TGIF - Senseless Questions!

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/06 9:13 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning friends ~ Hope everyone had a great week? Ive been in a bit of a funk lately and I find when I get that way, it's best to fade into the woodwor****il I can "play nice with others" again. SO, I put myself into a self-imposed TIMEOUT. Complete with a gag on my keyboard. It hasn't been easy and I suspect I have a few [more] gray hairs to show for it, but that's what *LOREAL-Summer blonde-Aisle 3* is for, right? If anyone wants to play along - here are the questions for the day, just cut and paste them below and have fun! Enjoy your weekend - don't forget the vitamins, water, exercise and protein! Hugs ~ Lei . "TGIF" - Senseless Questions: 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? 7) What are you listening to right now? 8) What was the last thing you ate? 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? .
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/06 9:35 pm - Remington, VA
Morning Leilani! Boy do I understand about that funk! 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? I"ve been married nearly 14 years, haven't heard one in a while! 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? married, 36 years next month 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? oh we're allowed to buy ourselves someting once in a whle? hmmmm, my plants....sorry it's the best I could do....but I love to garden! 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... Well, my husband has become quite the anti-telemarketer. He doesn't get angry witrh them, he has too much fun with them. The other night one called (well mor ethen one, but this one in particular,) from "Pope Mortgage" His first response after the guy introduce himself was, "You know the Pope?" ( in a somewhat dumb sounding voice...but very inquisitive!) The guy proceeded and my husband says, "You know Pope Benedict?" Meanwhile the guys trying to give us the best mortgage ever. So my husband asks, "Is this a Catholic company?" And he's totally not paying attention to what the guy wants. I was so hard I was crying 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? procrastination 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? loyalty, because I am! 7) What are you listening to right now? birds chirping 8) What was the last thing you ate? 1/4 cup rice krispies, 1/8 skim cup milk-- no flaming! for you "diehard wls" people I had a rough day yesterday and the way I see it, when it's what sounds good, it's better then nothing! 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? people who are judgemental 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? back to the y day yesterday, not so great I did feel better by evening time so worked on water after that. ~30 oz water, a bottle of snapple diet iced tea, and a protein coffee. I kept down my evening vits! TGIF! Have a great weekend!
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/06 10:00 pm -'Beach, VA
.....your husband and MY husband would have a field day with Telemarketers!! I have NO tolerance for 'em and will just hang up! Actually, thats the main reason we NEVER answer our phone at the house, just let it go to the machine. BUT ....their is always a but, huh? ..But, Paul has been known to pick up the phone at the wrong time and get a TM on the other end. For me: The call would end in 1.5 seconds ....CLICK! For my hubby: It could go on for 10 minutes or more as he strings 'em along with a buncha silly questions. What amazes me is that the TM actually puts up with it for so long? Just another borinig day on the job, I suppose. Hey? far as your 1/4 cup of cereal w/milk? That's NOT flame worthy and shame on anyone that tried to flam ya'. Heck, the only thing that really AGGRAD ME when I read that? You didn't share!
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/06 9:51 pm -'Beach, VA
"TGIF" - Senseless Questions: 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? My name can be very difficult to pronounce if you're not familiar with the Hawaiian language. It's pronounced "Lay-lah-nee". I was out clubbin' with my girlfriends, about 20 years ago (oh my, Im OLD) ...and we ran into an entire BASEBALL team that also was out dancing that night. One guy in particular took an interest in me - unfortunately, as the evening went on, he became really STUPID drunk. The kinda' drinking that goes beyond any realm of common sense. He decided that "WE" made a cute couple (yah right) ...but had forgotten my name. Sooooooooooo -- long story over? He stumbles over in a drunken stupor - puts his arm around my shoulder, leans in real close and between the stench of alky'hawl and slobbering, he sputters out.... I really think you're my soulmate..[hiccup].. what was your name again? ...LAY-ON-ME?!? Dontcha' know that was the END OF THAT RELATIONSHIP! 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Actually, they're both dead - but, the marriage didn't last long either. 13 years I think, with 12.5 of them being miserable. 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? Cherry red Lip gloss w/extra SPARKLES! 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... That's easy - it was with WENDY G., coming back from the Daffy'dil festival a few weeks ago. Trust me, you had to be there to truly understand the HUMOR of it all, so I won't even try RETELLING the story. Suffice it to say, I was laughing SO hard, I had to pull over on the Freeway to compose myself - tears were streaming, make-up was smeared and I couldn't breath. PRICELESS MEMORY! 