HI EVERYONE... where to begin
First of all, I'M OK! Better even!!
I can't believe it's been over a MONTH since I've posted!
I just updated my profile, so take a look so see... WHAT'S HAPPENED TO TAMM?!?!
Progress so far:
I have no idea what I weigh and, honestly, I don't care!
I feel GREAT, and that's the most important thing
Ok, for you scaleaholics, I'm probably around 205, putting me VERY close to the century mark!! Not bad for 5 months!!
I know I'm still losing weight because my clothes keep getting bigger, or smaller, depending how you look at it. I'm still following the "diet" for post-op WLS: focusing on protein, low fat and sugar/carb. Struggling with drinking enough water. Getting in the vitamins.
I'm loving life!
I would like to ask for your prayers for my husband. He had a bad accident and almost lost his foot a month ago. He's been in the hospital twice, and iIt's going to be a long recovery, but he'll be ok, not the same, but OK! AND, tomorrow is our ONE YEAR wedding anniversary!! We've both agreed that we've had enough of the "in sickness" during this first year of marriage to last us a lifetime! We are ready for some "in HEALTH!"
I've been trying to keep up as well as possible on the postings. Congratulations to all of you *****cently had WLS. There is nothing I have CHOSEN to do in my life that has had such a positive impact in such a short time. At 5+ months post-op, I'm happier, healthier, and often feel ready to take on the world! I've been praying for those of you who have had health or soul problems
Congratulations to Kat for being published! I read that whole feed and will just say that I LOVE all you guys!
I'm looking forward to Boogie & Splash. I hope to attend, but won't know for sure until later this month (depends on how hubby is doing.) If so, I'll be looking for a roommate for Saturday night. I don't want to go home and miss the PJ party this time!
I MISS all my support group buddies. 6 more weeks of school and I'll be done with my MBA classes!! Just my DRP/thesis, and I'm graduating!!!
Take care and keep on going... you all warm my heart daily!
Love ya

Hiya Tammy!
Welcome back! I'm glad to hear you are feeling great and doing wonderfully. Aww, prayers are being said for you & your hubs and family. I'm sure glad he's doing all right. Thanks for your congrats! It's been amazing! Good luck with finishing school and graduating. I'll throw in some extra prayers for that as well.

Hey Tammy,
It's so good to see you on the board again. I heard about the accident your husband had around Christmas and I'm so sorry to hear of his injury. My son had a similar accident a couple years ago. He crushed the bones in the top of his right foot due to lossing control of his dirt bike in mid air doing a jump. Now, mind you he is in the army and a Jump Master in the 82nd airbourne. Makes one wonder what he was thinking. When I heard of his injury, the first thing I thought was he did it during a jump from a plane...........NOT!!! I was so afraid he would never be able to jump again. He just got back from a tour in Afghanistan and is due to try a jump within the next month or so. Anyway, I do know how massive the damage can be to ones foot from a fall.
I am so glad to hear your good news about your weight loss. You have done fantastic. WTG Girlfriend!!!
I hope your shoulder has healed since I last saw you at support group. We sure do miss you there. Hopefully you can be back with us before long. Some of us are thinking about going to the support group meeting at St. Mary's this coming Thursday. I have to check with Natalie mid-week to see if the plan is still that. Join us if you can. I know you have had your hands full with your husbands injury, your work, your school and concentrating on your diet with this new lifestyle you are trying to maintain. I am so proud that you've been able to do it. You are definitely one strong woman.
If you have read any of my post, then you know my story. The short version goes like this.........finished 6 month medically supervised diet......had paperwork faxed to Hillarie, she submitted it, it was denied, she appealed....it's in review. That's where I am at this point. I am so hoping to get an approval this week. It's been such a long haul for me and I feel I am so close now I can almost taste it. Keep me in your prayers for this because I don't know how I will make it with all this weight if I have to continue like this forever. I went out with my youngest daughter today and I am so exhausted I can barely move. I feel like I'm 80 years old and just can't keep up. I know it's due to my weight and I just want to feel good again.
I will definitely hold you and your husband up in my prayers and please do the same for me. I have missed you so much and I always enjoyed seeing you at the meetings. Be in touch with me and let me know how you're doing, how your hubby is doing and know you have been missed on the board.
Lots of Love

Hi Kathy
Thank you for your well wishes and prayers!!
Hubby's accident was just 1 month ago. Not sure what happened at Christmas.
My shoulder is much better. It's as good as it's going to get for now. My doctor and physical therapist have released me until I'm ready to consider surgery, but I have exercises to do here at home to continue to strengthen it. Surgery is NOT necessary at this point and I have had to focus more on Kyle's recovery.
I read about your continued journey toward health. I have been praying on this and will continue to do so. I'm sure your approval will be any day now!
I miss the support group meetings. My class is EVERY Thursday evening from 6:15 - 10pm, so I can't make the St. Mary's group either. It just occured to me that they started another one during the week for lap band patients, although it's open to everyone. Think I might give that one a try.
Take care and stay focused on your goal!!

Hi David,
I don't know if I am going now that Natalie has taken a fall. If I can round up another girlfriend I just may show up and if I do I will be sure an look you up. I'll be the Big Beautiful Brunette.......LOL Just kidding about the beautiful.........but I am Big. Of course I am hoping to see a change as soon as I am approved for my surgery.
Take care and be in touch....
Hi Sweetie..I am so sorry about your husbands accident...on top of everything else, I know you have got to be exhausted. Hope he is doing better now. I haven't been on much the last few days myself due to some new things coming up. I feel like I am having withdraws when I am away from the board for any length of time. Well, just please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily..I will never forget what you have done for me.
Love ya bunches