So, how was YOUR weekend?

(deactivated member)
on 4/23/06 10:28 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning friends ~ I'm a little SLOW (and late) in getting around this morning. Wore my silly self OUT these last couple of days and my head hit the pillow hard and long! We spent Saturday at Busch Gardens (Paul, Keoni and I) about 4 hours in before the skies opened up and wow did they open up. Not cute lil sprinkles, we're talking torrential downpour. Since we were soaked within seconds, we decided to just enjoy the experience of "walking/playing in the rain". LOL - actually, the truth be told, it was MY idea and the guys kinda caved into it. Thankfully it was a warm rain so the 20 minute trek back to the car, really WAS a lot of fun. WE, er... I? ...ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! Remember when we were kids?? ....the rain didn't scare us indoors it was just a new twist to an ongoing adventure in fun - that's pretty much how that day ended. We perfected the roles of KIDS for a day, rode some rides, got about 4 miles logged on our feet, played in the rain and ENJOYED life. Of course, after a hard day of playing came the need/urge to refuel the body and Leilani was CRAVING SUSHI (again!). Keoni ditched us and Paul and I took off to "Ginza" on Holland road and had a fantastic meal. Complete with taking off our shoes, and sitting on the floor to eat. It's a VERY very reasonable place - kinda small hole in the wall, which tends to be the real finds. Sunday was ANOTHER day at Busch Gardens! ...unfortunately, my man had to pull a 24 duty shift on the boat, so it was Keoni and I, Wendy and her son and friend! We spent 10 hours there under the clearest blue skies and SUN, slight breeze, temps in the high 70's low 80's ...picture-flippin-perfect and lots and lots of walking!!! Of course, when you get Wendy and I together - we're no longer the 'adults' in the group, leaving the younger peeps to play that role, which we did, quickly and willingly. The lines were minimal at best - an average wait being 15 minutes. Whi*****luded waiting for the FIRST row on the Apollo Chariot Roller-coaster (which we rode 3). Holy goodness that roller' ROCKS!!!!!!! We planted our seat on every ride at least twice - some 3 and 4 times, came home whoooooped, beat, bruised, aching and oh sooooooooo very happy and content. There's something to be said about being a KID for an entire day and Wendy and I managed to give the younger crowd a run for their money (er, energy?) ....even Keoni crapped out about 3 hours earlier then we did and spent the rest of the day resting and people watching. reality, he was trying really hard to pretend he did NOT know the two screaming, crazy, hysterical laughing blonde/redhead chicks on the rides!! I counted the bruises this morning, about 6 so far - Im surprised I don't have a bruise where I trapped my arm in the "LOCHNESS Monster" bar. I pulled it down too fast and forgot to tuck my right arm in. It snapped hard between the bar and the outter edge of the ride and I couldnt lift the bar back up to move it out (ouch)! Yah, Im blonde - yer point? This of course caused a slight delay with the ride so they could HELP THE BLONDE in row 5. Of course my girlfriend is QUICK to shout out [loudly]... that I "am a problem child!" which caused the crowd not only to NOTICE but start laughing. [brat!] I didn't take my pedometer with me, but I think it's safe to say we logged 7 or 8 miles on our feet. Talk about an awesome weekend, great exercise, memories created for a lifetime and done on the CHEAP!!!!! That's right, the CHEAP!!! For those of you that don't know it (and I was one of them, till Wendy clued me in) ...Busch Gardens has a "season pass" rate for $51 right now, through May 31st. You pay the "daily" rate to get into the park and it also is the price for a season pass, through September 4th. ONE time fee - several months of FUN and EXERCISE!!! It's easy to spend the entire day in the park - paying ONLY the cost of parking ($10). We packed our own sandwiches, snacks, water and vitamins (can't forget the vitamins just cause you're having fun). Anyway - I tossed the last few paragraphs in for those that may not know about the Busch Gardens Special. The only requirement (supposedly) is that you be a RESIDENT of VA. We bought our tickets at the new KIOSK machines and no mention of residency or ID was mentioned. Soooooooooooooooooo - now that I've told you about MY weekend - how was YOURS? Hugs - Lei
Sporty Jill
on 4/23/06 10:43 pm - Norfolk, VA
