Am I crashing? I need help pls!
WooHootiHoo! I have made it to 109!!!! A total of 190lbs lost!
Oh darling, you sound to me like you are clinically depressed. This is a mental illness, not a matter of self control or something to be ashamed of. The candy is just a form of self-medication. It is just like some people will take drugs or alcohol to try and feel better but essentially they really make you feel worse in the long term.
I work in mental health policy and I believe you should try and get some professional help. Unfortunately, I don't know the American health system so I can't advise you where you should go for help but I would start with your local doctor. Tell them you are depressed and how you feel. Don't say "I'm depressed because I have started eating again" I think you are eating because you are depressed - not the other way around. Ask for medical advice on treatment options and consider whether medication, therapy and/or support groups are right for you.
A very good Australian website on depression is:
I am really sorry you are feeling this way because you have the right to feel valued and valuable. Please seek help and don't blame yourself

Opps, just read the rest of your posts and realised that my advice is out of date ---- despite that though if you have reentered depression and you aren't getting the treatment you need then it is time for an adjustment. If you doctor doesn't help - consider getting a second opinion.
Also - you seem to be looking for a purpose. Perhaps you could think about what you might like to get involved in. e.g. a community group, charity, local theatre, sport, craft, perhaps homeing pigeons even and consider joining something like that

So ((((Hugs)))), stay talking with your dr.; buy a notebook / journal and start dreaming! Do you best to get back to food rules: protein firs****er drinking, vitamin taking, exercise. And know that we are here for you!