TGIF - Senseless Questions!

~ Julie ~
on 5/5/06 8:33 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
"TGIF" - Senseless Questions: 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? Have no idea. 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Married 35 years, I've had to remind Dad of his anniversary the last 20 of them. Either Dianna did before that or he just had no clue. 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? Some perfume that didn't come from the drugstore. 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... I can't remember the LAST time, but I guarantee it involved my nephew. 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? I don't have a partner, so haha. *I* would say my worst habit is putting things off. I'd still be putting this surgery off if not for Dad and Dianna. 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? Either empathy (too much sometimes) or thoroughness (well, with work anyhow) 7) What are you listening to right now? The Hand That Feeds -- Nine Inch Nails (this is my WLS anthem) 8) What was the last thing you ate? 2 tbsp chili, 2 tbsp cottage cheese 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? When people can't stop beating a dead horse from another thread. (haha, just kidding, that actually made me laugh) I really can't stand people who talk and talk but never have anything constructive to say, just talk to hear the sound of their own voice it seems. I work with lots of these people. They hate each other. But they all like me. . 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? Yesterday, maybe 55oz of water. I did much better today. I'm at 60 now with a fresh bottle. I got in all of my vitamins, though it took me until 11pm to do it.
(deactivated member)
on 5/5/06 8:53 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning Julie ~ I had to laugh when I read your "last thing ate" ....too cute and I'm so jealous. I have a few girlfriends here that are 3+ years out and we bring up the "early days" a lot. We all agree that we truly miss getting full on a plop of cottage cheese. Or tossin' in a dab of chili, when we were feeling adventerous and frisky and savoring every bite!! I can't believe how much I long for the early days. Which is ironic, because when I actually was going through them? I thought it sucked!!! Enjoy those meals - congrats on the water/vitamins, it's a great habit/routine to have!
Sharon Q.
on 5/5/06 9:30 am - Fredericksburg, VA
So glad to hear I'm not the only one in a funk. I'm right there with ya girly!! Maybe that's why I'm so late responding today. Been so out of it and cranky with ME lately. "TGIF" - Senseless Questions: 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? *Jeez, I dunno, do guys really still use those?? 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? *Yup, still married and for 45 years this month!! Wow!!! 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? *A fun spring purse, day b4 my surgery. 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... *That happens often in my neighborhood. You should all move here, we have so much fun!!! 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? *Refusing to talk to him when he wants to fight!!! HA!! 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? *I'm level headed and stable. The way I was raised I suppose. 7) What are you listening to right now? *My son talking to my dog..........AWWWWWWWWW!!! 8) What was the last thing you ate? *A very different, yet yummy form of Chicken Parm. My friends all took days this week to bring my family dinner, that was one of em. 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? *Liars...........hate when people lie to me!! 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? *Not enough water, not feeling great this week. I ALWAYS take all my vitamins, have not missed once since surgery!! Thanks so much for the questions Leilani!!! We love you!!!!!!!!!!! XOOXOXOXOOOX
on 5/5/06 10:58 am
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? It's been so long I don't remember! 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Married 52 years! 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? Some new cosmetics... I didn't really need them, but sure enjoyed em 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... Laughing at a letter written by someone I work with earlier this week. It was a great release! 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? Control freak! 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? Caring 7) What are you listening to right now? Beautiful silence 8) What was the last thing you ate? Just ate a deviled egg 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? people who invade your body space 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? Not enough... probably about 20 oz... drank way too much coffee. Yes, I always take ALL my vitamins!
