A Warning of a Scam coming from someone on this site
The Wu Yi Tea company said that they have had a LOT of this going on, and it appears to be from someone that is a member on this web site. They are disquising themselves by using e-mail addresses that have another persons name.
We discovered that we were being charged $60.43 a month for a product that we did NOT order. We have also had a bunch of other charges suddenly showing up, for things we have neither ordered nor received. Someone has extensively stolen from us, by ordering merchandise and charging it off to my account.
We have closed out that bank account, and they will no longer be able to charge anything to us.
I have contacted the Sherrif's office about this. If the person who did this will contact me directly, and make reimbursement, I will drop the case. Otherwise, I will encourage the Sherrif and the local prosecuting attorney to prosecute this person to the maximum extent possible. They already have the person's IP address (who their Internet server is), and they will issue an arrest warrant within the next 2 weeks.
This is a felony in Kentucky, and the person could spend up to five years in prison, lose their voting rights, and lose any chance of ever working in any licensed profession.
Because of this scam, I will soon be leaving this site, permanently. It seems that there is absolutely NO security here, and that anyone can access any and all of our information if they choose to do so.
The OH software has soooooooo many holes in it, most have NO idea!
This is why I do not use my real time name to sign up, I don't use my real time name on my cell phones, I do not use my real time ANYTHING!
Sorry this happened to you.
I used to volunteer forf Ebay/PayPal boards and I know a great deal of info on how to protect yourself. It's just sad that info is much needed info.
I will miss you. Thank you for all that you've given so freely to me and this community.
The Wu Yi Tea Company told me that they have had a number of complaints from people on this site, that they have been signed up for their products, with a valid Credit or Debit card number. In each case, they did NOT sign up, but this was done by someone else.
It appears that there is a pattern of someone that is accessing the IP numbers of people here, then hacking into their computer systems, and signing them up for products that they are charged for.
My debit card was used to charge well over $2,400.00 in phony charges (that I know of as of now).
I will get all of that refunded, but it is a real hassle. I have had to change Internet providers, get a new debit card with a different nuumber, get three new credit cards, with different numbers. I expect that some additional charges will eventually show up, and I will have to get those things taken care of.
This is nothing more than identity theft. The person involved opened an AOL account, and used my first name as an address. They then used that address, claiming to be me. AOL is cooperating with the local cops, and is providing the IP address of the person involved to them. But, if this is a really experienced hacker, they could have hidden their path, and they may never be identified.
Somebody may have thought this was a huge joke. It is a joke that will get them a felony conviction, if they are found out.
I can NOT take a chance that someone will track back my new IP address, and do this again.
I will be making one last post, and then I am gone.
Normal Weight Achievied July 17,2009
Surgery Weight 221 Size 18W
Current Weight 130-135 Size 4
Here at ObesityHelp we take our users’ security very serious. Our user's IP addresses are kept private and our store transactions are done through 256-bit encryption without credit card details stored.
In the case of a reported security breach or user's identify theft, we will work to resolve the issue as soon as possible, whether it is with the user or an appropriate law enforcement agency. If you have any further questions regarding this, please read our privacy policy and/or contact us directly with your concerns.
We recommend the following:
1. If you believe you have been scammed or solicited in an illegal manner, it is in your best interest to work with the appropriate parties versus attempting to make resolve with the scammers/solicitors.
2. If you need for us to be in contact with your local authorities, please contact us with your case number and contact name and we will be more than happy to work with them directly as your security through our site is very important to us.
3. Contact us immediately if you believe there is an area of our website that compromises your security.
Thank you,
ObesityHelp Staff