Help!!! Important Question!!
Hi Everyone!
I just got home this morning from surgery. Everything went fine. I developed a little fever from some chest congestion, but I broke that last night and they discharged me!
My problem: The last thing I had to "eat" was a creamy soup on Monday evening. Had the surgery the very next day. Could not have a thing until the next afternoon when I got clear from the bariam swallow. I had 1 ounce/ hr. yesterday and I am now on 2 oz/hr today. I start my way slowly to 8 oz/ hr tomorrow. Question: Hunger normal at this point? I am ready to crawl out of my skin! I am allowed to start the liquide phase of my diet by Saturday morning. But, I just weighed myself for the first time since the surgery, and I haven't lost an ounce!!! Is that normal. I felt, surely, since I am starving myself, then I would have lost something! How was your experience. I desperately need some support from you guys/gals in the next couple of weeks!
Thank you and Merry Christmas!!!
I was also disappointed that I had not lost any weight when I got home. But, when I thought about it, I realized that everything they gave me to "eat" had sugar in it. I had jello, popsicles, etc., all with sugar. Hang in there. It will start to come off. You should also see a difference in your hunger, too.
Another possible reason for no weight loss yet is that you might still be retaining fluids from the IVs they probably gave you in the hospital. I've heard that some people come out weighing more than they did before going to the hospital because of the IV fluids.
Good luck and healing wishes to you!
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your help on this one. I had forgotten about the fluids from the IV!!! I noticed that by the 2nd day I was home. I have now lost a total of 10 lbs since I had the surgery, with a total weight loss of 25 since I have started this entire journey!!! Yeah!!!! It just keeps coming off! The only thing I need to be careful of is weighing constantly!!! I feel "drawn" to the scale in anticipation and I need to move it to a weekly weigh-in instead. Thanks again and Happy New Year!
Don't worry about the short term weight loss. It takes time. I had my VBG 6-24-03 and started at 423 pounds now at 279 a whopping 144 pound loss. I still have a long way to go in the next six months but I am sure I will make the 200 pound mark by then.
Listen to your Dr. and your support group and you will do fine. Good luck.