Christine Hood
on 5/5/06 11:12 am - Fort Eustis, VA
"TGIF" - Senseless Questions: 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? not married 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? a guitar 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... My grandma is 88 and a bit stubborn. She has to take 2 pills and a vitamin every day but somehow her (according to her) "boring life" is too busy to fit this large task into her day. I guess between the news and maury povich, life is rough. Anyway, my mom fights with her pretty much daily about taking (more like not taking) her pills. My mom goes over every Sunday and fills the weekly pill/vitamin holder. Throughout the week, my mom stops over and inevitably they end up arguing because after 5 days my grandmother will have 2 of the little doors open. My grandmother is a slick one (always has been) but as she gets older, she gets confused and forgetful...not a good combo when you are trying to scam someone. So this past Sunday my mom filled the vitamin holder (as always) and when she returned on Monday, 4 of the compartments were open and empty (my grandmother throws the pills in the trash) but in the midst of her throwing them out to show my mom that she really does take them, she got confused and emptied 3 too many compartments...She sat with a straight face trying to convince my mom that she took exactly the right number of pills every day...gotta love it! 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? No partner=No bad habits (YEAH RIGHT!) 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? my hair or my teeth...i guess because people compliment me on them...a bit less superficial would be the fact that i always try to see the best in people...this often gets me into trouble because i usually end up getting burned before i realize that not all people are good. 7) What are you listening to right now? baseball/espn/barry bonds 8) What was the last thing you ate? have a last's not new york style but considering i won't make it to new york before my surgery, shore break pizza will have to do 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? i drank a lot yesterday...wasn't really counting...i think i over vitaminized (ok, sounds like it could be a word!) as i am trying all of these different chewables before i actually buy some...i think i took enough for a couple of people who may have forgotten today Kinda like cake and diet coke...cancel each other out! So a couple of people are still good if they forgot their vits yesterday...i got u!
Christine Hood
on 5/5/06 11:49 am - Fort Eustis, VA
OK, I'm a dummy...missed a couple... 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? OK...this is an actual email exchange from name is TOO GOOD so he is TG for short...) TG: You are beautiful. ME: Thank you. TG: Do you have a man? I'm single and childless. ME: no man, no kids...PURE JOY!!! TG: OK so your free to be! OK, did I not make that clear??? Ugh! Men 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? Lying and cheating
(deactivated member)
on 5/5/06 9:04 pm -'Beach, VA
... how could you possibly walk away from the pure "gene"ous swimming around in that mans pool? You know.... it's the ones you find irritating at first, that you end up marrying right? Just ask Paul, I put his butt in "time out" 5 minutes after we started chatting via the keyboard. He aggrad me - don't even remember why or how, now. He probably said something REALLY OUTTA' LINE, like .... "Hello, my name is Paul, what's yours?" Of course, my immediate follow up in a "Soup Nazi" kinda tone ... "No chat for you, NO CHAT FOR YOU!!!!! go now, TIME OUT, now!" I was such a sweety in my younger days, dontcha think?
Michele R.
on 5/5/06 11:36 pm - Pittsfield, MA
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? "I was talking to your friend but you seem so much more interesting"! *yeah jerk she left you in the dust* 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Long since divorced. I was three when they did and now am thirty three 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? A journal for my WLS journey. 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... A few weeks ago my daughter was in the car with me waiting for her Dad to get her brother out of school and I tooted...well when her Dad and brother got back in the car she said "Dad...It wasn't me...Mom made the car smell like a litter box! She just turned 5. *smiles* 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? I spend money very freely. 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? I am very honest and truthful and a great friend. I will do anything for a friend. 7) What are you listening to right now? The sound of silence. My children spent the night at their Grandparents. 8) What was the last thing you ate? 2 slices of Oat Nut bread with Banana slices on top. 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? When they think they are the only person and everyone should do for them or work around their schedule. 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? I am still pre op...I drank about 8 bottles of water. *smiles*
Christine Hood
on 5/6/06 11:50 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Oh yeah! You sure were (and, ahem, still ARE) such a sweetie! That's why everyone LOVES YOU HOT MAMA!!!
on 5/6/06 1:20 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey Lei, So good to see you back on the board. I do the samething with disappearing for a while and then boom....I'm back. So much of the time I don't know what advice to give people when I'm still waiting to have my surgery. In case you didn't hear.....I am in review now....have been since the beginning of last week. I am hoping that since it's not been denied yet....that's a good sign and my approval will come down soon. I will tell you that I miss you when you don't post. You are so light hearted and always give such sound advice with a touch of humor. You are a treasure!!! Here goes my response: 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen...(all the while looking at my cleavage) LOL 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Deceased 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? digital camera 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... been a long time....don't remember!! 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? sleeping 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? Compasion.......I always feel for others and put myself in their shoes with what they are going through. 7) What are you listening to right now?'s a wonderful sound 8) What was the last thing you ate? scrambled eggs & yogurt 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? Self centered......all about themselves 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? Still pre-op so it don't matter
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