Recent Posts

on 9/3/12 9:43 am
Topic: Anyone in the burke fairfax area have vsg done?
 just wondering how it went and what your stats are!
on 9/3/12 2:35 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Labor Day Roll Call
Hi all,

I hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend. Please share what you have been up to so we can enjoy it with you.

If you are stuck working then remember to take a moment and be thankful.  Jobs are hard to find these days.

Have a good one!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/2/12 3:03 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Steamy Sunday Roll Call
Hi my quiet friends out there in virtual world.

I hope you are having a fantastic holiday weekend. I would LOVE to hear all about it.  Mine is quite quiet with hubby working but a much  needed rest is always good.  I have been avoiding nonrest events, feeling a little guilty, but I will get over it I'm sure.

Anyway, I hope you all share your holiday experiences so we all can enjoy it with you and if it isn't a good experience, we are hear for you as well.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/1/12 2:50 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Saturday Roll Call
Good morning all!

What a beautiful day it is.  Love Saturday mornings with the Farmer's Market, yummy hot scones, samplings and pupupas.  Soon, it will be turning chilly and it will be fireplace time.  Aaaaaah.

I am so happy to be here in VA again.  I hope that someday, soon, I can meet some of you.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Member Services
on 8/31/12 1:45 pm - Irvine, CA
Hello Members,

On a daily basis we get calls from members in desperate need of surgeons that will accept Medicaid and or Medicare for Bariatric surgery.  It breaks our hearts when we have to say "we don't know of any surgeons in your state we can refer you to". 

Can you please help us? If you know of any surgeons in your state that accepts Medicaid and or Medicare, will you list their:


If they accept Medicare and or Medcaid

Phone number



This list will remain here for our members to access and use.

Thank you so much!!!


Member Services

on 8/31/12 1:11 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Friday Roll Call and Good Info
Here is some information on two teleconferences you may want to consider listening to. Nice four days off.  Enjoy your holiday all.

The Center for Mindful Eating  
  Mindful Bytes
An  e-newsletter from The Center for Mindful Eating

September 2012 Teleconferences and Trainings

meditationWhere Loneliness Hides

Program description: What is it in our interior landscape that drives our troubled eating patterns? We may say we are bored, but could it be that we’re lonely? And can loneliness masquerade as anger? Many people are not aware of being lonely and that there may be a connection to how they feel about food and how they eat. We’ll explore this powerful emotion and how to work with it.
Date/Day:   September 24, 2012  Monday
Times:         12:00 noon EST
Offered by: Char Wilkins, MSW, LCSW
Phone access: This teleconference is free and open to everyone interested in mindful eating, including professionals from all disciplines.

The Conference Access Number is: (209) 647-1600
Your Conference Passcode is: 858168 #
or Skype: freeconferencecallhd.2096471600


Coming in October...

Developing a Compassionate View With Food

Program description: This program will address the importance of introducing compassion into eating. It will provide tools for reflection on compassion.
Date/Day:   October 11, 2012  Thursday
Times:         12:00pm PST/3:00pm EST
Offered by:  Donald Altman, M.A., LPC

Phone access: This teleconference is free and open to everyone interested in mindful eating, including professionals from all disciplines.

The Conference Access Number is: (209) 647-1600
Your Conference Passcode is: 858168 #
or Skype: freeconferencecallhd.2096471600


  Copyright © The Center for Mindful Eating.  


Non-Profits Email Free with VerticalResponse!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 8/30/12 2:15 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Thursday Roll Call
Hi all,

This is a very busy day.  Wow, I still have many files to convert to the OS and it needs to be done today.  We have to get our car plates, get gas, get groceries and all the other regular stuff.  I hit the ground running. 

Anyway, I hope your day goes smooth for you.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 8/29/12 3:57 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Hump Day Roll Call
Hi all,

How are you doing?  I am good.  Enjoying this fine cool morning.  We soon will be heading towards the cooler days of fall.  It is good to feel happy once and awhile.  I like it. 

Today is more work work and then work.  We are starting to gear up for our September promo and lots to do.

Let me think.  What can I do to get this board rocking?  Any suggestions?  Not that it's my responsibility or anything.  I just thought it would be fun.

Later all....

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 8/28/12 2:59 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Tuesday Roll Call
Hi all,

I am surprised I am not dreaming about typing.  Yesterday was a long typing day.  I did not get to my goal.  Well, I go into work today and I will put my nose to the grind again.  Big changes are coming, that is good.

I hope you all have a great day!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 8/27/12 3:16 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Monday Roll Call
Hello all,

So far I have only gotten one response on the support group survery.  I will keep it up for a couple more weeks.  What I may do and I did last time was try to find a place in the library and hold it there.  The Wellness center is going to expect a good response and I know from past experience, this is not usually the case starting out.  As people get wind of the group, that is when it takes off.  I don't want to waste their time and effort if there is no interest.  In that case, I would go the library route.

Also I wanted to remind you that the virtual group is up and running under, Like Dust We Rise.  It's free to join.  Just type the group name in OH search window above and it should take you there.

Today, I am not working but I am going in anyway to get more files to input.  I am so enjoying doing this even though it is more typing than my hands like.  I am learning the members though.  I think that is important.

Have a great day all!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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