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on 9/28/13 3:28 pm
Topic: RE: Medicaid Question
Thank you so much. I am currently working on my first month of supervised diet. I was diagnosed this week with sleep apnea so I am more determined now to do everything I need to get the surgery. I want to get healthy again.
melanie M.
on 9/28/13 3:01 pm - Hopewell, VA
Topic: RE: Medicaid Question

I know this post was made a couple months ago but hoping I can help you with this.

I have a couple friends who got their surgery on medicaid. They require 6 month supervised diet/nutrition log from physician as well as at least 100 lbs overweight. Medicaid is actually easier to get the surgery than anthem or any other major insurance company. I hope this helps and maybe by the time you see this you will be already approved for your surgery. Best of luck to you :)

on 9/24/13 7:50 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to see your way through

“You eat pretty well until that certain time of the day and then all seems lost. Here's how to find your way through.”

We all have that one time of the day that we know will be difficult. Maybe it's late in the afternoon, or while you're fixing dinner. These are the weak moments when you're likely to grab anything that's handy: chips, cookies, side of beef. You need to find a food ally to count on during these times, one item that you can have at the ready every day. You may need to experiment to find what food item satisfies you enough to take the edge off, at least until you can think more clearly to make other good choices, or until dinner is ready. Maybe it's baby carrots, grape tomatoes, or just a cup of hot spiced tea. Finding a friendly food can get you through that rough patch in the day and move you on to success.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/22/13 8:35 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Give it a shove

“You don't feel like you're eating that much but the scale doesn't budge much. Here's how to give it a shove.”

You really need to keep track of what and how much you're eating. You don't need to do this forever, but you may need to do it for a couple of weeks at the minimum. The key is obviously writing down EVERYTHING you eat and then calculating the calories, fat, sodium, etc. This is a great education on nutrition and is a good tool to see where you're overdoing. Don't play the game of trying to calculate calories expended to justify an extra serving or piece of pie. Most people over-estimate calories burned and under-estimate calories eaten. Figure out a good ratio between healthy food, exercise, and treats and you'll see results on the scale.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/17/13 7:50 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to avoid the ugly

“Now that you're eating right and exercising you find you obsess about food quite a bit (which can both be good and bad). Here's how to avoid the ugly.”

Watching our waistlines can make us a little crazy and sometimes it feels like that's all we're thinking about. Get some clarity by focusing your energy on something else that will take a good amount of energy and that will give you a sense of accomplishment. Organize your closet: try on everything and purge, sort, and donate. Catch up on your scrapbooking: organize and caption photos, give extra photos to family and friends, and download and save your printed pictures to disc and store them away. By moving your mind to other worthwhile efforts, you'll realize you have more going on than dieting and that you can do anything you put your mind to.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/15/13 8:04 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's your microscope

“You try to stay motivated to move and eat well but you just can't stay focused. Here's your microscope.”

You might need to take a step back. Ask yourself what you REALLY want. Not what your husband/wife wants, or what society wants, what YOU want and while you're at it, WHY you want it. Do you want to be thin, healthy, toned? Do you not want to worry about having a heart attack tomorrow? Do you think losing weight will help you get a better job, man, woman, or life? Be honest inside that noggin' of one has to know, but you do. Okay, now that you've decided the "what" and "why" you have to map out the HOW. Again, being brutally honest is the only way to get there. Most things in life worth anything are not easy to get, so you have to decide what you're willing to do to get them. But, if you have really decided to go for what you want, you may also need to make a plan for when things get tough. If you bail at the first twinge of discomfort, maybe you don't want this as much as you thought. Plan now for how much sacrifice of sameness, comfort, and schedule you can live with to make your goals happen.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/10/13 6:38 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to go another round

“You know you need to eat better but you also know that as soon as hunger pang**** you'll throw in the towel. Here's how to go another round.”

When we think about a "diet", we quickly imagine ourselves crawling on hands and knees with only the strength to utter, "Need food...need food." Let's get real. First, forget "diets." Weird programs that have you eating only salad with no dressing and restrict everything you'd normally eat are not going to work. Eating a healthy diet is something you just need to learn, and something you'll probably enjoy once you figure it out. You'll need to re-educate your palette and before long you'll realize you don't need all those sauces, condiments, and gravies to enjoy your food. For many people, you can eat five to six times a day so hunger won't come around. You just need to eat good food the majority of the time, in portions that make sense, and keep treats to a minimum, but don't ban things you love. Get your workout in, go for a walk or engage in a physical activity on a regular basis and you'll find that only don't you feel deprived, but you'll be exhilarated by the healthy change you've created.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/8/13 8:09 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how not to unravel

“You've knit together a good routine of working out and eating well during the week, but don't have much structure on the weekends. Here's how not to unravel. ”

This way of thinking is actually pretty good because it gives you a sturdy foundation of eating well and exercising plus your brain knows it's not forever - a break is coming. But, (you knew there'd be one didn't you?) don't go so overboard that you undo everything during the week. It might seem impossible but if you're indulging in chain-style restaurant food, one meal can actually be like eating three meals at once - three really, really unhealthy meals. Your one over-indulgence can give you three days worth of artery clogging fat, sodium, and cholesterol. So, while it's good to shake up your routine occasionally, don't blow the top off all you've worked for.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/3/13 7:35 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Get the wind back in your sails

“You were so pumped to start exercising regularly; you thought nothing could stop you. Here's how to get the wind back in your sails.”

We get all amped up and excited. We're going to change our lives, be better, reach goals, fight the giant, save the day, and climb the mountain. We were going to, we started to, but now we're sitting still in the water, no movement. It's easy to want all those good things, but reaching those goals is work and takes time. You need to examine why you've lost your motivation? Are you tired, bored, disappointed with the results? Did you expect things to be easier or farther along by now? It's probably time to reassess. What got you excited in the first place? Can you regain your momentum? Maybe you just need to take a week off. Are you moving toward your goal? If you were hoping to lose 20 lbs by now but have only lost 5 is that a bad thing? Is it realistic? It's likely you haven't lost the motivation to reach the goal, but you might need to regroup and come up with a Plan B to get there. Sometimes, our second wind can be of more value to our overall success than the initial euphoria that we started with because we have lost that blind optimism and can replace it with a fresh, informed perspective that will get us into the harbor.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Stacey N.
on 9/2/13 11:58 am - Chesapeake, VA
Topic: RE: In search of a good Hospital for my tummy tuck/Military TRICARE/Medically Necessary

With all the current changes you may have to pay for it out of pocket. Tricare is not approving most anything unless you are ready to fight tooth and nail for it. I am having my TT in 1 day at Naval Med Portsmouth but had to pay out of pocket even though mine was "medically necessary" also. Good Luck in your search.

HW-220 SW 205 4'11"
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