I got word today that I've been approved!!!
My surgeon's office called and talked to my husband (at home) who then called me at work. I of course started bawling right there at my desk!
I called into my surgeon's office just to confirm he had the information right and to find out the next steps....he had it right!!!
I was weepy the rest of the know how you hope for something but you hold your emotions back just in case it doesn't happen?! That's what I was doing and now that it IS going to happen they all just flooded me!!
Thanks to everyone for your support...I'm sure I'll need you more than ever now.
Christina S

Christina, I am so happy for you - Congrats!! I browsed your profile and noticed you have the same insurance as I do so I was wondering about a few things. I've been going to see Sally also and personally I feel like I've thrown away $250 because I didn't get much from her at the two sessions I've been at...well actually the 2nd session was useless to me -the first one was very informative. I just wonder how you felt about your nutrition appts. When I asked her about the process and how do I know that I'm gonna go thru her sessions and the physical therapists visits and all that money, she just said that Aetna would approve it. I can't help but think that I'm not going to get approved. I don't feel like I've done nearly as much as anyone else on this board has done...I haven't been told what I should be doing except for the exercising and the nutrition stuff. I have my last appt with both Sally and the other guy next week, and I'm not sure what will happen after that - like how long I'll have to wait to get the paperwork submitted and approved, etc. I really hate this waiting and not knowing.
Anyway, I didn't mean to take away from your moment - Congrats again and I hope that we meet at one of the support groups. Good luck!!!