I just called my insurance company and they said to me the second best set of words a gal could here .. MS.CARDEN YOU ARE APPROVED FOR YOUR SURGERY ... What surgery you ask ?? Well , MY TUMMY TUCK AND HERNIA REPAIR .. !!!
I had to ask 3 times .. Had her repeat the proceedure codes to me .. and she said it .. Other than them telling me I was approved for my RNY .. this is the best day ever .. ( Other then the birth of my babies too !! )
Ok .. It is on .. UPing the Protien ( Thank you Lei !!!! )
I am out the door now to go stay with Dianna .. and you can bet she and I will toast to my next step in the WONDERFUL JOURNEY !!!
Tink ,
( Soon to be bouncing quarters off my belly )

I started printing this out . As I followed your weight loss journey ... so goes my following your plastics journey . OMG what would I do with out you .. so much to gain from you lady bug ..
I started uping my protein yesterday .
I have waited so long for this . And knew it would come one day .. and I know I am ready for it .
Thank you Lei .. !
Love you !
Woooohooooooo! You know I am there for are one of my special angels and I am sooooo happy for you. If you need anything, please let me know...I will come up and take care of you when you get out of the hospital if you want me to. Have a wonderful weekend and I know I will talk to you again this weekend...