A little Wow moment...
Ok, so it got hot here or humid today and I wanted to wear shorts....LOL..I put on a pair from last summer and OMG...they are huge!!!! Because of the elastic waist, they stay up but my goodness they are so big in the legs and butt....
It honestly looks like a skirt...went out on the deck and they were flapping in wind...HAHAHA...good feeling. Guess I have to get some new ones...this is silly but I sure felt good. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend...I miss all of you but will see some of you next weekend.

congrats!!! i am so proud of you you are doing awesome!!! keep up the good work!! oh by the way i have more clothes for you guys..
some size 10's i think.. i am proud to be in a 8 now cant wait til i get into a 6 cause joann has given me a whole bunch of 6's jsut cait wait to wear them...take care sweety and have a great weekend..
love you, holly
lol, I just finally got rid of the last few pairs of shorts I had that did that.
I told my husband that I was gonna break out the emergency credit card to go get some shorts next week.
I have plenty of shirts that fit (from clothes handed down), but no shorts.
Coincidentally, my 2 yr old has lots of shorts, and no shirts.
She just graduated from onesies.