Taking B12 and why it is important
Please, please read this post from the main board...
B-12 is by far one of the more important elements in our survival . I am always taken back when I mentor .. and asked .. what suppliments do you take .. I start rattling them off .. and when I get to B12 .. I find more often than not .. they tell me .. there surgeon never prescribed it as a suppliment .
I tend to disagree with those that say you must get it by injections . You can safely and agressivly get in your B12 by sublingual tablets . It is proven to absorb just fine this way . But to each his own on this subject .
Thanks for posting this .. very important post .
I seem to be doing well thus far with sublinguals. Levels are high and my doctor seems to like it that way. I'm very happy that she does. I've heard of some whose doctor's tell them to cut back if it was high. I don't agree with that.
I know a few that have tried tons of sublingual but their body's don't want it that way so they have to do shots but those are the exceptions and not the rule.
My PCP actually said she saw a medical report that said that shots weren't necessarily better than sublinguals. I wish I knew where she got that tidbit because I'd be interested in reading it.
Thanks, Nat! While like you, I'm not convinced that one HAS to have shots - I felt that damage that a B12 deficiency could cause needed to be shared. I know one gal that had surgery the same time as me and ended up hospitalized with vitamin deficiencies. It appeared she had a stroke (at a young age) and it ended up being deficiences in the B vitamins - B1 (beri beri), B6 and B12. Very scarey stuff. Luckily, she got it diagnosed correctly and has recovered well.
Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the link. My mother in law has the same problem. Before we knew what her problem was she was almost completely in sane and seeing things and talking to herself and had to get 4 pints of blood before it was discovered that she was b-12 deficient. I too was low at one point from a poor diet before wls and had memory problems and bruising.
Question for you. I read a post about a week ago from you and you gave a list of pills that you take everyday. You take chewable pills for your vitamins . I am just wondering why. Do you like the taste or do they just offer you what you like. Thank you for your answer.