VBG !!! Positive feedback
Hi .... been looking for some positive feeback concerning VBG ...cant help but notice that most of the postings here are not the most encouraging !...I have an opportunity to have this surgery done relatively quickly and avoid the lengthly wait for RNy but I'm not so sure what to do ... I understand that the surgery is merely a tool and a tremendous commitment is required but I just need a little positive re enforcement ..... I would appreciate any info anyone out there has !!!
vicki !!
Hi Vicki
I agree that there tends to be less positive feedback with the VBG I had it done in 2001 and my Dr just agreed to do a revision..don't know when yet.
I had a VBG done for a few reasons, the whole process from consult to surgery was I think 6 months...I wanted to get in fast, didn't want to wait for the 2 years that seems to be the norm for RNY.
VBG also tends to be much easier to reverse if you have problems, there is no issues with malabsorbtion, nothing is cut out, re routed etc. I had it open so it was still invasive but no dumping issues etc.
I think that any surgery is what you make of it, are you wanting a VBG only because it is faster to get in? If so, you may want to take the time to wait for another procedure so that you are happy with it and not have to go for more surgery later on.
It takes a huge amount of courage to undergo what we do, it sure as hell is not the "easy way out" and it often means totally reinventing ourselves..not meaning we turn into different people, we just let out that buff, sexy, confident, healthy, happy person with the six pack abs that just happens to be burried under 6 inches of fat or so!
Research all your options, be honest with yourself, you know what works best for you...I am the kind of person *****sponds well to the negative response ie.French fries get stuck as well do carrots, stuck stuff has to come up, things coming up hurt like hell...that means this chick doesn't eat those things!! My willpower...not too great!
Anyhow, I hope this helps a bit...I have a profile under my maiden name...Stacey Blum..I am in Canada...it may help as well...good luck in whatever you decide

No problem...I think that we are our own worst critics, we don't allow ourselves to stumble much less fall, I hear you about the lifelong struggle with weight, I think that I have finally stopped beating myself up about "not working the tool" etc. It is a HUGE learning process but I feel going in for round 2 that I can beat it this time because I am educated about what not to do.
I also have the support of my husband, he had very similar surgery, his was due to being kicked in the stomache by a calf and it damaged his stomache, he had some of it removed...the first time I saw him without his shirt, I noticed that he had the exact same scar as myself...we both walked down the same road and all the potholes...Do you have a good support system? My ex was 100% against my surgery and it was hard to deal with.
The willpower thing can be so tough...they say to take things one day at a time...sometimes you gotta take them minute by minute, when that tub of Ben and Jerry's is starring at you and you walk away, that is a great feeling! I learned to reward myself with something non food related, pedicures, manicures, facials, massage, whatever you love to indulge in!
When you decide which path your going to take, run with it and don't let anyone tell you different, if you do happen to "slip" don't think that you are a failure, or you wasted the procedure, I think that alot of people feel like that and that if they didn't achieve all their goals, they are not deserving of the surgery and the new life that comes with it. That way of thinking just starts you on a downward spiral of self hate that compounds the problems...I've been there and done that!!
Keep me posted, you can email me directly if you want to and ask anything you are wondering about, I have come to terms with everything I did "wrong" and all the little details that I wish I knew before hand!!
Take care...Stace

thanks Eileen....., its really nice to hear from others who've been through what i plan to undertake ,there cant be anything any worse then having no support or guidance when undertaking something this serious. One thing I am having a hard time grasping is ...when I do have the surgery and I suddenly am not able to eat the portions that I have always had no problem with ....how am I going to deal with that ?? I cant get my head around 1-3 ounces of food per meal instaed of 1 -2 plate fulls....was this an issue for you ? I guess I'm trying to prepare myself mentally as well as physically for the changes but this is one area I feel I'm gonna run into problems . feeling full doesnt necessarily mean much to an emotional eater ! I am prepared for the surgery itself and the exercise I have begun already but this issue with the food scares the beee geeezus out of me .....can ya offer any advice or suggestions !!
vicki :)