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on 9/10/12 2:34 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Glad it's Monday Roll call
hey all,

What a weekend.  Getting yelled at both days is no fun.  Panic in the streets lol.  Is that a song for from a movie?

Anyway, I am a bit frazzled this morning already.  I need to take a moment and just S.T.O.P.

S= stop what I'm doing
T= take a deep breath
O= observe, acknowledge (stretch, walk, another breeth, whatever is needed)
P= proceed

Try that once an hour through out your day.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/9/12 2:52 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Sunday Roll Call
Hi all,

I hope you faired well in the storm yesterday.  I am always fascinated by the clouds when it first rolls in.  I like to be out on my porch feeling the air change.

Today is Sunday and I hope you all have a great day.  Not a lot going on except church and maybe pick up some more flyers.

See ya later, gator!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Member Services
on 9/8/12 1:46 pm - Irvine, CA
Topic: Meet Our Speakers: Colleen M. Cook

Meet Our Speakers: Colleen M. Cook


Hope & Help for the Pain of Regain

Join 17 year WLS veteran Colleen M. Cook for both a shot in the arm and a kick in the seat as she shares lessons from long-term losers and imparts insight, inspiration, and hope for WLS patients struggling with extended plateaus or weight regain. Her thoughts, stories, and personal experiences will inspire and motivate you to reach and maintain your optimum weight loss.

Also, don't miss her Keynote on Friday: Nothing Succeeds Like Success

We hope to see you in Atlanta, GA October 5th and 6th! Click here to book your ticket today!

Fast Facts About Colleen

-Colleen is the author of The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients.
- She is the president or Bariatric Support Centers International, a company that specializes in providing education and support services for weight loss surgery patients and the professionals who serve them.
- Colleen currently serves on the National Advisory board for the Walk From Obesity.
-Known as Ms. Enthusiasm, Colleen helps men and women from all walks of life recognize their extraordinary potential and then inspires then to aspire.

on 9/8/12 2:37 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Saturday Roll Call
Hi all,

Aaaaah feels so nice this breeze.  I love sitting here in the dark of early morning listening to the crickets and feeling the cool breeze through the open door.

Today I will be working for a few hours then place some flyers all up and down Davis and Main street. I have to meet with someone at noon first.

After that, I'm not sure.  Hubby is home this weekend.  I know there are activities all over the place but well, no bucks.  So, I should study.

Have a great day all!!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/7/12 2:04 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: It's Friday Roll Call
Hi all,

Wow, it's Friday and it's a good day.  Off this morning but work a few hours this afternoon.  I have a lot of flyers to hand out in Warrenton this weekend.  Anyone from Warrenton that can give me some ideas on where to go to place them? 

Well, my faithful few *****ad this thread, how are you today?  I hope all is well and you are doing well.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/6/12 2:18 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Thursday Roll Call
Hi all,

Wow, this week is flying.  I still have much to do and I am so much not getting it done.  I could use some advice on how to organize myself so I get things done.  I'm sure there are time management gurus out there.

Today is another work day for me.  It is so much fun going to work when you enjoy it.  I have to pinch myself sometimes to see if I am dreaming.  This winter, however, may be a different story. I do not like driving in the winter especially when it is bad.

Have a great day all!!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.



on 9/5/12 1:38 pm - Onancock, VA
Topic: Insurance
Hi All! My name is Jodi I am morbidly obese and have a letter stating surgery is life threatening and is a medical nessesity. I have Anthem HealthKeepers With NO Rider/ Exclusion. It states
OBESITY: Services and supplies related to weight loss of dietary control, including complications that directly result from such surgeries and / or procedures. This includes weight loss reduction therapies / activities, even if there is a related medical problem.  Notwithstanding provisions of other exclusions involving cosmedic surgery to the contrary, services tendered to improve appearence (such as abdominoplasties, panniculectomies, and lipectomies), are not covered services even though the services may be required to correct deformity after a previous therapeutic process involving Gastric Bypass Surgery.

I have sleep apnea
High Blood pressure
Stents in my heart
uncontrolabl diabetes
very high cholestrol
BMI is 51
and a few more issues

My question is does anyone understand this policy and can i get my insurance comp. to pay for my surgery? PLEASE help me. I want to live... Thank you so much in advance
on 9/5/12 2:54 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Wednesday Roll Call
Hi all,

Well summer is over and the kids are back at school.  Soon the air will start to cool and I know the days are getting shorter.  What an awesome time of the year this is. 

I just LOVE these early mornings when it is quiet, a cool breeze coming in through the door and window. 

I hope you all have an awesome day!!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/4/12 2:34 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: Culpeper Support Group Survery
Hi again,

I have gotten a total of one response to the survery so far.  So I am thinking about checking with the library for a space to meet.  When we are up and running and have a fair size number, I will approach the Wellness center again.  I will keep you posted.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/4/12 2:31 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Back to work Roll Call
Oh my,

Time off is wonderful but that morning before work is hard.  I just found out I have tons of things waiting for me to do.  It's ok. It's better than having nothing to do. 

I still can't get off those egg shells. I went through such a hard time at my last job.  I just can't relax yet.

Well, I will let you know tomorrow how it went. 


Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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