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Topic: RE: Looking for advise, VGB verses Lap Band
How did you do with the five day diet? Have you made a decision on what procedure is right for you? And my last question how do you apply the tickerfactory thing to your information??
Thanks, Mike
Topic: RE: Looking for advise, VGB verses Lap Band
When I decided to have the lap band I researched all the surgeries. I actually have a quite an extensive folder on all the WLS procedures. I guess part of my personality is to do extensive research. When I came to this sight and saw there was a VBG forum I was really surprised. In my research it was stated that this surgery had the higest failure rate and most reputable surgeons no longer were doing it. That is probably why you got a negative response on the lap band forum. I fiind that group is especially educated, as the lap band surgery does not involve any cutting of the internal anatomy, we want to make sure we are making a good decision. Well anyway, I guess anything can be justified and made to be "the best surgery out there." I worked in the medical profession for years. I know this first hand. My experience with the lap band has been a 200% success. I am wearing size 4-6 clothes. It doesn't get any better than that. I believe the fact that the band doesn't interfere with digestion or absorption of food and can be adjusted is truly great. When I think of the VBG I freak out about staples that can come undone and leaks from that. Also everyones anatomy is different. The band that is put in on the VBG is not adjustable. That really makes me wonder. I guess for some people it would be just right, but for others who anatomy is not optimum what then? Everyone on this sight wants everyone to succeed. No one wants to read about failures. We all know the emotions and hope we all experience when we make this decision. My only desire is to be supportive in whatever surgery you elect to chose and that you also have 200% success.
Topic: RE: Looking for advise, VGB verses Lap Band
I did the samething on another board and by the answer I received you would have thought, I said something fowl. I like you are just looking for answers. Thanks for posting and good luck.
Topic: RE: Looking for advise, VGB verses Lap Band
Hi there, we have the same doc!!!
I posted the same question on the lap band forum and got all negative responses, however, I am still trying to decide myself.
Topic: Looking for advise, VGB verses Lap Band
During my first consultation I was offered both the Lap-Band and VGB, I have researched both procedures but would like to hear from other people
Topic: 12 days?! SWEET!
Hello, all!
Well, I'm down to 12 days until my VBG with Dr. Webber. I am so excited... and pretty nervous...!
If anyone has any tips for me regarding what to take to the hospital, what to leave behind, etc., that'd be great.
Topic: RE: Lap Band/ VBG??
Yeah... whoever said that there was a 90 - 95% failure rate was VERY biased against the VBG procedure.
The way it was described to me is a lot how the previous gentleman described it: VBG is restrictive, only. That means that while you will be eating CONSIDERABLY less, the majority of the weightloss is going to rest on your ability to exercise regularly, and eat healthily. Pretty much, this tool lets you live like a "normal" person... but with a smaller tummy!