My Life = Old Eating Habits. Eek.
OK, I am having some serious issues with grazing guys and its only 7 months out. It all started a few weeks ago...let me fill you in.
Three weeks ago I had a huge event, basically my whole job was riding on it. It was a huge meeting for about 200 people whi*****luded video conferencing to Chicago...yadda yadda yadda....not a big deal, but tough.
The day after that (it went really well, so I thought things were going great) I got rear ended by a girl going about 45 on the beltway and totally destroyed the backend of my car. Its in the shop for a couple of weeks.
While my car is in the shop, I'm waiting to hear back from my boss about whether or not I get a permanent position. He wanted to surprise me, so he left me in the dark for about a week and a half. I ended up getting it, which is great, but all that nervous tension made me crazy!
Now I have this great offer, which I have to prove myself and show that I do deserve what they gave me and its sooo stressful, because everything is so new and scary and confusing.
Then, Tuesday I picked up my car from the shop...great right? Everything is fixed its running well. Last night I got rear-ended AGAIN by a girl going about 35, which this time pushed me into the car in front of me. Destroyed my back end, screwed up my undercarriage, and screwed up my front bumper. Not only that, but I was on my way to a baseball game w/ my friends and I had the ID to get the tickets at Will Call! Ahhhhh!
All this is totally stressing me out and I'm starting to eat like I used to. You know what I mean? Just a handful of chips, turns into a graham cracker w/ peanut butter, turns on and so on. Its awful!
I just needed to post here, so you guys could hold me accountable and tell me to stop acting like food is going to help me. Even though I know all that, sometimes its just good to hear. And I know it could always be worse, right?
Hey girl. Wow you have had a horrible time lately. My heart goes out to you. So here goes: Put the bad food choices down, throw them out, don't buy anymore. I know exactly what you are feeling. When my life started getting tough I went back to smoking. Not the best choice in the world but it helps me cope. The only suggestions I have are to try and do something physical when you are feeling stressed. Go for a walk, turn the radio on and dance for awhile. Go to the gym or something like that. The only other suggestion I have is if you absolutely have to eat something, make a healthy choice. Have some extra protein, some fruit or veggies. Something that will be good for the pouch. You have come so far and are doing so well. Keep it up. So are you going to the conference in June?

Wow...that's alot of stressful situations! You have the knowledge to do better, so I'll just put my 2 cents in that you CAN do this. I agree with Courtney....get rid of the "bad" foods and replace them with better choices. That way, you will be forced to make a good choice or have to put in alot more effort to make a bad one!
I'm still pre-op and dealing with the "after surgery I won't be able to have this" thoughts, but trying to be better. SO...I know that if I have snacks in the house that are not good, they are the first thing I reach for. Can you believe that my husband and I had pop-tarts and cereal for dinner two nights this week because we had it and were too lazy to make a real dinner! What was I thinking even buying those things?!
SO...all that to can do this. You CAN get back on track and stop grazing. Be good to yourself. Treat your body right.
Christina S
Hope I didn't ramble!

Thanks, Christina! No, you didn't ramble. Its good to hear words of encouragement. I guess that's the best thing about these boards. You're right, I can do it...I just need to "grow a pair" and stop giving in to all my food wants!
When's your surgery? Where are you having it?
Thanks for the support!
PS. Oh, god...poptarts and cereal sound sooo good! Was it a cherry pop tart? My fave! HAHAHAHAA!
LB ...
Hon what is going on! You need someone to show you how to drive in No.Va? *grin* I'm just foolin hon... When you say grazing... are you eating constantly all day? or just snacking here and there?
some snacks are ok! You may just need to adjust the kinds of foods you are snacking on... I'm sure Nat or Lei would have better ideas on nutrition stuff... It'll be good to see you in June!
Hey...yeah...its gotten pretty crazy. No, you don't need to show ME how to drive! You need to show these CRAZIES how to drive! Haha!
Well, I guess its mostly snacking. I'll go get a hanful of this. Then go back and get a handful of that. I guess its "handfulling". Ha!
Its so subconscience. I don't even realize what I'm doing until its gone! That's awful, I know. It just has that hint of failure, that I can't deal with.
Thanks for the support! Love ya!
Hey LB,
Are you still keeping your food diary? I have a tendency to graze, but my doc/nut say 5-6 meals a day. Keeping the food diary helps me keep the calories in check. This evening while coaching (after working all day) I had the urge to graze. I had a few baby carrots and dip, 2 strawberries over about 3 hours.
I haven't exceeded 700 cal for the day.
Good luck and don't give up!!