Really freaked out! Thoughts re Dr. Amanza

on 3/26/10 1:05 am - Hoover, AL
Hi Heather,
I have also believed what you have to say and the experience that you've had with Dr. Almanza. I believe all personal accounts with this doctor good or bad when they come directly from the patient. I'm so sorry that you had problems, I was very fortunate and did not. I only get upset when I see people that have never been to this surgeon and begin to publicly bash him when they have had no personal experience for themselves.

I think it is very important for everyone to come forward with their experiences...good and bad so that potential VSGers can make a decision based on facts and true accounts. It is often hard to ween out the truth on some of these boards because it seems that there are a lot of "know-it-nones" on here.

I too, cringe when I see these topics come up because it does always start a bit of a war. There is no winning side, just a difference in opinions and experiences with this surgeon. There is no reason for people to get angry or disbelieve each other because one of their surgeries went better or worse then the other. Everyone's opinions matter!!! Hopefully everyone will soon realize this and the war can eventually be over.

We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
(deactivated member)
on 3/31/10 1:43 pm - AZ
On March 26, 2010 at 1:52 AM Pacific Time, Heather D. wrote:
Thanks for your post, Mel. I know a lot of people respect your opinion and now maybe, finally, people will begin to actually believe those of us who had problems from our surgeries with Almanza. Everytime a post comes up regarding infection/Almanza, I cringe a little thinking about the flame war that is about to ensue. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks.


I have nothing to write but....(((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))

You are not alone!

on 3/26/10 2:14 am - TX
I just posted this long old thing on the Mexico forum...thought I would put it here too.

Post Date: 3/26/10 9:02 am
Hi Margo!

I do not question your intentions but I feel compelled to post MY EXPERIENCE with Dr. Almanza so that people do not get one sided information.  And yes, the things in those two posts are in fact very scary but they were not my experience at all.   I am certainly not trying to push my choice of surgeon on anyone...there are many greats ones to choose from....I simply want people to know that my experience was absolutely nothing but great in every way.  I am pasting part of a private message that I sent someone earlier today which sums it up.  In NO way am I accusing anyone of lying I am just saying that for ME, personally, many things do not add up therefore causing some doubts in my mind.  I hope you can all understand this.  Thanks!


exerpt from pm:

I hate this stuff.  I don't have time for it but it bothers me so much that I could hardly sleep last night.  The things that I do know are facts and are true for sure are my own experiences with the clinic and Dr. Almanza and Dr. Betancourt.  Dr. A is absolutely gorgeous and there is something about he has this swagger about him...I kind of got a crush on him immediately (lol).  I believe he is an excellent surgeon based on how I am feeling and because everything went perfectly for me...I didn't see him in action since I was out. lol   Dr. B is a very outgoing and charismatic man that you will absolutely fall in love with.  He came and sat on the foot of my bed and rubbed my legs after surgery and was being funny and silly.  He kept telling me I was sooooo beautiful and then he said, "But don't worry...I am gay."  It cracked me up and then he went on to say how handsome my husband is (should I worry now? lol) and said he looks like a country music singer and asked if he was one.   He was just really funny and personable and it was very comforting.  I just cannot believe that he is this money hungry "butcher" who puts his patients in danger.  All this "slice em and dice em" stuff...I'm just not buying it.  He stands to make waaaaayyyy more money (which he should....he is in the business of making money just like every other bariatric surgeon in the world is) by taking excellent care of his clients rather than cutting them up and leaving them with problems.  It is very obvious to me why he charges less.  For one, he owns the is a surgery center not a full on hospital which would certainly cost more.  You typically only stay there for 1 night.  With most of the other Mexican docs you stay in a full on hospital for 3 nights...this will obviously cost more.  So....if you factor those two things in then he is really NOT so much cheaper than the other docs and I don't understand why people don't see this.  I knew that under normal cir****tances that 1 night was enough because if I had the surgery here is Texas it would only be an overnight stay.  Most surgeries nowadays are done on an outpatient basis anyway so I think that 3 nights in a hospital is overkill and I didn't want to pay for it.  But... if it makes people feel more secure then they should go to one of those doctors and pay more to stay in the hospital the whole time...I totally understand that but so many people talk trash about Dr. Almanza simply because they think he is "too cheap" and "you get what you pay for"'s ridiculous!

The whole experience was NOTHING like what the two threads (and a few previous other ones) have portrayed them to be. The clinic and the house were immaculately spotless and I mean SPOTLESS!!  In fact, they were so clean that the smell was actually too strong for me and kind of gave me a headache.  There was literally someone cleaning at both places all day long.  No one at any time EVER touched me without putting on fresh gloves...I watched them do it.  I had lab work done at a lab when we first got there and then later they brought over the report and let us look at it.  A different doctor came in and gave me an EKG before they ever got me ready for surgery. There were only 4 surgeries done the day of mine and only 2 the following day.  They give everyone 3 leak tests, the last one being at a radiologist's clinic (not their's) and send you home with a xray of your tummy.  NEVER at anytime...not even for a second, did I feel scared or that I was putting my life in any kind of danger. 

Everyone there was so kind and they waited on us hand and food the entire time...basically we were treated like royalty.  They will even do your laundry if you like so you don't go home with a bag full of laundry to do.  Once they pick you up at the airport you never touch your bags again until they drop you back off at the airport 4 days later.  The shopping was fun.  Meeting and visiting with the other patients and their families was so fun and very interesting.  Our driver took my husband and some of the other patient's family members out to get food several times at some of the local food stands that he knew were good and my husband had some of the best food he'd ever eaten.  He completely enjoyed the trip and it was a vacation for not so much. lol 

So...all of this is to say that my experience, and that of MANY others, just does not match up with the horror stories so I cannot buy into it all.  If all this had come up two weeks ago I know I would have been freaked out but I "think" I would have stuck to my plan based on the FIRSTHAND experiences that I have no doubts about....not ones that in my mind are at the very least, questionable.  In fact, I am hoping my sister will want to have the surgery after she sees my results and unless some klnd of hard proof convinces me that these things are in fact true, I will take her to Dr. Almanza without hesitation. 
                                  Goal in EIGHT months!
         Highest/Surgery Weight 248 Goal Weight 165 Current Weight 165-175
                           Starting BMI 33.7 Current BMI 22.1
             I'm 42 years young, my height is 6' and I've had no plastics!
                                          I  my sleeve!!!
on 3/27/10 1:25 am - Canada, Canada
Thanks for a great post
on 3/26/10 4:50 am
When people say Dr Almanza's prices are much less, what are they comparing it to?  What are his prices compared to some of the other more talked about Mexican surgeons on here?  I would hope that prices have nothing to do with infection rates?  Or do they?  I am brand new here and this is my first post.  Just exploring the VSG and wanted to hear it all, the good, bad, and ugly.
(deactivated member)
on 3/26/10 5:06 am
 Welcome to the board!

Your questions have been answered a few times over in many different threads.

It's probably a good idea to put the word "almanza" into the search engine so you can get a better idea of what his patients and past referring representatives have to say. You can do the same for any other patient's doctor to be able to get comparison information.

Then, if you like, start your own thread to get information you couldn't find.

Congratulations on starting your research!
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