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on 6/5/12 8:38 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Wacky Wednesday Roll Call
Hi all,

Guess what?  I got a job bite!  So I may be taking a trip up to Culpeper soon!  There are several volunteer opportunities coming up as well so I think I will be quite busy.

I got some real progress done in my packing yesterday.  Hopefully today I will finish up a room or two.  Oh, I looked outside across the street where dump trucks have been going in and out for days now and they chopped down my favorite tree.  I call it the Klingon tree because bird of prey sun themselves on its bare branches.  My friend, so named the tree, the Klingon tree lol.  Would you believe I actually cried over that tree being gone.  I guess I was a bit emotional yesterday.

My backs almost well and I think I can do a little more exercise.  I avoided all back machines yesterday so hopefully today....well, we shall see.

Have a great day all!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 6/4/12 8:07 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Tuesday Roll Call
Hi all,

I was around one more time to go to my support group.  Met some new folks and boy am I going to miss that group.

Today, I think my back is well enough to do a little workout and packing.  Just have to remember to use my legs for lifting.  Found out our refund should show up tomorrow so we can actively look for a new home.

Hubby saw a beautiful victorian out on East Street downtown that might work.  That way we can just walk downtown instead of having to drive.

Have a great day all.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 6/3/12 7:50 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Monday Roll Call
Hi all,

I went and got that massage yesterday.  I am moving alot easier but still have some pain.  It is amazing how little can upset the back.  I don't know if I should try to work out or not. 

Anyway, today is work out, recycle, wash clothes and whatever else my back will allow me to do.  Sometimes I get so upset with myself.  I do things that I know I will regret later but never seem think this when doing it. Maybe I need therapy lol. 

Have a great day all.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 6/2/12 8:28 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Sunday Roll Call
Hey all,

My back is hurting a lot worse this morning.  I have tried stretching but that didn't help.  I am on an cool pack right now.  I need that massage.

Today, church and maybe recycling.  I have to take it easy today.  I hope you all have a great day.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 6/1/12 8:33 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Saturday Roll Call
Got a call from a hubby who is very down and out.  Housing is hard to find when you are limited in income.  It's either a dump or in a bad neighborhood.  Well, I told him to just keep looking.  I know there is a place for us out there somewhere.

Came home from the gym having done the machine I thought was causing my hip issues and yes, it is the culpret.  Now I have a sore back and can barely move.  SO, I know to avoid that machine in the future for sure. That means, today is going to be light. No heavy packing and lifting.  Maybe I will do some walking and sorting of stuff.  

I found a job in Manasses that has a house for rent which would be the pay for the job.  It's an hour away from where hubby works.  I don't think this is a good option.  I would be taking care of 45 horses.  That's a bit much at my age.  But it is a great deal for a  young family.  I also found a possible opportunity at Kelly's Ford Equestrian Center.  It doesn't start until August but it may work out.  Lots of volunteer opportunities out there as well.

Onward and upward.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/31/12 7:59 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: TGIF Roll Call
Hello all,

Well, I got some work hours yesterday and today!  Always enjoy having bucks come in.  Let's see, there was something else I wanted to say.  Until Ican get some part time work, I found two horse ranches willing to let me help out. Good exercise and fun!  I get saddle time and that is very aerobic especially with their style of riding. 

So, today is workout, work and then, maybe do some packing.  We still haven't found a home.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/30/12 6:30 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Thursday Roll Call
Hi all,

I had one of those packing dreams last night.  I packed all night long in my sleep. ARGH!!

So, today is workout, take boxes out of car so I can fill it with recycle stuff.  Drop stuff off. Then, a packing we will go lalala.  Yup a real looney tune today. 

Well, we lost the cottage.  Someone else snatched it up.  So, we are still looking for a place to live.  Now my hubby's job is trying to figure out what shift everyone is going to work, 8, 10 or 12 hour.  It wouldn't surprise me if he was put back on second shift.  It seems this is always the case but we shall see.

Have a great day all!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/29/12 9:07 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Wednesday Roll Call
Hi all,

Made it back home and it feels good to be back.  My dog slept the four hours we drove and has been sleeping off and on since.  She seemed to enjoy the trip as well.

Well, having second thoughts about farm house.  It will cost too much to get it livable. So, we are looking again for housing. 

Lot's to do today.  Have a good one!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/27/12 8:53 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Monday Roll Call
Hi all,

We got a chance to hang out on Culpeper yesterday and found a few great date night places to go once moved.  We went to a park and there were live bands playing all afternoon.  We saw the cottage again and before we move, I am going to get a cleaning crew out there and do a deep clean from top to bottom.  This is a great little project house. 

Today we go up north to Fairfax.  I think hubby is going to drop the dog and me off at my cousin's house and he is going to meet his sons at Silver Diner.  Then come back to my cousin's house for a BBQ.

Tuesday is supposed to be nasty weather day and I'm not looking forward to the drive back down to NC.  Wednesday doesn't look any better.  Oh well.

I hooe  you all have a great Memorial Day!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/26/12 8:44 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Sunday Roll Call
Hi all,

Up here in VA.  Did a lot of errands yesterday and still forgot to pick up hubby's car at work.  So, back to Culpeper today.  Want to go through the house again and figure out where things are going to go so no biggy.  Went to the store yesterday and got some food for hubby so he will eat over the next couple of weeks.  His friends are taking very good care of him.

Tomorrow it is up to Fairfax to have a BBQ with my cousin then I will leave early in the morning on Tuesday for the trip back home.  Got a trunk full of boxes so I won't need to scrounge any more.  I am getting excited about our new adventure. 

Have a great day all.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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