Can't get in chat I am back to the alternate
Went through one last year, surgery didn't happen then (don't ask), for me they just asked
have you been treated for any emotional problems?
are any of your family members are obese?
how much do you expect to loose?
do you binge eat?
eat when you are sad?
how much do you sleep?
are you depressed?
if they suspect you might be depressed they will give you a depression scale(psyche word for test) 10 questions multiple choice just want to know you aren't going to kill your self or do something stupid in the next week.
nothing really to worry about, you should be in and out in 45 minutes or so.
My evaluation is May 3rd and I'm more worried about that than anything. I was told they just want to be sure you aren't a binge eater, I guess they thing binge eaters couldn't take the reduction in food intake or something. I'm worried because I wound up in closed wards of psychiatric units a couple of times in my early twenties (lots of growing up done since then). Also, when I think of binge eating, I'm thinking, yes, I've eaten more than I know I should but is that the same thing as eating two bags of cookies in one sitting? I don't think so, so I think my idea of binge eating may be different than theirs (I hope). I'll be checking in on this post again myself, I'd love to hear others experiences with this particular step as well.
Thanks for bringing it up Heather! And good luck tomorrow! Think sane!
The whole point of the psych eval is to be sure you are a good candidate mentally for the surgery, it is life changing and if you have problems with depression or other unrealistic expectations along with depression it could be bad for you to have the surgery. When I had mine I just went in and was very honest about why I wanted the surgery, what it meant to me and that I only saw it as a "tool" (not a cure-all) and that I felt I was ready for this big step seeing as how I'd done damn near every other type of weight loss thing! This eval is not the place to bring up any issues you might have with self esteem or any other "mental" problems you may experience, just deal with the issue at hand of "are you ready for this surgery" and you should be just fine. Most people that have gone this far through the process shouldn't have any problems because they obviously have a comittment to getting healthy!
I would not worry about this step. Mine took a little under 1 hour, and it was me and the doctor and she just asked why I wanted the surgery, what I expected to come from it, do I know the possible negative things that could happen, and the positive. They really just want to know that you know a lot about it, I think. Also they want to make sure that the person does not think that they are going to have to do nothing afterwards and the "magic" will still happen!
*LOL* .. It seems everyone's is alot different .. I was at mine for about an hour and a half and I answered like 156 T or F questions .. There was NOT a sometimes which was REALLY hard for me .. *L* But anyways, the questions were ridiculous and redundant .. After that she then looked them over and goes, you know what really worries me about your file ? and I was like no ? and she goes, you dont exercise .. Im like, yeah DUH !!! *shakes head* .. She was like you are really going to have to change that after surgery , and Im like hence the point of me getting it, so I will be healthier to DO all that ..
.. Then she said that I had the woman's disease .. I was like ookkay and what is that ? She said it was where woman put other people before themselves .. I was like shoot, that is a MOM"s disease .. *LOL* .. She was REALLLY cool and I liked her alot, but I really thought that whole thing was a waste of my $300.00 and TIME that could have gone to my prescriptions, vitamins or protien shakes for after my surgery .. !!!!
Glad yours went well and yeah one of my questions was "Is it true you have sailed around the world 36 times" .. I was like, PLEASE .. *LOL*

I actually had my psych eval today in Portland. They say it can take up to 3 hours to complete and it took me about 1 hour. All it is 600 questions that you answer T or F and a few were sometimes, never, rarely, etc. It was nothing to worry about. Tomorrow I have to go back and meet with 4 people, one of which is the pyschiatrist. That is what I am more worried about then the eval. I wonder what he will say. Oh well I will have to wait and see tomorrow. Good luck and do not worry about it because you will be fine.