What are your favorite foods/drinks???
I am always curious to hear what others are eating and drinking...
Tell me what your favorite foods are...how far post-op are you!
Another question...I am 4 weeks post-op tomorrow and I am wondering when I may be able to eat a small amount of taco salad or regular lettuce salads? My doc told me for pureed to eat anything I want, just to blend it...so, maybe soon I will be able to try these salads, but just hoping I will be able to tolerate!!
(down 30 pounds/4 weeks)
Hi Amy
Some of my favorite foods right now are Mexican (chicken or steak burritos, refried beans that sort of thing) and anything that can be made into a wrap (This has now become my sandwich, since I do not eat bread.) I might nibble at a resturant on the bread they bring to the table, but I do not eat sandwiches....
As for the salad, my Surgeon reccomends that we wait for 8 weeks before attempting salads. That was the best salad I think I have ever tasted!! I remember the early days going to Giant, making my salad with loads of protein, paying $3, and it lasted me for 3 meals!! Now my $3 salad lasts for one.....sigh.....Just remember to stay on your surgeons recomendations. You will be able to add things in the future, but for now, take your time, learn your new way of life, you will be better off for it!!
Hope that helped a little!

Thanks Dianna,
I will wait until 8 weeks for salad then...yes, I may do the build your own salads too...from Giant! Salads always taste better to me when I am not the one preparing! LOL
My surgeon did not tell me of any food restrictions. When I started pureed foods two weeks ago she said to eat anything and everything that I want, just blenderize the food, as baby food texture! So...I am guessing that the same will be true for regular foods, which I believe will start this Wed. after I see her again!
MMMmmm....mexican food is my favorite, although I am growing sick of refried beans as I've eaten it everyday for two whole weeks...UGH!
I just boiled some eggs and I am going to try to eat some hard boiled egg tonight, I cannot seem to eat scrambled eggs, so maybe this will do the trick :=)
I started very gradually--adding 1 piece of lettuce only, then 2..etc., to cottage cheese I ate at work. I started adding at about 6 wks. It was probably around 8 wks out that I tried a very small salad with dressing, all by itself.
When I say 1 piece of lettuce I do not mean one leaf--rather, one small piece that came from a chopped lettuce salad. Next I added a few threads of shredded carrot. My stomach is still not real happy with broccoli
despite my efforts to add it back very slowly. Each raw/fresh fruit or veg. I want to try again have to sample very carefully first.
And, this evening I tried stir-fried chicken yet again with no luck.
Good luck on this adventure!

Hi Paula - I am almost 3 1//2 months out and was intrigued that you are over 6 years. How have things changed for you this far out? I see that you are able to eat whatever you want. Are you finding that a challenge in maintaining your weight? I hope I'm not too nosy, I just have rarely had a chance to ask someone with that much time since surgery.
Oh yes! I struggle daily. Even though my intake is drastically reduced, I still have issues with my weight. I don't know all of them, but for some reason, there was a switch that was flipped somewhere in my past that put me back in my same thinking mode as I was pre-surgery. To this day, I don't know what it was that triggered it. I see myself sliding back and I can't get a foot hold. This may sound worse than it really is, but it IS scarey. Now, there are those who have no issues and are doing weel, so PLEASE don't steriotype everyone into the same boat. You have to continue to fight. Somewhere along the way, I lost the fight.
All you people *****ad this realize one thing. You must keep up the fight, keep battling the issues. Don't lapse back. If you are strong do whatever you can to stay strong. If you are weak, get some help. Support groups are so important. I am realizing that now.
Keep up the good work. Stay encouraged! huuugzzzzz