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Topic: RE: Preparing Finacially
I have United Healthcare--they paid 80% of all fees once I paid my deductible. I figure I paid around $900 out of pocket. That includes hospital, anesthesia, doctor, phych doctor, etc. I felt that was pretty good, too. Hope that is helpful. My surgery was April in "o5, so that would change from year to year (for sure!!!!) Best wishes!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Preparing Finacially
Hey thanks really appreciate your response I hope to get some more feedback.
Topic: RE: Preparing Finacially
I also had insurance. Got approved and sawed open within a month. My only out of pocket was $10 co-pays for every doctor and nutritionist appointment. About $100 total so far.
Hope this helps, and good luck.
Topic: Preparing Finacially
Aloha everyone just wanted to get some information on out of pocket cost for WLS more sprecifically VGB. I have great insurance but of course preapproval is needed. My question is after approva what where your actual cost out of pocket. I met Dr. Cirangle here in Hawaii and felt very compfortable with him, being a nurse I think I have a little more insight on MD's. So if anyone could help me exp if SFLap surgeons did your surgery. Mahalo!
Topic: RE: 2 Months Post-Op - 73.6 Pounds Lighter
I am glad to help. I expect success, and I am doing my work. It is hard, but will be worth it. I researched all three main surgeries and thought that VBG gave best benefit vs. complication risk. Everyone has an opinion though. Good luck with your surgery.
Topic: RE: 2 Months Post-Op - 73.6 Pounds Lighter
Wow, this was very informative! I am getting ready to have my surgery (hopefully at the end of March, beginning of April), and have chose VBG. I am very optimistic about the weight loss, but terrified of the surgery and any complications!
Thanks for the typical day of eating, that was really helpful!
Topic: RE: 2 Months Post-Op - 73.6 Pounds Lighter
I have been going to support, and they agree that once the pouch is stretched or the staples fail, the the only way to change it back is another surgery (revision is what they call it) and most go from VBG to RNY second time around. There are 2 people in my group like this and many more on the boards.
BUT, you could still follow the 4-6oz restriction eventhough not forced to, and exercise, etc. In other words do the program even if you don't feel forced to anymore. Hope this helps. You could always call Dr.H's office to cross check.
Topic: RE: 2 Months Post-Op - 73.6 Pounds Lighter
Is that true? Once stretched, can't be unstretched?
I had VBG almost 2 years ago (Dr. Harberg). I dropped 80 lbs. by Dec of 2004, but have not lost anymore since then. I'm now gaining back. I feel like I can eat and eat and eat.
Any insights?
Topic: RE: Need advice quickly please
Hi Mark,
I already tried to respond once to this and messed it up....I hope this goes through. The sleeve gastrectomy is a surgery that removes part of the stomach. It removes the part that has Grenlin hormones (I am sure that is not spelled correctly) With it removed the Idea is that you should not be as hungry anymore.
Things are going will with me. Its hard to get in enough water but I am trying. I am learning more about what foods I can and cannot tolerate. I am becoming comfortable with the new way of life and embracing it. I have decided that If I do not work this surgery to the best of my ability It will have all been done in vain. So, I am keeping my head up and my nose the the grindstone.
I would still love to hear from you all on a regular basis.
My email is [email protected] and also I go to the chat on here in the evening. My name on there is Teresa_T Oh and this is my profile link.
Thanks everybody.....Teresa Have a great day!!!!
Topic: RE: I HAD VBG Back IN 1987...Lessons Learned
Hi Becky
When you say it came undone, what exactly do you mean? In my case the staples didn't stay tightly stitched and that made my stomach start to stretch out. I know how you feel about feeling devastated at regaining 50 lbs. but at least your still down 40lbs. Also your being proactive about getting a revision and I think thats great!
I'm scheduled to have my revision on April 18th and will be having the LapBand. Good luck with whatever WLS revision you decide on and keep in touch, I'd love to know how you make out!