I've had a WOW moment!!!
I very rarely wear suits to work, but this evening I will be putting on our annual ceremony/reception for graduating co-op students here at Virginia Tech and figured it would be appropriate. Well, I got out my suit, put it on, and the skirt fell right off me (luckily it didn't happen at work
). I pulled out my other suit (which I couldn't get over my hips last year), and the skirt is loose but at least stays on. When I got to work everyone commented on how nice I look in a suit (told you I don't wear them often) but went on to say that I really need to look into another one because the one I have on looks HUGE on me
This morning I also had a co-worker pull me aside and asked if I could talk to her more about the surgery later on today. Her mom has asked her to go to a WLS information session and needed support. I told her I would be happy to talk to about it, & I'm sending her mom to OH.com as well as letter her borrow other resources I have.
What a wonderful way to start out the day!

It feels great doesn't it! I just recently shifted jobs. I know wear a shirt and tie (professional) to work...I hadn't tried on my dress slacks since a funeral I went to in september. They were a little to big then and now well...they almost fell off at work! I'm glad I had on a belt...
Check out my profile if you'd like I took new pics this week... of work wear....got a question for you... if you and a coworker (of the opp. sex) have traded compliments back and forth... But he/she made it a point to get closer physically to you while showing you something... would you take that as a signal? or just shrug it off to them being a "close" talker/show-er... ? this might not make any sense... *shrug* who knows... I guess I'm just kind of slow when it comes to recognizing flirting as It never used to happen to me... I'm rambling... anyhow.. good job on losing out of clothes! sucks on the $$ side to have to replace suits but it feels damn good when people compliment you!

Hey Ross!
It looks like you are doing great! I wish I could get my husband into a shirt & tie. When he first started out in civil engineering, I bought him all of these cool ties and nice dress shirts. Unfortunately, he keeps finding places to work where he can wear jeans and no one wears ties
At least he's happy (I'm probably more jealous because jeans are banned in our office
As for your work situation...just be careful. If she is getting close, it is probably safe to say that she is comfortable being around you, but without seeing her in action, it is difficult to say to what level. Here's my little disclaimer...work place romance can be tricky. If is goes well & leads to romance, that's great (just keep work & afterwork life seperate), but if it goes south, be prepared for repercussions. Not just the tension of having an ex around, but with all of the sexual harrassement stuff going on, it is really difficult to give advise without knowing her. When I worked as a service advisor, this one girl before me had threated a technician with sexual harassment for telling her she looked pretty one day. If you knew this man, you would know how preposterous her claim was. It took me a month to get the technicians to even smile at me after she left. I finally told them if they every wanted to tell me I looked good, FEEL FREE!!! They loosened up after that
Don't forget, working at Career Services & being a management grad, I feel obligated to mention the possible negatives. Now, if you really like her & you think she is sending out signals, ask her out. That would let you know where she is coming from. Of course, I am assuming that you are both on the same work level. If it is a supervisor/supervisee situation, be flattered by the attention, but leave it be (at least for now).
Those are my thoughts on the subject, but I agree with Dianna. This would be a good post to put out there to Virginia. Of course, you are looking great!!! I'm not surprised your getting the attention
Good luck!

Hey Ross!
It looks like you are doing great! I wish I could get my husband into a shirt & tie. When he first started out in civil engineering, I bought him all of these cool ties and nice dress shirts. Unfortunately, he keeps finding places to work where he can wear jeans and no one wears ties At least he's happy (I'm probably more jealous because jeans are banned in our office )
As for your work situation...just be careful. If she is getting close, it is probably safe to say that she is comfortable being around you, but without seeing her in action, it is difficult to say to what level. Here's my little disclaimer...work place romance can be tricky. If is goes well & leads to romance, that's great (just keep work & afterwork life seperate), but if it goes south, be prepared for repercussions. Not just the tension of having an ex around, but with all of the sexual harrassement stuff going on, it is really difficult to give advise without knowing her. When I worked as a service advisor, this one girl before me had threated a technician with sexual harassment for telling her she looked pretty one day. If you knew this man, you would know how preposterous her claim was. It took me a month to get the technicians to even smile at me after she left. I finally told them if they every wanted to tell me I looked good, FEEL FREE!!! They loosened up after that
Don't forget, working at Career Services & being a management grad, I feel obligated to mention the possible negatives. Now, if you really like her & you think she is sending out signals, ask her out. That would let you know where she is coming from. Of course, I am assuming that you are both on the same work level. If it is a supervisor/supervisee situation, be flattered by the attention, but leave it be (at least for now).
Those are my thoughts on the subject, but I agree with Dianna. This would be a good post to put out there to Virginia. Of course, you are looking great!!! I'm not surprised your getting the attention