Has anyone heard from Trish?
I don't post a whole lot right now because there is so much going on in my life...but I have been following what is going on with Trish...and am concerned because it has been so long since we heard from her. I don't know her personally....but the nurse and mommy in me cares. If anyone knows her phone number...please call her an let her know we are thinking of her, and let us know how she is!
Thanks a bunch!

We're on the same wave length this morning - went digging through ALL my old emails (had to go back about 3 weeks worth, yikes!!!) but FOUND the email with her phone number and was going to call.
I sent her a private email two days ago and have NOT heard anything back as of this morning.
IF ANYONE ELSE WANTS TO SEND TRISH GOOD WISHES, her direct email address is:
[email protected]
Im sure she'd LOVE to hear from any and all!!
Wendy? If you get too busy at the office - let me know and I'll call her for a pulse check. In the email I sent her I asked that her MIL or son hollar back if she was doing the ol "bed rest" per the doctors instructions, but havent heard from any of them.
Anyway - I'll hold off on trying to call too, till we hear back from you, Wendy.