Recent Posts
Well I guess I am driving up to Fairfax to visit a friend and go to the wiine festival. I did want to go at one time but not so much now. Money is so tight. But I will have a good time I think.
I will let you know how it went tomorrow, late. I won't have my computer with me. I don't have a huge following so most of you won't know the difference.

Have a great day!
Come to Atlanta, GA and ask our panel of experts the questions you want answers to! If you are unable to atend the event, email your questions to: [email protected] and we will ask the experts to answer your questions and then we will post them on the message boards after the OH event!
Click here to reserve your tickets today! We hope to see you there!
This is a start of a new day. Isn't that wonderful? Our past mistakes are in the past. Yea, we may reap residual affects for our actions but the ripples soon disappear as long as we don't drop another rock into the pond.
Today I try to find out what happened to our refund that we requested two weeks ago. We seriously need it. I am still a little upset with hubby for his careless use of his last paycheck. I hope that with time, all will be forgiven. Anyway, I work this afternoon. I will be meeting with the new owner and a new staff member. I'm very excited about this.
I hope you all have an awesome day!
Its been over six years since we've launched our forums. During this time it has seen thousands of fresh faces, greetings, meetings, partings, arguments, kind words, life transformations, cathartic rants, and simply happy time pass. It has been with us throughout this time, silently observing and facilitating. But like any wise old man, its bones were getting old. Its joints were aching, and it has been needing a new jolt of energy.
A Mobile World
Did you know that over 30% of you visit our website using a mobile device? For those who do visit us via mobile, we owe you a sincere apology, because our forums have been horrendous on a mobile browser. But the big news is that things are about to change! Our new forums are completely mobile friendly and compatible with iPhone, Android, and pretty much any other modern smart phone.
Each post, topic, and forum shows up beautifully, with the full set of features, and in nice large font. See the screenshots for yourself.
You dont have do anything different, just browse to the forums like you normally would. This means that you can finally put these away:
Not Just for Mobile
The interface on your desktop browser has also been cleaned up a great deal. There is now less clutter on the page, and the overall experience is a lot cleaner. Check out some more screenshots here!
You will notice that each post no longer has 400 buttons below it. Only the buttons that are relevant to each post show up, making your screen space a lot less cluttered. Also, when you reply to another person's post, the entire post is indented inside, making it a lot easier to figure out who has replied to whom.
Launching soon! Maybe as early as next week! Maybe.
And do remember that this is not in any way a be-all-end-all when it comes to the forums. We are in the process of constantly learning and improving upon what we have, and this is just one step along the way.
Stay tuned for the changes! We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
ObesityHelp Developer
Ok, this is the deal. We can have a study room at the Culpeper library. It is a small room but as we grow, we can transfer to a bigger room. Now, the interest for a group in Culpeper is very very light. So, when and what time? It won't be a Wednesday night for sure. I have to let them know asap so I can reserve the room for the rest of the year. So, I will let you all think about it until Monday. At that time, I will make my decision and then make a special announcement as to the date and time we will meet. I will announce it in the NC board, the main board and in our virtual support group here in OH. I am totally excited about getting this started. I hope you are too!
Today another day at the job I love. Yes it has its ups and downs but lots of ups. However, we both could use some fuel for our cars. Mine is on the red and hubbys says I may be able to get one more trip in his. Oh my....
I am supposed to go to a ranch today to sign up for helping out. It's a therapeutic horse ranch. I like helping others.
This month is flying by. Fall is in the air!
Work this morning, VR evaluation this afternoon/evening. Then rest. Not much else planned for this busy day.
I hope you all have an awesome day.
I would first call your insurance and ask them to explain what they require for coverage, and then schedule a consulation with a surgeon.