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? Heck, I dunno - I have a BUNCH of 'em. Probably my need for perfection? God blessed me with a lotta common sense (some time too much, I think) and it drives me freakn bonkers that MORE people don't tap into theirs once in awhile. I tend to have a very SHORT fuse. 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? Sense of humor - Cause laughter is a GOOD THING in life, right? 7) What are you listening to right now? My two big tuff ferocious FELINES, chirping at the squirrels on our front porch like a bunch of fluffy-pansies. I toss out a bunch of peanuts in the morning and we end up with an entire wild life community at our doorstep. It's GREAT entertainment for the cats (and me). 8) What was the last thing you ate? SUSHI and SASHIMI last night for dinner! Yum!!! ..Nothing so far this morning, just sippin' on a protein shake. 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? Bible thumping hypocrites know, the ones that play the "Church/Trump" card when it suits 'em? My first husband was a Jehova Witness, but ONLY when it worked in his best interest. Anytime he was screwing around in our marriage, he wasn't such a devout witness. Imagine that. Oh, and Birthdays were always fun - his was in April, mine in May. In APRIL he wasn't really sure what religious path he should take (which meant he could accept Birthday gifts) ...but the minute his Birthday was over? He was a DEVOUT witness again (which do not celebrate Birthdays) and of course LEI would rec'v NOTHING on her Birthday. No card, no cake, no gifts, no nothing - afterall, he was a "Witness" and they don't celebrate Burf'days! I can't stand people that only stand behind a belief or cause when it SUITS 'em. 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? Came up short on my water - just wasn't in the mood. Drank about 60 oz of H20 and had about 200 oz of COFFEE! Oh my. Took all my vitamins, always do! Have a great weekend - ALL!
on 5/4/06 9:55 pm - Jacksonville, FL
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? "Wow, you look like a country beauty. Wanna milk a bull?" 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Divorced. Married for 17 years; divorced for 17. 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? The Oregon Trail computer game. Sucked as it won't run with any "newer" technology than 1995. :P And they don't provide support for it. 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... When my daughter was sitting on our bed with a book in her hands pretending to read and my husband asked her what she was reading. She turned and looked at him with the most serious face and said out of the blue, "Don't know, don't care, now shhhh." It's what my husband says to me when I ask him a stupid question just to annoy him. LOL. 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? I procrastinate. 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? Patience, otherwise I'd have killed 90% of the population of the world, along with my own family. 7) What are you listening to right now? Moose A. Moose and Zee on Noggin. 8) What was the last thing you ate? Beef Jerky 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? When they believe that laws don't apply to them, such as speeding and stop signs. 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? Not enough and yes. Tonya Brown 405/379/248/180 (high/surgery/current/goal) 5'5"
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/06 10:13 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning Tonya - I LOVED Your daughters response - tooooooooooo FUNNY!!! Gotta love our lil ones and it's painfully obvious at times, how much they emulate US, huh? I used to be sooooooooooo careful with Keoni - you know, watching the things I did, or said, etc. One day, I had to pull a long day at my office and asked one of my bestest friends (in Oklahoma) to watch Keoni for me. He was probably 6 at the time? She had him for about 8 hours and as soon as I showed up to pick him up - he insisted that I wait until I heard what he'd learned. Of course, I immediately went into "oh dear" mode, cause his Aunty RhaeRhae (my girlfriend) was always the "adventerous shoulda been born a man" type of gal. Sure enough - Keoni stands up proudly in the middle of the living room and begins to recite the entire alphabet! Not bad - right? Most parents would be SO PROUD! Did I forget to mention that he did the ALPHABET by BELCHING IT????????? My girlfriend taught my boy how to freakn BURP the entire thing - I was so mad at her and threatened revenge!!! Her son (Jacob) is 6 years old, dontcha know that im counting the days till I can extend my revenge? Of course, I don't know how to BURP on command, so Im gonna have to see if Keoni will be the teacher in this lesson. LOL - can't wait! (revenge is a lot sweeter then people imply)
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/06 10:43 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Good morning missy - hope you have a good day today, and I don't mean that just to say it, I really hope you do!! Lei, I have to arrange a 'chat' with you, I am having so much trouble putting in pictures in my profile I need your expertise!! I put one in yesterday and it took up the whole screen, and the another and it was so tiny I couldnt' see it. Oh well, here's my play along!! love 1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? hmmm, well ah, hmmmm, let me think, ah, that would be ah, sorry it's been so long I can't remember. 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? My mother was married three times! She said she feels like a harlot!! But the third time was the best but he passed away six years ago. 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? A new spring purse - yellow!! Very sassy!! 