I'm over hurdle one !!
I drove 6 hours to the Barixs Clinic in PA. they were wonderful. Dr. Brader was the best. He is requiring no additional testing so all I need is the financial dcumentation and to schedule the surgery. I feel so good abouat all this. Being on the road for 12 hours has given me a lot of time to argue with myself about the pro's and con's. I'm proud to say the pro's have won and I'm so dang excited I can hardly stand it. I was to shout it from the rooftop but I can't Only my mother and husband know. I haven't figured out how to tel everyone else. I'm hoping for a late June or early July surgery date. Now's when I'll need lots of advice about pre surgery stuff, what to buy, what to have ready in the kitchen when get home. Did you have someone spend the nigt at the Hospital with you?
Good pm Jennifer!
I'm happy & excited for you!
You'll tell others when the time is right for ya. No worries! Check out our different profiles as it varies on what each of us did to prepare and had ready for ourselves post-op. I didn't have anyone stay with me @ the hospital following surgery. My hubs was home with our daughter. Besides I wasn't up to any legible conversations/visits. Best of luck and keep us posted about your surgery date!
Kitty Kat

Congrats Jennifer. I made sure I bought all of my vitamins and had them on hand for when I came home (your doc/nut should let you know what they require). I also bought samples of a lot of different protein drinks and kept trying them until I found one I liked. Food wise I had things like scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal, applesauce, sweet potatoe, broccoli, green beans, and really any kind of lean meat I wanted I just pureed it. As far as stuff for the hospital, the only things I needed was shower stuff, slippers, pj's, and chapstick. No one stayed with me at the hospital but I did have lots of visitors and I went home with my mom for a couple of days when I got out.

Hey Jennifer!
It is a big decision to make! Being about 10 weeks out, I am still trying to deal with the emotional aspect of eating (or lack of) in social settings (at home or in restaurants w/family & friends it isn't much of a problem), but I have absolutelly NO regrets and feel that this has been one of the best decision I have ever made. I haven't had to take any meds for my blood pressure or cholesterol since the day of my surgery, and looking in the mirror isn't painful anymore.
My mom did end up staying with me at the hospital (my husband had to drive home in the evenings to take care of our animals), but she is a nurse so she was comfortable in the environment. It really wasn't imperative for her to be there, but it was a comfort for me since she could get ice chips & help me when the nurses on the floor were busy. They knew she was a nurse, so I believe they gave her more leeway in assisting me. On the other hand, I would recommend having someone stay with you for a day or two after you get home. Again it isn't something that has to be done, but it makes life easier. I had my surgery done lap, so it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
As for what to buy, of course there is the protien samples (trust everyone when they mention samples, your taste may change; I used to like the Profect tubes & now I can't stand them.) and vitamins. One product that was a true blessing for me during the first couple of weeks of recovery is called a Gopher Pickup Tool (http://areseenontv.com/gopher-tool.html). My mom got it for me at Walmart. Pretty much it is a tool you can use to grab stuff: tv remotes that fall on the floor, books that fall on the floor, pens that fall on the floor (for some reason I became extremely clumsy during those 2 weeks). Bending over hurt bad & I didn't want to chance doing any damage. I actually had a different version of this tool initially, but it broke quickly, so look for the Gopher.
Please feel free to email me if you want other suggestions. I would be happy to help out!
pre-op/current/dr goal/personal goal