Recent Posts
on 3/24/07 11:25 am - penticton bc, Canada
God bless,

Share Your Goals: A few weeks ago, Amy posted about Setting Goals (,4856/cat_id, 4456/topic_id,3181042/a,messageboard/action,replies/#2449448 0); Goals are things that we intend to work towards and actually accomplish...making baby steps or even huge strides to achieve these goals in our lives. You, the members of ObesityHelp, have posted such inspiring and touching goals that ObesityHelp wanted to find a way to help preserve those goals; a way to help you to keep track of them; to see each day what you want to accomplish and how far you've come.
ObesityHelp is very pleased to announce a new Goal Tracking System, so that members can list their goals and track their progress. You can link this into your profile; keep it private to your friends list only or private to your-eyes-only. It's up to you whether you want to share your goals or not. But this way YOU can see what you want to do and how you're doing on them - this allows you to not lose site of the many brass rings so many of you have in your lives that you're reaching for.
To access the Goal Tracking System, you can locate this in your Shortcuts (at the top next to your photo) or in a short while, it will appear in the left hand panel of your profile (in the new profiles only) – or you can view other people’s goal by visiting this link:
New forums: You may also discover that some forums have changed to the NEW format, like the main messageboard/forum ( If you have any questions, please let us know. IT is slowly rolling all boards over to the new format.
ObesityHelp welcomes your feedback, questions and comments and hope you'll find the new Goal Tracking System a useful tool in your journey.
ObesityHelp Member Services [email protected]