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... Whenever I talk to my sister! She's a hoot and she always just makes me go crazy with her humor! 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? That I nibble on my nails - and yes, they're acrylic!!! Try that! It's hard, but possible. 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? I think my best quality is compassion, and it's because I (oh my gosh, I sound like a Miss America!!!) ... 7) What are you listening to right now? My dogs barking - the septic tank guy is here pumping and they are just having a great time. Poor guy, must drive him nuts! 8) What was the last thing you ate? Oatmeal for dinner last night, protein drink now 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? People who are, or act like they are, know it alls! Arggggh, give me a break. 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? I drank 90 oz yesterday (I do track it!) and yes I took all my vitamins. In fact I wasn't taking B-12 just what was in my baratric vitamin (optisource) and I decided to stop at Trader Joe's yesterday while I was waiting for my laundry to get done since I had to wash my big quilt at the laundramat instead of my washer cause it was so big and my dog puked on it -- where was I, oh yeah, so I got some dissolve under the tongue B-12 to be sure I get enough of that. But yes, I did take all my vitamins if anyone is still reading!! Thanks Lei, fun stuff!! love you!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/5/06 12:36 am -'Beach, VA
Hello sweet thang! Do you have the photos on If that's where you're linking the photo from it should ALREADY have the size limitations in place. All the ones in my profile are (okay, not all, but MOST) are already sized by Shutterfly. Anyway - if you want me to link it over for you, just give me the information on the phone (what webstie you're hosting it on) and your profile info. To actually UPDATE your profile with the photos, you'll have to give me your "user name and password" for the OH site. Um, lol, uh - but not here, send it in a private email. Love you - ME!
on 5/4/06 10:51 pm - Manassas, VA
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? There are so many to choose from! Here's a few: -There's just one thing your eyes haven't told me yet....your name. -Did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in them. -I am conducting a field test of how many woman have pierced nipples. -My name isn't Elmo, but you can tickle me any time you want to. -So how do you like your eggs in the morning? (To which you've GOT to reply: "Unfertilized." That'll shut 'em right up!) -You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day. -Hey, nice , wanna screw? 2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Divorced... 10 years now. 3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? Ummm... sheet music. But that's for the wedding, so, I guess it doesn't count. How about... clothes? Sexy little sandals with kitten heels? Retail therapy sure does do wonders for stress! 4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... My fiance's brother was moving into his house a few weeks ago, and they were discovering that the gate to the backyard was maybe about an inch too narrow to fit the little trailer he has through it. They were discussing tilting the trailor on its side a little to get it through, but then they wouldn't get it back out again. His friend, Steve, is standing there looking at it, hands in his pockets, and completely deadpan drawls, "Well, if it were me, I'd not pull that thing out of here at less than 40 mph." It took about 10 seconds for it to sink in what he said, and we were all rolling on the ground practically. Jen, his wife, couldn't stop laughing. And the more she laughed, the more we laughed, mostly at/with her. It was just one of those things - guess you had to be there. 5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? Getting cranky at people who are in my way on the road/walking down the sidewalk/etc. I walk fast, I drive fast. When I want to get somewhere, I really want to just GET there! 6) What do you think is your best quality and why? Empathy. 7) What are you listening to right now? Celtic flute music 8) What was the last thing you ate? A bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich from Starbuck's. (Mmmm, my Friday treat!) 9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? Inconsideration, and rudeness in general. Self-absorbtion. I see it on metro and the commuter train every day. 10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? Oh... don't ask. I'm not so good with water. But I did, for the first time in a few months, get in all my vitamins. I'm trying really hard to get that back on track!
(deactivated member)
on 5/5/06 12:58 am -'Beach, VA
G'morning Kathie - IM BEHIND on reading the replies, just got off the phone from a long conversation and started clicking and reading. Ive never heard the "Windex" line before, but if you scroll down to Elizabeth's answer, she said the same thing. Man, it's been awhile since Ive been out in the "playing field" but I swear if a man used that line on me, he'd be more worried about "whats left in his pants"! btw - ABSOLUTELY sheet music counts, if it's for your wedding then it made ya' smile, and that's all that's important. ALTHOUGH, the rest of the shopping (clothes and shoes) was a great emergency back up, you crafty thang, you! LOL Hey? Probably a dumb question, Im not very up on shoes (typical barefooted blonde from Hawaii) ...but what is a "Kitten Heel"? lol, yep I really do READ all the replies even if I can't answer all of them.
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