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Topic: RE: Who still performs This One?
Hi I am also searching for info. But I have gotten in touch with a wonderful group in the San Fransisco Bay area. They have been so helpful so far and their sucess rate with the VG surgery is phenominal. I know its not quite as close as you probably would like but look up thier web site it has so much info. . I'm not sure who says the sucess rate is bad because it certainly is untrue. Read the testamonials. Good Luck!!!
Topic: RE: I HAD VBG Back IN 1987...Lessons Learned
No date yet. My surgeon required me to get profession counseling before he would agree to do a revision. I just finished that part up, and went to see him on 3/23. Still waiting on insurance approval. Once we get that, then they will schedule my surgery. Please pray that I am approved! Thanks!
Topic: RE: I HAD VBG Back IN 1987...Lessons Learned
My surgeon told me that the long term results for the VBG are not very good. The majority of people regain weight. He said that there is proof that alot of times the staples start separating on their own after the first couple of years even if we don't overeat. In that case we then start to become hungrier and the whole cycle begins.
I have met or talked to other people who have gone from VBG to Lapband and they have been successful. Some for over 2 yrs.
I also have recently met people who have had RNY (and no previous surgery) and they are very happy with their results.
For myself, I like the fact that the LapBand is the least invasive and does not cause malabsorption issues. Also some RNY patients have to deal with terrible smelly gas and bowel movements including diahrea and I don't want to.
I think the LapBand and RNY are both effective for WLS and you just have to hope you have the least amount or no complications or side effects and do your best to follow the rules for which ever one you choose to gain maximum optimal results.
Good luck with the RNY, do you have a date yet?
Donna A.
Topic: RE: I HAD VBG Back IN 1987...Lessons Learned
I love the way your answered this. You are so right. There are ups and downs with both. I was told by my surgeon that you can't revise the VBG to the Lapband, because it doesn't work. He didn't go into detail about it, and I didn't ask him why, because I had already decided to do the RNY. I have many friends who went this route and don't regret it.
When I had my VBG, I can honestly say I followed the rules, but the staples still pulled apart. Even my husband says he's puzzled. I don't remember throwing up or eating too much. But I have a friend who had hers done the same day I did (right after me) and hers is still intact and working fine (and she NEVER follows the rules). Go figure.
You have to do what is best for you. It's a lifetime decision, so you're the one that has to live with it. Nobdy can tell you either way.
Topic: RE: I HAD VBG Back IN 1987...Lessons Learned
When I say, "it came undone," I meant my staples came loose. The band is still in tact, but the staples pulled apart, and now I can eat as much as I ever did before. I'm waiting on insurance approval now for the revision. Please pray for me that they approve it so I can start losing again!
(deactivated member)
on 3/25/06 4:54 am - San Francisco, CA
on 3/25/06 4:54 am - San Francisco, CA
(deactivated member) has deleted this message.
Topic: RE: I HAD VBG Back IN 1987...Lessons Learned
Hi Laura,
My name is Unique and I would like to get the lap band as well. I have started the process and my surgeon said the same thing. She recommended the RYN. The reason for it was, women loss weight, but because we are more of junkfood eaters she recommeds the RYN. Men eat moe food then we do I do like junk food but if I want to lose the weight then I just wont have it. Besides you have to work with any of the surgerys. There will be things that you cant do. If you feel strongly that you can do it, get it. The band is has less risk and this is what I feel comfortable with. You have to go with what you feel comfortable with. Why is your doctor saying these things and please feel free to ask any question you want. Good Luck!
Topic: RE: 2 Months Post-Op - 73.6 Pounds Lighter
I had VBG in 1991. Just be very careful what you swallow! I suppose that's true with any of these procedures. Due to distance, I had to follow up with a local doctor, and he didn't do a good job. He gave me some medication that irritated my stomach and I developed a bleeding ulcer. Through multiple endoscopies, they had to remove the staples. I still did pretty well with the weight, but of course, I didn't retain the pouch. I'm now considering Lap Band before I get back to my all time high again!
Sounds like you are doing great. Good for you!!!
Topic: RE: I HAD VBG Back IN 1987...Lessons Learned
I really don't know much about the RNY WLS. The reasons I wasn't too keen on it are because there are more serious complications that you can experience from it even years down the road. Also I am concerned about the side effects of it not absorbing all your nutrients.
I know alot of people like it because it is more drastic.
I know with the lapband there are issues too. Fluids are easily ingested so you could still drink lots of shakes, ice cream,etc. Let's face it with any WLS you have to personally take some responsilbility for changing the behaviours that made you obese. When you look at the revision board there are many people who have gained back weight or not been successful no matter if they have had VBG LAPBAND, RNY, or DS.
Personally, in Canada nost provinces will not pay for the LapBand (I have to pay $16000) so they go the route of VBG or RNY because it's covered by our provincial plans.
All I can suggest is you research, research and research what surgery you are most comfortable with and then pick the most competent surgeon to perform it.
I don't believe the LapBand is a magic cure. I just want a second chance to lose all my weight again and this time do more on my behalf to succeed.
Donna A.