Stricture info and 2 month check up...
I saw my GI doctor this afternoon.
I go back in Wednesday afternoon to have this stricture repaired, fixed, treated..whatever you call it. It seems strange that I was diagnosed with a "Severe Stricture" and it is taking two weeks from the upper GI to get it fixed. Some people have had theirs treated rapidly.
For those of you who have had them and had them fixed...Did they come back? How did you feel afterwards? Could it have happened because I missed a few doses of antacid/Pepsid? He said it could be an ulcer formation along with the stricture. I always thought ulcers caused some degree of discomfort though..??? Do taste aversions from this ever go away? Any good advice you can give me?
I am at the point where I am not eating or drinking much of anything because of the discomfort. No protein shakes, only chewable vitamins twice a day and sips of peach tea with crushed ice. Everything else makes me very ill. The protein drinks feel I have chewed up bricks or something.The thoughts of eating makes me nauseated. ( Well, all except for the donuts Christine was teasing me about last night !!!)
I am 2 months out and have lost 52+ pounds. I do not regret having this done at all..just kind of wonder what I could have done differently, if anything, to have avoided this. boohoohoo !!!!

Hey Dana....Geesh..seems like they would get right on it but apparently it is not as SEVERE as they say if you have to wait till Wed. My goodness what a pain in the tail to have to wait when you are in pain. I am so sorry hon. I am praying for you and hope that you are good as new after your repair. Congrats on your weight loss! BTW I have an ulcer and I had no idea I had it....maybe I have become used to the pain? Who knows? Just FYI...I guess you don't alwasy feel Ulcer pain. *shrugs*
Hiya Dana!
I have had 2 strictures. The 1st happened in Feb '04 over a year post-op. I had what is called Anastomotic Strictures which are strictures from healing scars forming and the opening between the stomach and bowel become too small for food to get through. I had a lovely ulcer at the opening of my pouch as well. My second was in Mar '04 basically same thing only this time food was being retained in my pouch a lot more than the first. Can you say yuck? For more read my profile under 20th Feb '04 and 12th Mar. '04. It tells ya how I felt, what was found etc.
Congrats on losing 52 lb! That is fabulous!

Hi Sweetie....I am so sorry you are having all this trouble. I have never had one so I don't have any suggestions...just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about ya! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe after Wed that will be the end of it for you. Let me know how you are doing.
Hey Dana..
I am surprised that you still have not got that stricture taken care of, you poor thing, I would have got on the phone and insisted that it be taken care of, you should have let me know I would have called the office for you..The good thing is that relief is on the way. My stricture was very much like yours. To answer your question about "missed a few doses of antacid/Pepsid", I will tell you "yes" according to my doctor(that is what my surgeon told me). If I were you, I would ask the GI doctor "after" the procedure just how bad was it closed by "mm", ask them how much it should be opened and where are you at in regards to that, and if it is not opened as it should be, what is it going to take.
As I mentioned to you before, my stricture was very bad too, I was completely closed. The communication was not "open" when I had the stricture taken care of the first time, meaning the GI did not go into detail, or I guess my husband or I just didn't ask. It was when I started throwing up again & insisted on being seen for a 2nd time that I was told that I was not (the stricture) open as I should have & it was a very severe & a difficult stricture & that is why I had to be seen within the week after the first time of being "ballooned", but the first doctor did not explain it to me this way, he just said follow up with me..
Hey Dana..
I am surprised that you still have not got that stricture taken care of, you poor thing, I would have got on the phone and insisted that it be taken care of, you should have let me know I would have called the office for you..The good thing is that relief is on the way. My stricture was very much like yours. To answer your question about "missed a few doses of antacid/Pepsid", I will tell you "yes" according to my doctor(that is what my surgeon told me). If I were you, I would ask the GI doctor "after" the procedure just how bad was it closed by "mm", ask them how much it should be opened and where are you at in regards to that, and if it is not opened as it should be, what is it going to take.
As I mentioned to you before, my stricture was very bad too, I was completely closed. The communication was not "open" when I had the stricture taken care of the first time, meaning the GI did not go into detail, or I guess my husband or I just didn't ask. It was when I started throwing up again & insisted on being seen for a 2nd time that I was told that I was not (the stricture) open as I should have & it was a very severe & a difficult stricture & that is why I had to be seen within the week after the first time of being "ballooned", but the first doctor did not explain it to me this way, he just said follow up with me..
Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for all this detailed information. Hey..about it taking so long, I guess they figured I had some extra pounds to live off !!!!!! were almost completely closed? That is terrible. The radiologist said mine was closed to where nothing with any consistancy could pass through. So, I guess that means food and thick drinks. I have written everything down as you suggested for tomorrow. Thanks again !!!
How are you feeling now? Are you able to tolerate anything? I mean tolerate the THINGS we are supposed to have. I think all the crackers and stuff that most with strictures become use to eating defeat the purpose of why we had the surgery !!!
Thanks again...I really appreciate it !!!
Oh Dana a few more things..
1. I would ask if they want you to go back to liquids, only to get readjusted (as it was explained to me). I guess from being sick for so long your tummy is weak..
2. For me, how I knew something was not right again, was when I began to vomit only a day and a half later after being released from the hospital..
3. I would ask the GI doctor if you felt something was not right again, can you call him directly instead of calling your surgeon..
I was not happy at all with the first GI doctor I had, but the second one was very in detail & was very caring... His name is Dr. Ashman he works out of Va Beach Hospital, his office is off of First Colonial Road..
Sorry about my last post, have no clue as to why it was broke up in 2..
Again, best wishes girl..