with good ethics would work directly with someone who doesn't. If Dr. Almanza continues to work with this "Dr. Betancourt", it says quite a bit about his own ethics. Allowing someone who is not certified to remove drains or perform any other procedures is dangerous and in the U.S. it's illegal.
I've started blogging my journey here at OH

Single incision lap VSG 10/21/2010

Height 5'2
Pre-op weight: 260
Day of surgery: 240
Current weight: 190

on 1/2/11 2:55 am
VSG on 05/15/08 with
This is a thread to help not to hurt. Just read everything. See the people who have been hurt. I am glad your experience was great, they may have made changes. There are still are alot of injured people out there.
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