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Topic: Update on Dr's Appt
Good Morning Everyone:
I think half of the board was on the road yesterday. Wasnt bad going up but coming back I was hurting big time. Checked in early at Dr. Scott's and they sent me down stairs for some bloodwork. The lady that was in labs keeping pulling these vials for the blood. She took out 8 of those things. I asked her if I had that much to share. lol Went back upstairs to wait to see Doc. Had this young student doctor come into the room. And was asking me all these question. He is still learning so it wasnt that bad. You can tell he was kind of nervious. Bless his heart!!! Then Dr. Scott came in and said to me. We have never meet I am Dr. Scott and put his hand out for me to shake. He looked so serious that my heart stopped for a few seconds until he started to smile. Dr. Scott said he is so happy with how well I am doing. I had lost a little over 100lbs in 4 months. Was talking about the difference between now and 4 moths ago. I pulled out a photo that I have on my profile. That was taken a week before surgery. Dr. Scott told me to keep that photo out and he would be right back. A couple of minutes later Dr. Scott & Dr. De La Torra comes back into the room. And Dr. Scott shows him the photo. Come to find out they were both the ones that did my sugery since I had the sleeve done. They were so excited since the sleeve is relativley a new procedure. Told me to keep up with the photo's and what I am doing. Yes, I was glowing by the time I left!!! It is always so good to know that your Dr. is happy with what your doing. Plus every success story is good for him too.
So anyways he is referring me over to one of his assistances Dr. Ramshaw. He also does the WLS but he specializes in Venterical Hernia Repairs. YEA!!!!! They should be calling me for my appointment with Dr. Ramshaw today letting me know when I have to go back up to Columbia. Then Dr. R will schedule the surgery. So yes it is getting taken care of I just dont have a date yet.
Take Care
Topic: RE: Preparing Finacially
I want to thank all *****plyed to my query. I have paid my uncovered charges and the rest is covered by insurance
. In fact I should find out my surgery date tommorow as I fedexed my payment into my surgeons buissness office. Check out my profile for the update. MAHALO NUI LOA

Topic: RE: Help me begin in PA
Hi, I had the VBG in 2000 and now have to have a revision, if I was you I would check into the RNY and not the VBG, stapleline breakdowns are all to common, do the research. I was down to 151 and now 200. Just FYI..Good Luck in your WLS journey. Dawn K.
Topic: RE: Help me begin in PA
I don't know where in PA you are looking, but in Pittsburgh there are surgeons that perform VBG at Magee Women's Hosptial. My surgeon is also in Pittsburgh, but I would not recommend him. Good Luck!
Tabitha Harding
Topic: Help me begin in PA
Hello, my name is Cheryl. I am trying to find a surgeon that will do the VBG in the PA or NY area. Can anyone help or give any suggestions? Thanks
VBG on 12/11/91
Topic: RE: VBG Ruined My Life
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for your response. I don't have insurance to have the surgery undone. Yes I realize my life is worth more than the cost of it but one of the issues of my emotional eating has been putting others before my own needs. With that in mind, I've felt too guilty to spend that amount of money on myself when there are so many other expenses to consider.
This website ended up having a profound impact on my life. When I was done with my profile tangent, I surfed around the site a bit and stumbled upon the memorial section. I sat mesmerized as I read story after story of people who had the same hopes and dreams I did when I had the surgery. It broke my heart when I read a couple of them who wrote their lasts words in here as "See you on the other side." That sent chills down my spine. Here I've been feeling sorry for myself for all these years but I'm actually one of the "lucky" ones.
When I was done searching the site, I did a web search for eating disorder treatment centers. I'm happy to tell you my insurance will cover the treatment and the success rate of the program I'm looking into is 92%. The program is specifically for emotional eaters/binge eaters/compulsive eaters but they'll also address my bulimic tendencies because since the scar tissue has been removed, I no longer have a logical excuse for that behavior.
The treatment is for 30 days and cost about $22,000. I'll only have to pay $1700.00 of it. For anyone who wants to consider that, the treatment isn't considered for weight loss but rather for the mental health aspect of it. (the diagnostic code is ED Nos-Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) I've never had a normal relationship with food, not even when I was losing weight (and complication free) from my WLS.
I have new hope today that I didn't a week ago. It's hard for me to believe my food obsession is capable of going away. I've always known my obesity was not about the food, it's about my reasons for using it as a coping mechanism. Surgery can never take that away.
Thank you for your prayers Jenny. I know my pain will soon be taken away and am so thankful I don't have to put my life in jeopardy to be free once and for all.
God Bless You!
Topic: RE: 6 mos. post op. hair loss
Hair loss is caused by the trauma of surgery, it will eventually return, in the meantime I have heard that taking omega 3 fish oil pills will stop the hairloss.
Topic: RE: VBG Ruined My Life
Have you had the band and the staples removed? You should definatly have it all removed. This would take away all your pain yes? Praying that you will find the answers you need.
God Bless,
Topic: 6 mos. post op. hair loss
I had VBG on 2-08-2006. I had a bad post op infection (MRSA) and an abscess that went untreated for four months. I had surgery to remove the abscess about 2 months ago, and at the same time started a three week course of IV antibiotics (Vancomiacin). I had to have a PIC (central line) line inserted for the IV antibiotics and got a blood clot in my arm when the line was inserted, so I am now on blood thinners for the next six months. At the time all of this happened two months ago, I started having major hair loss. I knew that gastric bypass patients usually had hair loss because of the malabsortion part of their surgery, but I didn't know it happened with VBG. It is still going on. How long will it last? Is there anything I can do to stop it? I just had a complete blood work up to check for defficiencies and all was normal. I am no longer seeing the surgeon that performed my original surgery (due to being blown off for four months) and my PCP can't figure it out. HELP!!!!!!
Tabitha Harding
Pittsburgh PA