You can Dress Her Up ... But ya Can't Take her Out ..
Hi Natalie, ouch! I bet you looked hot in those 3" heels, though. How sweet of him to come up with that plan!! Who says those feds aren't smart guys!!
Seriously, I am sorry Natalie. That's such an inconvenience, too. I hope you mend well and fast! You've got some dancing planned for the future, you need to be better!!

Hey Tink!
Sorry to hear about that broken "cupid bone" but I am glad that your knight in shining armor was there to rescue you! AWWWW! How cute!! I have another positive to add to this conversation...I bet you looked really cute falling (with your tiny self)! Just think, if this fall would have happened years ago, this would be a whole different conversation...more like something along the lines of..."I was so embarrassed!" I don't think that word even came out in your post...AWESOME!!
Get better girl!
sorry to hear about your ankle.. i hope your feeling better soon sweety.. i am so happy for you, you found a good man.. cant wait to hang with you again miss you a bunch.. i will be in your neck of the woods on sat. so maybe if you would like i will stop bye and say hi.. and bring some well wishes..
take care sweety,