Stricture Update
Tammy and Kathy, thanks so much for the information, it really put me at ease! Betsy, I didn't get your post until today, but a HUGE thank you for the VERY generous offer!!!!! I will make a point to come visit soon
I went in this morning for my EGD/dilation. I was so dehydrated by that point that it took 5 sticks to finally get an IV going, and that was with a 24 gauge needle...I hate IVs more than anything!!! Anyhow, it was indeed a stricture, and my surgeon took care of it. I'm still a little wobbly from dehydration and the anesthesia drugs, but at last can keep liquids down! I have a little heartburn (first since surgery) and the back of my throat is a little tender from those tubes, but feel very good otherwise. Doc has me taking Carafate for 2 weeks to help coat everything and ease any nausea and heartburn, and basically starting over with the foods. A couple days of liquids, work up to soft foods, etc. Looking forward to getting back on track! As of yesterday I'm 5 weeks out and have lost 43 pounds of the 160 I want to lose, so no complaints here!!
Thanks again for the support here on the Va. gals and guys are great!