Hey There........... Sorry I missed your email, but I am SO jealous! Let's see, Saturday was spent shopping for new bras, undies and shirts. That was areal pain in the rear! Ok, not literally, but it really was. I had NO IDEA what size I wore. And now that I have bought them (and they fit), I look at them and think there is NO WAY I am getting into those. Theyt are too little. So, I reach for the old, baggy ones instead. If only the brain would catch up. Yesterday, Patrick and I hung out around the house. it was a nice, relaxing day. Got a few things done, since next weekend we will be in Hatteras (YAHOO!!!). We got season passes from the ship for $99.00. They are for both Water country and Bush Gardens. It was SO worth it for us. Price was right and I won't have to pay for parking and such. So, I know what you mean by "doing it on the cheap". Patrick and I went last weekend, had a blast AND I get ice water in my water bottle for free, get 10% off of meals and we share a meal, we can really do it cheaper than many others do. Glad to hear that you had a blast! Jill 263/182/145
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/06 11:08 pm -'Beach, VA
HEY!!!!! How did you get the "season passes" for $99 from the boat?!? You lost me on that one - is it something that Johns boat had specificially, or are you talking about the discount tickets bought on base? LOL - yep, Im new enough to NAVY living to ALWAYS be lost and I sure can't count on Paul to tell me about the "deals" out there - he's just not the bargain **** puppy that I am. Details woman, details!!! Besides, there may be more military spouses reading this that also wanna know! hehehe - surely, Im NOT the only clueless one, um, right?
Sporty Jill
on 4/24/06 12:19 am - Norfolk, VA
Ok, your blonde is showing. We discussed that at lunch. (hehehe) John's ship's MWR did a special discount and sold the gold passes for $99.00. The regular MWR sells them at the base for $105. Remember, you asked what MWR stood for and John told you "Moral Welfare and Recreation" and you said "Welfare?????". John is on an Aircraft Carrier, and because they have ALOT of people (and a really good MWR coordinator) they often get tickets for things cheap. Year before last we went to the Ampitheater to see Fleetwood Mac. We had actaul seats and it was like $50.00 per seat (ship's price), but like $75.00 for everyone else. I'm hoping they get some of those kinds of tickets for the Ampitheater out here.
on 4/24/06 3:11 am - va
RNY on 02/11/04 with
Hi LEILANI Guess what, I will arrive in Norfolk on Tuesday night and will not leave until mid-day Sat. Will be there for work. My night are free time but there will be 2 dances, one Thursday night and one Friday night. Oh I will be staying at the Sheraton a****erside. Raven
(deactivated member)
on 4/24/06 10:09 pm -'Beach, VA
Hello Raven - Id love to try and hook up with you before you leave, IF we can get our schedules to blend. It's been TOO LONG already!!! I think our FREDRICKSBURG lunch was a year ago, about this time. Anyway - will you have your computer with you, can you check emails? Not sure if this reply is too late, I normally read and type to the boards first thing in the mornings. IF you do get this and have email access, write back to my EMAIL account { [email protected] } and we can try and hammer something out. It sounds like you're limited to only tomorrow night, did I read that right? If Im wrong and Thurs and/or Friday is also available, great, it'll be easier to try and plan for. Not sure where or what time the dancing starts that you mentioned for both of those nights or if any portion of it is free. Gimme some more details and we'll see if we can get our schedules to mesh! Hugs - Lei
on 4/23/06 11:29 pm - Manassas, VA
Hey Lei! Thanks for the tip on BG, I'll have to tell my soon-to-be-other-half! (Hey, waitasec, I just lost a whole person... you mean I gotta have it back??? I guess if it's not quite the same way, it's all good.) I have been spending every spare moment for the past several days now methodically going room to room, putting like things with like things, throwing things away, seriously evaluating my past, present, and future and how it relates to possessions (official move date is May 26!). It's like George Carlin talks about... we acquire all this stuff, then we need a bigger house to hold all this stuff. And when we go somewhere, we buy luggage to take good quantities of our stuff with us. I'm realizing... I have a hard time letting go of "stuff". The little boombox radio I used in my college dorm room in college. Do I need it anymore? No. Scanner doesn't work, can't be fixed. Do I need it? No. There's a coat in the closet 2 sizes too big for me, will I ever wear it again? Nope, not if I have anything to say about it! So it's time to gut out and clean out - I'm a tossin' and donatin' fiend right now! I've been able to mostly turn around that 'can't let go' mindset. It feels remarkably liberating. Now if only I could get the same mentality going in Jim... he's dragging his feet on the 'clean it out' phase. He wants to hang on to his stuff, as much as possible. Men.... I swear... ~K
