It's Coming Right Along...
Hey Everyone ! Just wanted to give you a quick update and reminder ..
Boogie and Splash is coming right along . For those of you that are coming .. we will be closing the registration on June 3rd . Due to the huge responce, we need to make sure of the head count for the Saturday's events for the City group tour .
Also, you will be so excited that our vendors are back by popular demand . They have been beating my door down .. LOL .. as to the finalization and they are so ready to come do it again . For those that raved about the XS energy drinks and Protein Bars .. they are BACK Again .. !! Along with a new product called Personal Health and Maintance . I wont spoil their product intro.... but you will be amazed at this tool .
If you have not registered email me and we can get you the forms .
And I want to thank everyone that has called and written to me .. your encouragement and love is overwhelming .. I cannot wait to see you at the Event .. New friends .. New Faces .. and Great Times had by all .
Love ya .. And stay Tuned !
Tink ~~~
Wooooohooooo -- sounds like it's coming along wonderfully!!!
Well you already know my happy butt WILL (hopefully) be there! It's all gonna depend on my roomie (Wendy) ...she's hoping to know for sure, in the next week - we're trying to work it out around several schedules/issues and I already know that Paul will be underwater.
Im absolutely LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! I still can't believe that David was able to get that much "activity" crammed into two days, including MEALS for ONLY $95.
If anyone has EVER attended a convention/conference in ANY capacity, they realize just how incredibly cost effective this one IS. Didn't wanna use the word "cheap" cause the last conference was anything but cheap, it was a very well ran, well informed, well organized and PROFFESSIONAL event. It's a shame that some people didn't attend the ENTIRE event and instead, only showed up for the "after party", missing out on some valuable information, bonding, learning and sharing.
Um, but for the record? The AFTER PARTY was a freakn blast too!!!!!
So - in a long drawn out way? I certainly HOPE TO BE THERE
Hugs - Lei

OK, OK, as long as you are trying to work it out, I will take that....believe me all the positive *COME TO THE CONFERENCE* vibes are headed your way!!
I just enjoyed your company at the beach for the brief few hours we had together, I just wanna extend that into a whole weekend
Hope to see you in June girlie!!

Hey Natalie,
You know I want to be there but it is all depending on my "hopefully upcoming surgery" but I am sure I will know something by June 3rd. I really want to come and meet all the wonderful people on the board. I also am kicking myself in the butt for not attending the January conference. I have heard nothing but positive things about all the speakers, classes and events. Socially it was a blast too. I really missed out by not attending something so informative and necessary. Now, here's my note to you.........don't you ever let "ANYBODY" not even good friends dissuade you to stop doing what you know is your LIFE'S WORK. You are my inspiration in everyway possible and I don't know what I would ever do without you. Love you BIG MUCH!!!
Lots of Love

Hi Neighbor!!!!
I know I haven't got my registration in yet, but you can bet that I plan on being there, maybe both of us. I am packing this afternoon and will be heading to Richmond tomorrow to put my first load of things in storage. I will probably bring a load down each weekend for the next few weekends. I start work a week from Monday, so I hope I will be seeing you soon.

Hi Miss Nat, yes, definitely Greg and I are going to be there. I need to get my reservation in, maybe I'll do that tomorrow!! I did get the hotel room so I'm good on that.
Natalie, I appreciate so much everything that you and David do for this group on these conferences, or fun get togethers. I'll never forget the one last June, it was the first time I'd met anyone from this group and I was just so impressed with how friendly and accepting everyone was to me. I was sort of nervous about going since I didn't know anyone, but oh my go**** was like a reunion!!
And just for the record, I hate to rehash all this business about the Winter conference, but I do want to say that Greg and I don't drink (for religious reasons and we just don't), and that has never ever ever been an issue for us at any time in our life going anywhere, or doing what we want to do, or don't want to do, with our friends. I refuse to not enjoy life and social gatherings because of MY choice. It does not offend me and of course since it is my belief, I have no feelings of temptation. But because of this - did we have fun at the Winter Conference, oh my gosh, did we ever!!! It was a total blast!! Like I said, it is my belief, but it is something that I judge people by, or exclude myself by not attending. Heck, if that were the case, I'd be stuck at home. Oh yeah, I guess I am a lot of the time -- but that's my own fault!! I tend to be a hermit sometimes!! By choice, and we love it!!
'nouf said, thanks for putting this together. Oh, and we are particularly excited about the city tour!! Please don't let us not get on the bus for that one!!!

but it is something that I judge people by
oops - I miss-typed!! I meant to say it is something that I DON"T judge people by. No, I judge them by how many typos they make!!!
ha ha -
oh, and yes, to Miss Leilani, if we get drink tickets you can have all of ours!! And don't worry about the profile, it's taken me this long, another month!! won't matter!!