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I think you may want to post this on the VSG forum. A lot of times people mix it up with the VBG [vertical banded gastroplasty] the old stomach stapling surgery. If its not a mistake posting on this VBG forum just excuse me and ignore the post!
As I'm nursing my cold, I had the TV on today and Kelly Rippa announced that she has teamed up with Electrolux to help raise funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. Each time you send a 'virtual' cupcake to someone, Electrolux will donate $1.00 to OCRF and enter you in a drawing to win an Electrolux's new washer/dryer set.
If you are interested in support OCRF, click this link to send a virtual cupcake:
Why don't you make a cupcake and send it to a friend? The can enjoy it without worrying about having it settle on their hips! Each one you send will raise $1.00 for OCRF.
What could be sweeter?
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Most of the prices are within the same amounts, take a few hundred dollars.
So please everyone. Give me your thoughts.
Thanks for your help.
Lavanda in SC
To tell the truth, I regret having had my surgery done.