Flirting? How can you tell???
You and a coworker (of the opp. sex) have traded compliments on clothes back and forth... But he/she made it a point to get closer physically to you while showing you something... would you take that as a signal? or just shrug it off to them being a "close" talker/show-er... ? this might not make any sense... *shrug* who knows... I guess I'm just kind of slow when it comes to recognizing flirting as it never used to happen to me... I'd like some of the guys to answer this one as well!!!!
Thanks y'all!

I don't know if my answer will hel*****t. I am a "close talker/shower" in general but I do notice that I tend to touch (hand on the arm, shoulder, etc) more when I am flirting but I also do it with close friends that I am comfortable with. Us woman and our complicated signals they are almost as bad as the men.

OK, well it looks like you have a couple of issues going here: 1) Is she flirting? and 2) Is the workplace cool with interoffice dating?
1) Yes, she is probably flirting. When if it was JUST a compliment or JUST the closeness I wouldn't be so sure of it, but since its both, I have to assume yes. The other thing to look for is, does she look for reasons to spend time with you? Either in or outside of the office?
2) Do you want to pursue this in the work place. This is something I can't really comment on for you...its a personal choice, or sometimes its acutally company policy. I know for me, I stay away from workplace romance. Too complicated.
Keep us posted on what happens!!! Good luck, Cassanova!
You and the co-worker could/might continue trading compliments and niceties and see what progresses. I take issue with those who "invade da Kitty Kat's personal space" especially in a work enviornment because I've worked as a Legal Secretary and learned how behavior is misconstrued as something negative versus the persons real intentions. However, here's where "invading Kitty Kat's personal space" got thrown out to window. Trey & I worked together and dated and are now married with buggas(duh).
On one hand, some consider being "hands on" when it comes to training just their style but others think it's a form of harrassment. Compliments are just that niceties that make one another feel good but some may take it as harrassment. I've learned a lot about this from working in the Legal Corporate world. There seems to be a fine line just be careful if ya'll decide to cross it. Not trying to put a damper on your question but be careful!
Kitty Kat