Need prayers for my baby Tink........
Hello everyone......
Our very own Tink needs some get well vibes right about now....
Touring Washing DC with her new beau proved to be more of an adventure than she bargained for Friday night.....looking at the Capitol and various other sights while talking, and talking some more, she stepped off a curb that she didnt realize was there, or didnt know how far it went down.....she ended up breaking her ankle
She spent the next 5+ hours in the hospital getting things taken care of....
On the bright side, her new beau handled it wonderfully, and has been taking care of her since
I did get to Rockville where she is staying tonight, and she looks good, although worried if she will be all better by Boogie and Splash...she will need a few weeks off from work, as it is her right ankle, and it is kinda hard to drive with a cast.....
I am sure in the next few days she will be on to tell the *whole story* but for now, get well vibes are in order!!
Get well soon are in my thoughts and prayers

Oh no - not the Tinker Bell!! I am so sorry to hear that you are hurt. I am WLS 1-16-2006 with Dr. T. and I love reading about your journey's and your comments of help to others. I am sending this on, a loving prayer that you will have Angels by your side night and day, to help carry you through this time. Please do post and tell us all about it and what your plans are for recovery. Get well soon.
Tracy in Newport News

Hiya Dianna,
I sure hope that Natalie's ankle heals nicely and quickly and she gets back to her normal activities ASAP. I'm glad someone was with her when it happened. Aww, very nice of him for taking care of her and nice of you to drive to check on her.
I bet she'll be in tip top shape in no time at all.
Sending prayers and get well wishes her way!