calories needed to maintain weight...

on 11/27/08 6:54 am
 LOL, yes, i know.  As i said, what was once a dream is now a concern.  "Seriously folks", it does become a real issue if u don'****ch the scale and the amounts of food ur eating.  All of a sudden, u get the "u have lost enough weight...gain back 10 pounds and u'll look better" routine.  I was okay until i went from an 8P to a 6P.  Sorta scared me..i know...we should all be so scared.  But, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing...know what i mean? 

"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." - Eleanor Roosevelt

REVISED GOAL:  125 lbs.

on 11/27/08 6:01 am - Northern, CA
There is a machine you breath into that will tell you what your resting metabolic rate is. It's really the only way to know how many calories you need. The charts and formulas can get you in the ballpark, but many of them wildly over-estimate how many calories you burn at rest (they aren't based on formerly obese people, is my guess). OTOH, if you are very athletic and have a lot of muscles, it might under-estimate.

Trainers often have these machines. If you live in NorCal, I know someone who has a business doing these kinds of measurements. She can do your body fat too. PM me and I'll send you her contact info.

Anyway, as long as the formulas are inexact, I use this one:

weight X 100 = calories

So if you want to weigh 120, you need 1200 calories. I find this one to be as accurate as any online site. When I weighed 220, I was consuming 2200 calories a day, for example.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 11/27/08 6:49 am
 Unfortunelately, i don't live in or near NoCal.  However, ur formula looks good as all of the charts that i tried today gave me answers very close to urs.  Seems easiest to do it ur way.  Thanks.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." - Eleanor Roosevelt

REVISED GOAL:  125 lbs.

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