Summer Plans
So what are everyone's summer plans? Any cool trips planned?
As for us... we are going to the OH Pittsburg event the end of next week, we are going to the Boogie & Splash toward's the end of June and we are going to up NY (Long Island, actually) for a long weekend around July 4th to see my sister and BIL. Other, that that... no plans...
Other than that... all plans are contingent on my health of course and any future surgery. (I'll make that singular since I don't want multiples - LOL!)
What about you?
WOW .. you are going to be busy .
June of course I will be at the Boogie and Splash Event .
May will be spent going to Civil War sites on the East coast on the weekends with my new .. beau .. and just enjoying the weekends together.
May 27th , I will be celebrating my 2 year anniversary by a dinner .. and an outing to my favorite dance club .
July .. I celebrate my Grandsons 3rd birthday with big party on the 5th .
August brings many birthdays .. and another trip to the beach ..
I am so excited that spring has sprung and summer is almost here ..
Just so you know...Ox Hill site of the Battle of Ox Hill is at the end of my street so if your Civil War travels take you there... you gotta let us know! We'll get together. There are two memorial stones at the park commemorating the two Major Generals that died there...Kearny and Philips, I believe (both Yankees). I wondered why the park was there for so long without much todo for a long time then I learned they were Yankees and I was in da south. LOL! Now the park has markers and such but when I first moved there... nothing.
First of all, my goal is to get over this darn surgery! (I know you can understand that!)
My son is getting married in Las Vegas in June, and they want me to be their witness. So, if I can swing it financially, I will be going to Vegas! I'll get home just in time to Boogie and Splash in Richmond.
My DXH and I are big in putting together Staunton's HUGE 4th of July events. That will take up a lot of time in July.
I may be going to NY with Holly for a week in August.
(Fast Forward to October---Back to NOLA!!!)

Thanks for asking, Kathy! I'm still in right much pain, but I'm trying to cut out the pain pills. I'm only taking them once or twice a day now instead of every two hours. I'm still in the neck brace almost all of the time; it seems to help me, even if it's only in my head. With the rods they put in, I feel like my head is perched on a stick. (In a way, I guess it is!
) I go for my first post-op visit on Thursday; I'll let you know how it goes.
Take care, sweetie!

Hi again, Kathy!!!! My summer is pretty much open except for the June Boogie and Splash and spending some time with Nat and her mom. I also am dating a guy in Greensboro, NC and will probably spend some time down there and maybe short trips to one of his time shares...hehe. Really looking forward to seeing you in June...I can't wait to see everyone.