tell me what you cannot live without post op
I am about to have wls in June. I would like to know from post ops what item or items you couldnt live without now. Anything that makes life a little less difficult? Anything that makes the routine easier to handle? Anything that is just fun? I would love to know so that I might be on the lookout. advice would be great too....anything you wish you knew before you did it? Anything you had to learn the hard way?
Dear Spazzle ,
I love that name by the way !
First off .. Kudos for wanting to prepare and get going on this surgery . It takes a lot of preparation .
Items I can not live with out .
1.My Protien ( Nectar Tea )
I carry this with me everywhere .. In the car for emergencies . At work when I need a pick me up .
2. My vitamins . These are my life source , With out them we die .
3. Water . Or non Caffeinated beverages .
Drink it all day .. Keeps my insides from looking like a prune .. and it keeps my motabolism up and running smooth .
The only think that keeps my life less difficult now is planning my day. Meaning that if I know I may not be able to eat right.. busy day at work . I take everything I need .
As this is a lifestyle and not a diet , you need to start preparing yourself to eat and behave in a manner that is healthy . I would suggest that you start your protein now and get in the habit of taking your vitamins and suppliments .
There is a great book out called . Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies . I reccomend this to all of my support group - pre-ops .
My greatest downfall from the surgery is that with my life being so busy now , I tend to forget to chew my food and it can leave me with the foamies or vomiting . You woud think 2 years post op .. I would have it down by now LOL ..
Fun .. Sweety.. with a weight loss of 200 lbs .. Everything is fun . Life becomes so sweet for you .
The only thing I can reccomend is what we have already talked about . Keep it all real .. when you do get the surgery , Do not be so hard on yourself if you have a slow down in weight loss . I see so many that come here and complain about stall outs . They happen .. it is just part of the process .
With this surgery , you will lose the weight .. but it is up to you on how well you do with your tool . Some are given the tool and then 3 years later they are still trying to get off those terrible pounds they gained by making bad choices . Maintence can be done I am proof of it .
If you do not like to exersise , well it is part of the equation .
Find an activity that you enjoy .. and stick to your exersise program . You will be so glad you did .
I have literature I would love to send you . Email me and I will .
Take care ,
310-120 and Holding on .. My lifestyle .. My life ..
dittos to what tink said....protein...protein...and water...and exercise. I made some major changes as a pre-op (read through my profile), and while it was not the easiest was the most amazing journey I have ever undertaken. I cleaned/purged/dusted out as many 'bad' habits pre-op....and never went back to them. To this day...after 2 1/2 years out...I still don't eat fast foods, red meat, sugar, etc. caffiene on a regular basis...not because I can't...but because I really don't want it anymore.
I put into effect pre-op an exercise program...very minor one...just so I could 'go back' to a routine post op...much easier than trying to start up something new with all the other changes that will begin to occur as a post op. Major changes, major fun, major WOW! in your life!!..believe me.
I still look at protein count on anything I eat...not that I need to now, it's sort of second nature...but it is still the overriding factor on what I eat. Find some kind of exercise you think you'd like to do, and start small now...and stick with it...if I stop the gym routine...biking, kayakking, walking, etc...I can see a qtr pound slip in here and vigilance is best for me.
Be acceptable to change, and a new way of doing things, it's an amazing journey and a life changing process. Good luck!!
Bravo my friend ... Well said !
Hey .. just to let ya know .. I was down there on a date last weekend .. I looked over n the bay .. you know just as you come out of the tunnel .. and there where 2 people in Kyaks .. I said to my friend .. Dang that Trek .. he went with out me LOL ..
I am still planning on taking you up on the Kyak trip.. Only if Leilani will go with me .. !!! And Wendy to hold my hand ..
Love ya .. Can not wait to see you in June ~
Morning Spazzle! (I'd type up something similiar to this but it didn't upgrades to OH I would assume)
Congrats on having surgery in June!
Item/items I cannot live without....
1) Pray & God
2) Water, coffee, sf/decaf drinks
3) Protein-I try for 60+ grams a day
4) Vitamins-my lifeline
5) Exercise-I get in 3-5 days (lately much more) of walking 2-4 miles and have added free weights, some cardio and low to mid impact exercises
6) Journal/Camera-to document my journey...a great way of seeing how far you've come
Anything to make my routine easier...
1) A daily checklist I use with reminders and probing questions to ensure I get in all the necessities and I focus on what I can do better
Anything that is just fun...
Living life with finesse, umph, excitement, joy, happiness and so much more
Arm yourself with knowledge and lots of it...many times it's trial and error with foods, exercise etc...find what works for you and stick to it!
Anything I wish I knew before surgery...
I wish that there was more information on many issues that arise from surgery such as excess skin from rapid weight loss, iron issues, B12 level issues, addictions (alchohol, tobacco etc), emotional/mental concerns and more.
Anything I had to learn the hard way...
No matter how I am feeling A-ok, good even great I cannot stop taking my vitamins, getting in my protein, exercising etc. I can ask for help and I am not alone in my journey. It's ok to slip up now and then as long as we get focused once again and life our life for us and respect our tool we're given.
Again, congrats on your upcoming surgery! Keep us posted!
Kitty Kat

Hi Spazzle,
Ditto on the protein, vitamins and exercise. I let the dog walk me. No matter how much I lose he will always be able to drag me around, even if I am running
Also, I cannot do without my food journal. I will always need the discipline of knowing how much I put in my mouth. As soon as I stop keeping it, I eat too much. I tend to forget the things I have popped in my mouth during the day when I am at work.
Can't do without my motorcycle, either. My WLS surgery and my motorcycle are just about the only things I have done JUST FOR ME on the past 24 years (yes, my oldest is 24!).
Good luck, and a good question!

Spazzle congrats on your decision for a new healthy you. Things that have helped me out are: case of water in trunk of my car (great for situations where you need it and can't get it), crystal light to go packs, pill cases (I have one at home for daily use, one in my purse for those times I forget, one at work also for those times I forget). A lot of people love the papaya enzyme to help when food is stuck or you eat too much, it helps break it down faster. The only things I wish I knew before hand was more emotional. In the beginning when doing pureed foods and learning to eat slow, scheduling meals, etc, it was so frustrating because I felt so abnormal. I wasn't like everyone else anymore. After progressing to regular foods and all this passed but I would have liked to know about it so I could have expected it. With the overload of hormones in our system from the weight loss I was also a lot more emotional and had a few weepy spells etc that I wasn't expecting. Not really a big deal but would have been nice to expect it. The only thing I have learned the hard way is to keep up with my water. I am not a big drinker and some days it was hard to get in enough water. After a few days of not getting in enough (and not worrying about it becuase I didn't feel bad) I suddenly started feeling fatigue, dizzy spells, nauseous. It was nasty. Now I am really good about getting in 10+ glasses a day on a normal basis. I wish you the best in your journey and email me if you have any questions.