Update - Trish Bremer!
Hello friends ~
Just got off the phone with Trish Bremer and talked her ear off for about 45 minutes ... [sigh]... poor thing, I don't know if she even got 2 minutes of air time, with all MY yappin'!
Anyway - here's the latest update!
Trish is BACK in the hospital and will REMAIN there till her baby is born. The doctors have decided there is too much risk in letting her go home and they'd prefer to have her under constant supervision and bed rest. If ya'll know Trish, you know she's always on the go, not one to sit around and REST, so I think this is a very good thing!
Grandpa Ernie has come in from Maryland and is taking care of her son, the fur-babies and the house, which in turn keeps Trish from worrying too much. Trish's husband is currently in KOREA and not able to come home. If you're in the military you understand that they don't/won't bring our men/women home unless "Red Cross" gets involved.
The GOOD news? Hubby is/was already scheduled to return home June 1st, so we know he'll be back in the next 3.5 weeks. The doctors are very optimistic that they will be able to monitor Trish and the baby through a JUNE 7th labor day.
Okay - this is where all of YOU come in? Let's remember to send some positive thoughts, vibes, prayers, mojo juice, whatever you can muster.... her way. She's going through some rough times and it's not made any easier by being stuck in a hospital and a husband that is thousands of miles away.
Also - if anyone has TIME, not just today, but through out the next few weeks and want to CALL Trish? Here is the phone number.... it rings directly to her room and Trish has already given me permission to share it on the boards.
Hospital Room: 757-953-4183
She is at the Portsmouth Hospital, 4th floor, Patient name: Trish Bremer and that's where she'll be for several weeks. I plan on making a trip out there in the next few days and I know she'd love any and ALL visitors.
I can't imagine spending that much time in a hospital, bless her heart she's gonna go bonkers. I did find out she liked to read "V C Andrews" stuff and I happen to have about 50 of VC's hardbacks - so Im gonna bring a bunch of those up to her. Maybe pack up some protein samples (she'll hate me for that one, but I'll still make her chug 'em back).
Anyway, enough rambling from me. If ya'll can call her - please do, she'd love it. If you have time to swing by and visit, PLEASE DO ...oh, and if you want to send well wishes to her profile/surgery page, here's the link:
Thanks in advance, hugs to all ..... Lei

Hello Kelli -
Yes, she's at the NAVAL hospital - lol, I don't know the area well at all, and never gave it any thought that there would be other hospitals out that way.
I'm sure she'd LOVE to have visitors, it's gonna be a long 4 weeks and I know I start going stir crazy after 3 days in one.
You're such a sweety - hugs, Lei
Hey Lei,
Now that's a post worth reading. If I ever need an update you're the gal for the job. Thank you for posting and being so informative. I know that Trish don't know me but I am going to give her a ring over the weekend and wish her well anyway. Thank goodness they put her in the hospital because at home even if you try your hardest it's impossible to stay in bed. At the hospital, it's a given. Keep us posted as to how she's doing and I will keep sending all the good vibes, positive thinking and prayers her way.
Lots of Love

Hello Kathy -
It's great to see you posting again - I'll be sure to pass on your good wishes!! She's going to be thrilled to talk with you on the phone, trust me, not having "met someone in real space, yet" doesn't mean she won't know you. You're always so positive and supportive, can't help but notice someone like that in life!
I'll probably post another update with the phone number again, middle of next week. Figure with Mothers Day Weekend coming up, she'd love to hear from people via the phone. It's a tough situation to be in, but she'll make the best of it and calls from people like yourself, will make it that much easier.
Have a great weekends - hugs, Lei

Thanks, Lei! It is taking a while getting used to..."the new me" LOL...and my hubby has been in a little shock...Just when he was starting to get used to it...they sent him away! He is on the Big E (aka antiquated piece of navy history)...and left Tuesday. Gonna be a long six months. He is being transferred to Charleston when he gets back...so I gotta find a house and pack, etc while he is gone. I know you can relate. What we won't do for our men...LOL. Anyway, I am glad Trish's man is coming home. I am gonna have to see about either going over there or sending her something. I can't imagine having to be in the bed for several weeks. I'd go nuts! Thanks again for checking on her and letting us know what is going on!

WOW - Stephanie, that's gotta be SO HARD!!!!!!!! ...and yes, I absolutely do understand how hard/sad it is. I swear, I'll never get used to saying "goodbye" and it's just as sad the first time as it is the 30th. I'm sorry your man is gone, hopefully ALL the stuff you're being dumped with will be a godsend (in a way) and keep you so busy you don't have time to miss him as often? Yah yah, I know, the words ring a tad hollow when you're actually having to live through it, but you know what Im trying to say.
Hugs - Lei
Hey lei lei,
we can go together if you want to. It would have to be either in the evening or weekend. Cause I have a day job, besides mothering as well. I would have to get a babysitter, which isnt that hard.
So if you would like to get together and go, I will go with you.
Thanks for the up date on her.