Abusers and Poultry
I wish I could put up a smiley face as well
Last week was quite stressfull for me. The end of the school year always is, but then there was the Thursday night incident with my daughter (21 going on 16 as some of you may remember). She came home from Cattle Annies Thursday night and didn't come in. Instead she went to my son's window and knocked. He came to tell me she was "freaked out" and didn't want me to get furious. Hmmm.....does not bode well.
To make a very long story shorter--she had been lying to me for a week about the fellow she was seeing. NOT her true love (who is not ready for a relationship right now) but the abusive ex. I suspected foul play, but I really do try to let her make her 21 y.o mistakes and learn the hard way. ANYWHO--she comes in sobbing saying she had had to run for her life. She confessed to all lying and said she had been with the abuser who abused her by the side of the road in Amherst Co.--where they had stopped to argue. When she answered the cell he threw her into the back of the truck, and broke her phone. She ran from him again to a nearby house to call the police, he beat her to the house. She runs BACK to her truck pulls out her keys, which she had somehow kept from him, and drives off leaving him in Amherst Co.
She felt she was running for her life. She had no business driving. The end of the story is that she has turned over a new leaf (so she says). She went to work the next morning despite how she felt. Her bruises are under her clothing. She has vowed never to lie again. She is concentrating on building the relationship with the guy she really cares for and says she will wait for him no matter how bored she gets.
CHICKEN--My weekend had gotten better. We worked in the yard, took a 4 miles walk, cooked and best of all, TALKED A LOT. BUT, poultry came back to haunt me. I fixed some stir-fry and added a honey teriyaki glaze for the kids. I know I can't have the sugar. I did however, remove a few pieces of plain chicken for me. Dumb idea. I haven't had to
in almost 2 months until last night. KFC wasn't too bad a week ago, but I think I cook the small pieces too much , AND in oil--whatever it was. No MORE POULTRY for me for quite some time. My stomach is bothering me now--tender, and out of sorts. A WASA crispbread went down okay, but right this sec. my stomach is NOT happy with a few pecans. I think I will resort to soft foods for the rest of the day.
That's my last 4 days. Hope yours had a good outcome and was healthful!

Hi Lois....I really feel for you with the events of your daughter. I have a 27 year old son who just won't learn. You can teach them right from wrong and love them but they still have to make their mistakes. It doesn't help the hurt and broken heart, I know but we have done the best we could. Maybe this time she has learned but as a mom, we are there for them always,
Now about the chicken.....I think you should stay away from it!!!! Processed meats are easier on the pouchie...I know...been there and done that. I am so sorry that this is such a hurdle for you but you may just have to give it up.
My weekend was wonderful. Met a very nice man a couple weeks ago and we have been spending alot of time together. He lives an hour away and works alot so that is a strain but it is nice...feel like a teenager again.
My heart goes out to you on both issues. I can tell you work hard and play by the rules on things. When I read what you write about the issues with your daughter, I think of my own daughter who is 16. She finally became so out of control that I gave up custody to her father two weeks ago. Hopefully she will be able to get her life straight there because I had exhausted all means trying to help her to here. I wonder why certain people take the wrong path when the right one is paved in gold right in front of them. We spend hours on this topic at my house and can never solve the riddle.
The chicken issue, I feel for you there also. I remember when you said you tolerated chicken salad from Chic Fillet so early out !!! I thought, Go Lois !!! Yeah, these upset belly's are terrible. i will be happy to have my stupid stricture fixed. My G.I. said it was very rare....it would figure I would be the oddball out !!!!
Hang in there Lois !! Tomorrow is coming soon and it will be better !! That is VERY kewl that you are a German teacher !! I lived in Frankfurt for 4 years !!!
And Congrats on the weight loss !! You are looking great in all your pics !!