You can Dress Her Up ... But ya Can't Take her Out ..
Thanks to everyone for your well wishes .. !!
Yea that's right .. Dress me up .. But do not let me walk and talk at the same time .
Friday Night proved to be a big test for me .. I met Alan.. yes my new beau .. at Union Station Friday Night .. we decided to go have dinner at the Dubliner .. awesome Dinner .. and then he looked at me and said .. ya wanna go visit the monuments .. Sure she says as she looks down at her 3 inch heels ..
We walked for what felt like miles to get to the capitol and I was just awestruck by the sites .. we where walking and talking and the next thing I know .. BLAM .. I hit the sidewalk .. and went down hard .. I looked up at Alan and said .. " I am going to pass out... it hurts so bad .. he scooped me up and called for help .. He being a federal police officer was able to get me ride in nothing less than a Pentagon Cop car .. now that was pretty cool .. they took us back to Union where Alan got his car and there we where off to the ER .. for what lasted a lifetime .. to find out that yes .. Tink has broken her ankle in not one .. but 3 places .. my Cupoid bone .. LOL ..
Alan .. is someone that I have been seeing for about a month and I was having mixed emotions about him .. not sure .. wanting more but yet not wanting more .. I found myself truly in the arms of an angel . This man took such good care of me .. we could not do much Saturday so .. he goes to Block Buster .. calls me from his cell.. and goes thru the entire selection for me.. and all the movies I liked ..well .. He came out of there with .. So we snuggled all day Saturday .. me and my pain meds .. I drooled on him .. and he never complained .. we laughed and talked and honestly you all .. it was the best thing that could have happend to me .. it made me see alot in him ..
So Sunday he puts me on the train back to Richmond .. he even boarded with me .. held my hand until he had to go .. and FINALLY .. FINALLY LAID ONE ON ME .. that meaning .. a wet passinate kiss that I Had been waiting on for a month .. my first thought was Dang .. you could have been doing that all weekend .. but you must understand that Alan is all gentleman .. .. Thank God for the kiss .. it only solidified how I felt about him ..
So today I am off to call the Orthopedic Doc to see what they are going to do with me .. Home from work ..
Again .. thank you all for your well wishes .. and Thanks to Dianna my Baby Moon for coming up to visit me .. I love her yall .. she is the best friend anyone could have .. you gotta know how wonderful she is ..
Well.. take care .. I am off to gimp off to get me a protein shake .. LOL
Miss yall .. and love ya bunches ..
Tink ..
You see...a kiss a month in the waiting that comes after an ordeal like this means so very much then one a month ago just for the sake of kissing. You'll remember this one for a very, very long time! And I'm sure there are plenty more where that came from. Cuddling and being cared for is a wonderous thing.
Take good care of that foot! Lots of protein - heal, heal, heel... LOL!
Hugs, Kathy
Heya Tink...Glad to hear you are home now and safe. Sorry to hear about your injury but oh what a romantic man you have there. He sounds like he really is a Gentleman! Amazing how a cruddy accident turned into such a romantic weekend!! To me it sounds like your ankle was really tired from all that walking and in three inch heels nonetheless! You are a trooper lil tink! Hang in there and prayers that your ankle heals nicely.
I'm SO glad you are in good spirits sweetie & I'm figuring it MIGHT have something to do with the handsome Alan! I'm glad dinner & the sites were nice. Aww such a wonderful story. He sounds absolutely fabulous and I'm betting you are smiling from ear to ear (minus the ankle probably giving you a big fit). My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope that the orthopedic doc finds nothing more than you needing to heal over the next few weeks. Get well soon beautiful!

Awww, My Sweet Tink...Talking to you this morning...I could hear your happiness...not about the ankle but how wonderful your new man is. He sounds like a true Knight in Shining Armor...what a doll baby. He sounds like just what my Tink needs. If you need any help, you know I can just crawl in my old car and be there in about 3 hours give or take a few to get ready...I love ya and please let me know how "Mom" is doing...give her my love. Well, I finally convinced Jim that he really did have to go to work....hehe. He is his own boss so he is not gonna get in trouble. He was supposed to be there at 9:30 and didn't leave here until 10....and he has an hour drive. Bet he will be back by Wednesday, hehe...He has it bad....
Must be the season.
Hugs, Sweetie and if you need me call.

I am so sorry that you were injured and I pray that you will make a speedy recvovery! awesome your story is...he might just be that prince charming that you have been longing for :=)
There are not so many that we consider to be "gentelmen" anymore...a kiss at a sweet!!!
Good luck,