Just testing
Awww, thanks, Dianna!!!
Like I told Pat, I won't be in Richmond in June as I am going to Hawaii for 3 weeks to see my sister! I'm pretty sure we will come up in January, though.
I go through phases where I don't look at the message board for a few weeks, then get back into it again. Sometimes I just get a little burnt out on it, mostly it is because I am so tired all the time and end up zonking out after I get home from work at like 7, get the kids and Mike fed, etc. I am REALLY looking forward to my vacation!
Eileen =)

Hi Lynda!!
It is so good to see you!!! I haven't really posted in awhile, just tired, busy, etc. I am getting ready for a vacation in Hawaii for 3 weeks in June (whoo hoo!! I can't wait!!) I am gonna try to post more often. Part of the problem is that my husband is a computer hog and I hardly ever get on here until like 11 pm and by then I feel like i've been run over by a truck! I think that Santa is gonna have to bring me a laptop!
Are you going to come up in January again if David and Natalie put on a function again???
Eileen =)
3 weeks in Hawaii--Wow! Are you bringing Lei with you? I was kinda hoping your next vacation would be down toward my way. I was yacking with Lei about her coming down here and doing the amusement parks. She never responded back though--(although I never get responses to online posts--always got to search to see if anyone responded--PIA).
My husband always tries to take over my laptop when he is home too. Luckily he is only home on week-ends. You tell Mike that an additional computer is definitely needed. January?? Wow girlfriend that is way too far ahead for me to be planning. Say hi to Mike for me and hope to see you guys again soon.
Yes, 3 glorious weeks!! I'm not bringing Lei with me this time, but she said she was giving me a list of food items to bring back for her! Sounds like I am gonna have to pack a duffle bag in with my luggage!
I am not a Florida kind of gal to tell you the truth ~ I went one time, it was in May, and it was so freaking HOT and humid I thought I was gonna sweat to death. And I was really skinny back then. Guess it's just something you have to become used to.
Eileen =)
p.s. Mike says 'Hi!!' back!!