My Surgery is Early Tomorrow Morning!!!!!!!javascript:setMainIcon('clown',15,15)
Hi Everyone
Sorry I haven't posted in quite a while. Life has been a huge whirlwind for me!
My surgery is tomorrow morning at MCV. I have to be at MCV around 5am, so I can check in by 5:30am. I'm the first person on Dr. Kellum list for tomorrow!!!!!!! Yes, I'm extremely excited
For those of you who were at the winter conference in January, guess what. William and I are engaged to be married!!!!!!!!
The big day will be next St. Patrick's day (3/17/07) at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Chur*****olonial Heights!!!!!!!! William had the "chat" with my mother last night. And yes, she's happy that her little girl is (finally) getting married.
I'll be staying at William's while I recover from surgery and get used to my new life. My mom will be staying with us for the next 2 weeks. Then she'll head back up to NJ
William will post sometime tomorrow afternoon and let everyone know how I'm doing.
Have a Great Day Everyone!!!!!!!
- Helen
ps - I'll be updating my profile sometime next week and I will post adding a pic of William and I

Helen, best wishes to you on your journey. I will be thinking about you and can't wait to welcome you to the losing side. Congrats on your engagement. Sounds like St. Pattys day will be a busy day for a couple of different couples on the VA Board. (Kathie Kathie is getting married that day also I believe.)

Hey Helen,
Congrats on your surgery. I will definitely keep you in my prayers and I know you will do just fine. Also, congrats on your engagement. I know you must be so excited with all the wonderful events that are coming your way. Just keep the faith and believe in yourself and you will see that's nothing impossible if only you believe.
Lots of Love