
on 4/23/06 8:03 am - Wirtz, VA
Well, after my last post about in regards to Dana's post of throwing up everything, I progressed from throwing up solids on Thursday afternoon to throwing up even water by Friday noon. Called my surgeon, who said to haul my butt to the ER stat. Ended up there 8 hours. They took abdominal xrays and bloodwork, all which ended up normal. My surgeon is pretty confident (as am I) that I have developed a stricture. So I am now on liquids only, and even have to be really careful with that or they will come back up (threw up for 10 minutes this morning). They are going to call me tomorrow with a date to go in and dilate, but I am not really familiar with the procedure. Can you all help answer some questions? - I am guessing this is done under sedation, like an EGD, and that an EGD is usually performed first/in conjunction with the dilation to confirm that there is a stricture. Does that sound right? I will definitely need to find some emergency child care if so, 'cause I know they wouldn't let me drive after anesthesia. - How long after dilation do you have to stay on liquids? I am feeling truly hungry for the first time since surgery. Have had nothing to eat (can't even keep protein sups down) since Thursday night, and the hunger pain/tummy rumbling is downright painful. - How common is it for this to REoccur?? Is there anything I can do to help prevent it?? Thanks for any info you can provide...this is the first time I've actually been scared since surgery!! Elizabeth
on 4/23/06 8:16 am - Richmond, VA
Elizabeth, I am sorry you are having this! I have had them twice, once at 5 weeks post op and again at 5 months post op. Both times I was admitted into the hospital for three days! The endoscopy itself is not bad. No liquids for 12 hours before it happens...just thru my iv. I was given fentenal and versaid to knock me out and it was done in about 10 minutes...I think. I do not remember any of it (thankfully!). I do not think you can do anything to prevent this. My understanding is that is it scar tissue building up around the new opening at the end of the pouch. I was not on full liquids after the sedation, but I was on a soft foods diet for two-three weeks. My Dr. said "as tolerated" so I stayed on softs longer than I probably needed to just to be safe. Please let me know if I can help with anything else or if you have any other questions. I hope I was helpful. {{hugs}} Tammy C
Kathy & Rich
on 4/23/06 8:30 am - Fairfax, VA
The dilation is the same as the EGD except while they are in there looking around they put something into the stoma to open it up. They won't let you drive yourself because of the anesthesia. I've had the "look see" and they dialated me while they were in there but there was no stricture. I was told to be on liquids that day and then ease gradually back into solids. Some folks require one dilation and that's it. Others go back for a second time or more. It is really hard to say why. I do not believe there is anything you can do to prevent it other than eating. Please don't be scared. You should feel much better right away in fact as soon as you wake up. Hope they get you in there right away. Be well! Kathy p.s. This is the most common "complication" with this surgery. It occurs as Tammy said due to normal healing processes. Scar tissue happens.
Betsy Anitahug
on 4/23/06 2:19 pm - Danville, VA
Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Let me know the date and I might be able to come up for the child care. I think my car is now fixed, at least I am hoping it is. Just let me know and I will do whatever I can.... Hugs, Betsy
on 5/5/06 4:10 am - Hopewell, VA
Hey Elizabeth, I'm sure by now you are doing well and fully recouperated from your EGD and dilation. I'm just now reading the VA boards after being MIA for months. I just had to comment that I just finished having my 5th EGD and dilation in 10 weeks. Yep, one every two weeks. My GI said he's never seen anybody this far out with these problems. I'm 15 months out now. It's very common in the first few months and some people have to be dilated twice or three times but I was the extreme case. I too couldn't hold anything down, even threw up liquids. I've gotten down to 104 with all the throwing up. The last one he did about a week and a half ago he dilated too much and ended up tearing a hole in my stoma so that kept me in the hospital for 7 days. I was on nothing by mouth for 3 days and then clear liquids for 3 and then full liquids. So far I seem to have stayed pretty much open but I still can tell it's rather thick in there cause food is still not going down quickly. I used to could drink 30 minutes after a meal and even with him dilating me to a 19 I still can't drink for a couple of hours without it all coming back up. I have a huge ulcer on one side of the suture lines and then a fistula on the other and adhesions all around elsehwere. My surgeon and GI dr. are both talking about a revision. I can't imagine my pouch any smaller, I already still can't eat but a tiny bit. Hasn't changed much since surgery. ANyway, good luck to you, just wanted you to know somebody out there defintiely understands where you are coming from. Hugs, Lori
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