on 4/23/06 11:37 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Trying again (keep losing my input). Glad you had such a wonderful weekend! Friday: Normal cleaning, cooking, and playing with Samantha. We're working on potty training and we've gotten far enough so that she'll let you know when she's wet and will change her own pull ups, but still won't go on the potty. *shrug* We've tried reward methods, praise, etc. She's just stubborn. Saturday: We were expecting guests for a D&D session (roleplaying game) and only one showed. He's a good friend but he's so weird in his life. He only dates strippers, who invariably end up using him for his money and then dump him. He's dating one stripper now with three kids. He moved here with the military last month. His gf is still in FL with her three kids. He pays for her rent and sends her money every month. He found out right after he got here that she wrote over $5000 in bad checks out of his bank account. She claimed that she thought her income refund would be in there before the checks cleared but has yet (over a month later) to get it. She can't leave FL anyway because she's up on drug charges and she and her kids are under investigation by child services. *sigh* He, however, still sends her money, and tells her that when her divorce is final (she's still married), he'll come back to FL to marry her before he goes overseas. Can we say STUPID? We've tried talking to him but he's in love and refuses to hear it. So Saturday was listening him go on and on about how wonderful she is and in the next breath talking about how he's had to sell all his stocks and bonds and get a bank loan, to cover the bad checks, as well as keep sending her money. Now he's talking about once they move up here, they want to live in the same apt complex so she and her kids can come spend the day with me and Samantha all day until we have to move back to FL. I've already explained to him a million times that while some days I do like company, that I like my private time with my daughter and that if he insists on foisting his problems onto me to keep his gf happy, that we may not be friends much longer. His response? Oh, *haha* it'll be okay. Sunday: The "friend" called again and we didn't answer the phone. We had breakfast at Shoney's and it was great, except for the woman at the next table who was really rude to the wait staff and then kept forcing food into the mouth of her toddler son who didn't want the soup she kept trying to feed him. If he didn't take the spoon, she held his head and rammed it into his mouth, him crying the whole time. I really wanted to smack her. We went shopping and I got some new shorts, got some shirts and summer dresses for Samantha and got her a pair of sandals that light up when she walks. She loves them. I got some nice camisols and some new shorts. I got one pair of shorts as "next size" shorts so I'd have something to wear once I got to that size. LOL. I got home and tried them on and they fit. :P I guess next time I go shopping, I'll need to get some two sizes smaller than that. My goal size is 16. I have wide hips naturally, so I don't expect to get smaller than that. Hubby and I talked about my tummy tuck in about a year or so and we talked about me getting a breast lift at the same time. My gyn says my breasts are very dense so while I've lost a lot of size, I haven't lost mu*****up size. I was a 54DD before surgery and I'm a 42D now. If I go without a bra, they look like tube socks with an orange in the bottom of them. LOL Well, that's it in a nutshell. Hugs, Tonya
on 4/24/06 12:31 am - Hellertown, PA
Hey Lei! Good to hear you had a good weekend. Mine was ok...worked almost 30 hours...but had to go out Fri and Sat with some friends to the bar. And my new guy friend, hes a sweetie....hope to see more of him soon! Had about 7 hours total sleep the whole weekend, so after work at 11pm last night, I was whooped!! Came home and crashed..the hour ride back to school after work was torture. Anyway, take care and talk soon! Luv ya LA
Betsy Anitahug
on 4/24/06 1:17 am - Danville, VA
Wow, Lei, I am jealous...I have never been to BG and want to go in the worst kinda way. However, I did have a surprisingly good weekend. Had a date Saturday night at a very good Mexican Restuarant and then we went for a 2 mile hike at the park...then spent a few hours at the cars talking til late...Yesterday he called and wanted to see me again so I had him over for dinner and we sat here and talked until 11:30pm when I finally pushed him out the door....nice man but I think he is more serious about me than I am him. Anyway, we have another date next Sunday so we will see how things go. I am not into getting serious with any man right now. Too many experiences to have. He is a very nice man, 64, still working and alot of fun. Just doesn't make my knees weak..hehe. So that was my fun filled weekend. Not quite as much fun as yours it sounds.. Got my spousal support hearing on Thursday so keep your fingers crossed and some prayers coming my way. I want to get the %^&%&%%&(. hehe... Love ya.. Betsy
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