Terrible Day and Week ...
I haven't been replying or posting much this last week. It has been aweful. But today...
Damned if I don't have a stricture !!!
I spent all day at Sentara Careplex to get this diagnoised. Unfortunately, my doctor didn't think I had one, so for the last month I have been barfing and wretching like one of the Olsen twins.
Then to make matters worse I got home and one of my catty neighbors called the zoning inspector on my new boat. Sheeeeshhhh..I have storage for it but it is a pain to take it there when I am right down the road from a place to launch it.
The last week and a the half were some of the worst in my life. Today my sister's dog died. She had him 14 years. Tomorrow I am going to help bury him. Don't know how being a nurse lead me into being a funeral director... My life is sounding like a country song. Please tell me it will get better.
Just thinking about having this stricture corrected uplifts my mood. Maybe things will start looking up after that !! Thanks to everyone who told me their story or offered good advice. I just kept hoping this would resolve itself...but it didn't.

Hey lady!
I am so glad you found out what the problem is and that it's going to be fixed....but when? Dont they usually fix it as soon as they find it? Obviously I dont know about this!
It will all get better! Your song can be titled "when it rains it poors." But the rain eventually does stop! Keep up the faith and smiles!

Hey Kirsten,
The radiologist has to fax his report to my doctor tomorrow. I guess I will wait to get a callback. I am able to keep most my liquids down so I don't think I am in real danger. My blood pressure was very low. I know in the ER we would have started IV fluids without a question..but I am not the nurse here and I really didnt want to have to get IV fluids for several hours.
Thanks Kirsten...I just want to eat !!!!!!...lol
Good evening Dana,
Well, dang it gal I figured as much about the stricture and now that it's diagnosed and going to be fixed hopefully you'll be feelin' lots better here shortly. I tell you we are our own best advocate! Sorry you are going through a bunch of mess. It WILL get better. I have faith in God...give it to him and I have faith in YOU that you'll get through all this! Take care sweetie!