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Ms Court
on 1/24/10 10:07 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: RE: Checking in

At 4 years out I still struggle with my water intake.  Some days I will go 5 hours or more with nothing.  I just keep trying to find things that will work for me.  Decaf tea made with splenda, crystal light, fuse, and propel are my favorites.  If I am looking for comfort then it is decaf coffee.  I know that not keeping up on those levels does slow up the losing process.

As for your eating, you may not be getting in enough calories which is why you lose when you cheat some.  Try doing an online food journal to see what you are getting in the day versus your exercise and see if it is enough.

Sounds like you have done great with your journey so far!  Keep up the good work.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



Ms Court
on 1/24/10 10:03 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: RE: Hiatal Hernia/Ulcer
My husband & stepfather both have hiatal hernias (no WLS), The nexim didn't work well enough for them.  Hubby was having a lot of chest pain with his before diagnosis, spent some scary times in tthe ER.  After an EGD and a new medication he is doing really well with it.

Definitely research it & follow up with your doctors.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



Ms Court
on 1/24/10 9:58 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: RE: Gallbladder symptoms
I actually reacted to dairy products.  Think the 1st few times it happened I chalked it up to dumping & didn't understand.  Then suddenly one day after eating I had the worst abdominal cramps, felt like a fist in the middle of my abdomen just squeezing.  A coworker who had also had WLS and already had the gall bladder issues told me to go to ER, of course the pain had stopped by the time I got there.  The blood test did not show anything, neither did CT scan.  Happened again next day, called my surgeon PA who explained that the blood test won't show anything unless the stones are out in the canals, ordered me an ultrasound and sure enough I had stones, right at the opening.

It is a highly common side affect due to the rapid weightloss.  Could be a reaction to fatty foods, veggies like lettuce/broccoli, dairy, etc.  More common in women, within fetility age.  My advice to any who think they are experiencing gall bladder issues, do not rely on the blood work, demand an ultrasound.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 1/24/10 12:43 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Topic: RE: Gallbladder symptoms
A little differnt twist, sorry for being so late responding to this post,....
I use to have some sour tasing belches and the I'd be throwing up with 30 minutes to an hour.  I would just keep throwing up until I got so dehydrated I'd black-out.  The doctors kept checking me for ball stones but there weren't any.  When they finally removed my gall bladder, it was of a sandy consistency which reflected it was diseased and not processing properly causing a yellow bial to back up into my stomach that made me sick.  They never found any stones that create a blockage and make you sick in the typical diagnosis.  Since my gall bladder was removed at my RNY I have had no more such symptons or nausea and vomiting attacks. Don't know if that helps but thought I would share since it is an unusal or atypical situation, but it does happen.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 1/24/10 12:33 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Topic: RE: Hello OH! Re-intro and questions...
I can't speak to the revision and VSG, but the stomach ulcers and related internal bleeding and stomach acid issues I had before my RNY kept me nausaous and ill almost weekly before my RNY.  I sounds like you are in good hands and doing a good thing.  Best of luck to you. I really hope this revision works out for you and your efforts for a better quality of life.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 1/24/10 12:26 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Topic: RE: Hiatal Hernia/Ulcer
I had both but at RNY, Dr. Hutcher took my gall bladder and reapired my hiatal hernia as well as added his personal touch plastic collar  at the top of the new pouch to ensure a longer-term restricted opening into the new smaller pouch.  I have not had anymore of those exact symptom since my RNY in 06.  I am not sure how they addressed your issues with the lap band but it sounds like you still have the classic symptoms.  I would complain/state your concerns and continuing discomfort to your surgeon.  Sounds like the nexium isn't doing the job for you.  It did not work for me either in my treatments before RNY.   Keep the faith and don't hesistate to stand up for yourself. It is the only way you are going to get results,...besides avoiding foods that cause you discomfort; and I assume that list is growing.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 1/24/10 8:42 am - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Topic: RE: Checking in
You are doing great !        I know what you mean about support groups ..   I work very early and the last time I got home until 10 30 ...  Just cannot do it.   

Great you are keeping up with extra protien suppliments.      

Do not be a stranger, we need everyones support and stories.  They help all of us keep in check too.   thanks
               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
on 1/24/10 6:37 am
RNY on 09/19/07 with
Topic: RE: Checking in
It sounds like you are doing wonderfully!  Keep up the great work.  :)
Cindy   Beach    

5'9"   347/200/186/180

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

....Helen Keller

on 1/24/10 6:28 am - Midlothian, VA
Topic: RE: Has anyone used Anthem Healthkeepers HMO for surgery?

Thanks for the responses!

Julie, I had no idea qualifying for surgery would be so difficult. Believe me, if I had the means, I would pay for it. Congratulations on your weight loss!

Tammy (great name!), After reading your response, I called my insurance company back. It would cost an extra $142/month to add the rider. And with no guarantee that I would be approved, it’s not worth it. For a family of 6, we already pay a little over $900 per month. I can’t see paying more.

Tammy T

on 1/24/10 5:52 am - Chantilly, VA
Topic: Checking in
Hi.  I continue to hover around this forum but not post very often so I'm just here to say hello.
I am a little over 9 months out and down 129... I'd like to lose a few more.  I have been very strict with myself about taking all of my vitamins every day and getting at least 2 protein shakes in every day.  I have focused on always eating my protein first at every meal.  I don't always measure my food but am pretty good at judging how much I'm eating.  I never drink during and after meals. 
What I'm not good at is getting all of my water in.  I try, but beyond that two protein shakes (about 16 oz of water each mixed with Nectar roadside lemonade or fuzzy navel)  and about 12 oz. of coffee with Click  espresso protein powder and 1/2 cup of skim milk every morning ... I know technically that doesn't count as liquid because of the caffeine...  I try to get an additional bottle of water or two in, but it doesn't happen very often.
And I still can't predict how my body reacts to cheating.  Sometimes when i think I've been very good, I stall.. and other times, like around the holidays, when I eat things I know I shouldn't (small amounts of sugary treats or potato chips/dip) I continue to lose.  Like this past week.  We gave a big party for my son who got married a few weeks ago and decided I wasn't going to worry about what I ate, beyond avoiding things that might make me sick... I don't seem to dump on small amounts of sugar... so I ate a piece of wedding cake and a fancy candy favor... and yeast bread rolls (well, about 1/2 of one) at dinner... thinking that if I ended up being up a few pounds I'd just get back on track and fix it later... but no... I was actually down another pound this week.  Go figure! 
I am back on track now that the partying is over and the out of town guests have left.  Have actually found a couple of fish recipes that my hubby ... who generally hates fish... will eat!
I sure wish there were more support meetings up in the Fairfax area.  I try to go to the monthly meeting at Fair Oaks hospital but the last couple of months i have missed it because of other commitments.
I will continue to check in here and on the RNY board.  These are my best support groups for now.
Surgery 4/15/09 - 294 lb.
At goal   2/15/10 - 160 lb.
Currently:  ... and for the rest of my life:  Figuring out maintenance.
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