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on 2/25/14 7:09 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to stop hitting the snooze

“You want to start eating right, and you know you should exercise; now you just need to find the time. Here's how to stop hitting the snooze.”

The alarm is going off (cue annoying, loud, can't-ignore-it buzzing) and it's time to get going! You know when tomorrow is, right? It's the day that never comes, so stop putting it off. We all make plans to do what we want to do someday. Make 'SOMEDAY' today. Put on some sweats, or shorts, or pajama pants if you don't have anything else, grab your tennis shoes and get to the gym!
If you don't know what you should be eating to eat right, start with the basics - eat fresh fruit and fresh veggies as often as you can, eat whole grain products, eat fish. Avoid fried foods almost always; put restrictions on packaged snacks, sweets, and soda. Start reading labels and other sources and learn how to eat right. It might take a while to get to your healthy destination, but at least you'll be on the path.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 2/23/14 8:25 pm
Topic: RE: Nervous!

Thank you


on 2/23/14 7:46 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to see the light at the end of the tunnel

“You've put off watching your weight, and now it seems insurmountable. Grab your binoculars. Here's how to see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Two girls have just graduated high school. Sally is heading off to college. As she starts her education, she looks at it as the first day of the rest of her life. An adventure. A new beginning. Betty has been working at a fast food restaurant all through high school. She decides to just keep working there. Maybe something else will come along later.

Ten years later, Sally and Betty meet up at their reunion. Sally is a doctor, having finished college and med school. Betty is still working at a fast food restaurant.

Time passes just the same, no matter what we're doing. Where we'll be at the end of that time depends on us. Will we be reaching the end of the tunnel or standing at the entrance with binoculars wondering if we should begin?

"It doesn't matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." --Confucius 

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 2/23/14 7:45 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: Nervous!

Yea the whole process can be nerve racking for sure. Hang in there!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 2/19/14 9:15 am
Topic: Nervous!

Tomorrow is my very last appointment, after I see the NUT the office will submit my information to Optima for approval. This has been a long journey and I am praying that I get approval and can continue forward with getting healthy again.... Any positive vibes and prayers would be appreciated 


on 2/18/14 6:05 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's now to foil the saboteurs

“You want to work out and eat well, but things keep interrupting your plans. Here's how to foil the saboteurs.”

You planned on working out after work, but your babysitter fell through. You ate a healthy breakfast, but someone brought doughnuts to work. How can you possibly succeed? You have to arm yourself in this weight-loss battle. Your weapons: a sports bag and a lunch bag - really cute ones, of course.
First of all, be flexible. If your plans are subject to change (because other people happen to be in your life), be ready. Have a sports bag filled with workout wear and tennis shoes in your car. Then when your after-work workout falls through, you can go on your lunch hour.
The same is true for healthy eating. Bring healthy snacks and beverages with you. You won't feel so deprived, even if others are having doughnuts, if you're crunching on some almonds. You may even have the satisfaction of making them feel guilty. (You may laugh your evil laugh now.) 

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Kim Gyurina, OH Staff
on 2/18/14 2:37 am
DS on 09/27/23
Topic: Announcing: ObesityHelp Conference 2014

You've contacted us since the 2013 Conference so here is the 4-1-1:  We are excited to announce the details for the ObesityHelp Conference 2014. 

The conference for this year will be held in Los Angeles, California on August 15-16, 2014.

To sign up for the latest updates and other details, check our OH Blog.

Please join us for the fun, education, information and vendor samples.

Kim Gyurina, Event Manager

on 2/16/14 6:48 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how not to be come a snarfledonutsarous

“Your monster...uh, manager, just brought in donuts. Here's how not to become a snarfledonutsarous.”

You can't blame your boss or the donuts for being so irresistible...they are just donuts after all. They can't take that kind of pressure...they'll just crumble. Har har. Sorry, but you have to take responsibility for what goes in your body. If there's a special occasion or donuts are brought in just once a month or so, have one. One. While there's probably no nutritional value, calorie-wise, one donut won't break the bank. If you know eating just one will be difficult - cause you'll want another one or two dozen) or if the temptation is there daily, having something else on hand to nibble on (like a handful of almonds, carrot sticks, or fruit slices) may be a better option for you. Try not to think about the box of goodies. Occupy your senses with other things - get some tunes going on your iPod and immerse yourself in your work (keeping your eyes, hands, and mind busy) to distract yourself. If they are out during your break, instead of sitting there letting them weaken your defenses, take a walk or make some enjoyable phone calls. Make a plan and you can fight off any food weakness

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 2/11/14 6:03 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to kick the Can't to the curb

“Your life changed and you simply can't find the time to workout now. Here's how to kick the Can't to the curb.”

Have you heard of the evil Can't? It is crafty in its ability to overpower your will and plants the seed of doubt in your mind. Once the Can't has moved in it grows stronger and stronger. Its excuses pour into your subconscious like endless rivers. The worse part is, you start to believe in the power of the manipulating Can't. You must fight back! All you have to do is to 1) stop saying its name. Get a shirt with the name "Can't" with a big red "X" over it. Annihilate it from your vocabulary. 2) Employ can't's arch enemy CAN. Say, "I can figure out how to work in a workout." 3) Make a plan to do just that. It really is that simple. You will find time to do the things that are important to you. You certainly would never say, "I just don't have time to feed my children" or "I just can't find time to do the laundry. I'll just have to go to work nude." There are things you will do if you just decide you're not going to live without them. You may have to rethink some things, but starting with a can-do attitude will help you make it happen and Can't will have to find someplace else to live.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 2/9/14 6:33 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to recharge

“You plan on working out after work but you just don't have any energy. Here's how to recharge.”

Simply working out is often a big energy boost, however there might be some other players contributing to your battery flat-lining.
1) Sleep. Are you getting enough? Is it uninterrupted? If the cat is walking on you to get comfy or your child is climbing into bed too often, you may need to address these to get a better night's sleep.
2) Overkill. Do you have every waking moment scheduled? Do you really have to do something every night of the week and weekend? Just because you're built to be a super-duper-multi-tasker who can juggle three kids, a job, volunteer for a charity, start a business, write a book, take a class, and scrapbook doesn't mean you have to do it all this week. Give yourself time to decompress now and then.
3) Diet. If you end up consuming more "bad" food (aka junk food) than "good" (healthy) food during the course of the day, odds are you're going to feel it. Charge your battery with whole grains, fruits and veggies, good protein, and plenty of water.
4) Smile. Sometimes we just feel down. Serotonin is the brain chemical that makes you feel energized, happy, and upbeat. Things that boost your serotonin level are exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. Think of things that make you happy and expose yourself to them - music, family time, sports, or praying - and give yourself a boost.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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